WP Delicious – Recipe Plugin for Food Bloggers (formerly Delicious Recipes)

July 23, 2024

WP Delicious – Recipe Plugin for Food Bloggers (formerly Delicious Recipes) Plugin

WP Delicious is an SEO-optimized and Schema-friendly recipe plugin for food bloggers to create and display unlimited recipes.

WP Delicious is a free WordPress recipe plugin that is flexible and very easy to use. It is a feature-rich plugin that creates and displays recipes from your WordPress Dashboard.

๐Ÿ‘‰ WP Delicious Pro is now available.

๐Ÿ‘‰ View Demo

๐Ÿ‘‰ Features | Recipe Themes | Documentation | Video Tutorials

In addition, WP Delicious is SEO optimized and schema-friendly. Therefore, this makes it a lot easier for search engines to rank your recipes higher and social networks to display information about your recipes accordingly.

The plugin includes lots of essential features like recipe image and video galleries, unlimited recipe creation, nutrition charts, detailed text instructions, printable recipe options, an advanced and powerful search, and many more.

The plugin also includes a User Dashboard which allows your readers to register on your website and browse your recipes. Your readers can even add your recipes to their favorites list.

In addition, your readers can also rate your recipes which will eventually boost your recipes ranking.

WP Delicious includes a Recipe Index page that lists all your recipes, making it easier for your readers to browse your published recipes.

WP Delicious uses the powerful WordPress REST API from WordPress core to create and manage recipes. The user interface is built using advanced WordPress development patterns using React JS and full compatibility with the new Gutenberg Editor.

Themes Compatible with WP Delicious Plugin

Key Features of WP Delicious

  • Onboarding Process – Upon the activation of the plugin, a detailed walkthrough is given during the onboarding process to customize the essential settings of the plugin quickly.

  • Unlimited Recipes – You can create unlimited professional-looking recipes for your extensive recipes website needs.

  • SEO-Friendly – It is Google Structured Data optimized and supports schema, which helps your recipes rank better and higher on search engines.

  • Beautiful Recipe Card – It has a clean and beautiful recipe card to elegantly display your recipes.

  • Advanced Search – The plugin includes an advanced search option that allows your readers to filter and find the recipes easily.

  • Pinterest Rich Pins Support – With the Schema markup, your recipes will appear on Pinterest as Rich Recipe Pins.

  • Recipe Archive Layouts – It has an amazing List and Grid layout available for displaying your recipes.

  • Star Rating – Your readers can rate your recipes and share their valuable feedback.

  • 6 Customizable Widgets – It has highly customizable and easy-to-use recipe widgets like Featured Recipes, Recipe Tags, Recipe Category, Popular Recipes, Recent Recipes and Recipe Keys.

  • User Dashboard – Your readers can easily register on your website, browse your recipes and add recipes to their favorites list.

  • Customizable Email Templates – You can customize different email templates sent to your readers on registration and password reset.

  • Custom Recipe Units – You can also add your custom units to predefined units for ingredients.

  • Custom Icons – You can easily upload custom icons for your recipe keys, courses, cooking methods and recipe tags.

  • Customize Colors – It allows you to customize the appearance of your recipes by choosing the colors of your choice.

  • Permalink Settings – You can easily change the permalinks to customize the URL structure as per your preference.

  • Surprise Me Feature – You can add this feature to your menu or through shortcode on posts and pages, which will load random recipes for your readers on click. It helps to improve user engagement on your site further.

  • Social Sharing – You can easily configure social sharing for Instagram and Pinterest.

  • Author Profile – You can display your information on each of your recipes along with your social media profiles.

  • Customizable Print Page – The plugin offers the flexibility to customize the appearance of your recipe print page. You can enable or disable the displayed information on the print page.

  • Nutrition Chart – You can display your recipes’ nutrition values and customize different settings related to them.

  • Image Gallery & Lightbox – You can add multiple images of your recipes to inspire your readers.

  • Video Gallery – If you have a step by step instruction video, you can also create a video gallery to make it easier for your readers to follow along.

  • Clean Interface – It has a clean and minimal user interface, making it easier for everyone to navigate and publish recipes.

9 Gutenberg Recipe Blocks

The WordPress recipe plugin includes 9 Gutenberg Recipe Blocks that offer you the flexibility to create and share your recipes. The blocks included are:

  • Dynamic Recipe Card – Using this block, you can add your recipes information within posts and pages by filling in the required information.

  • Recipe Details – This block allows you to add the information related to the recipes, such as difficulty level, recipe time, servings, calories, best seasons and so on.

  • Recipe Ingredients – With this block, you can add all ingredients required for preparing the recipes.

  • Recipe Instructions – Using this block, you can provide step-by-step instructions to prepare the recipes.

  • Recipe Nutrition – With this block, you can add the nutrition information of the recipes you are sharing.

  • Recipe Buttons – This block includes Jump to Recipes, Jump to Video and Print Recipe buttons making it easier for your readers to navigate.

  • Handpicked Recipes – This block allows you to select the published recipes and display them on your posts or pages. You can even create your custom list of recipes using this block to share it with your readers.

  • Recipes by Taxonomy – You can select the taxonomy and display the recipes published using this block. You can use this block to create your Recipe Index page as well.

  • Recipe Card – This block allows you to embed your published recipes within posts or pages.

WP Delicious Pro Features

  • Front End Recipe Submission – It enables recipe submission on your site to make it easier for your readers to submit recipes.

  • Analytics Dashboard – This feature helps you analyze the stats of every published, pending and submitted recipe in terms of total likes and ratings.

  • Promote Equipment You Use – The Pro version allows you to list different equipment you use to create your recipe on the recipe card. In addition, you can add affiliate links and promote the affiliate products to increase your websiteโ€™s revenue.

  • Floating Recipe Bar – It adds a sticky bar on your recipe post, including some essential features like Focused Reading mode, timer, social sharing, etc.

  • Advanced Rating System – With the Pro version, your readers can easily rate your recipes or ask questions. It also allows your readers to upload images while leaving the rating.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Upgrade to WP Delicious Pro


We have created step-by-step tutorials about using WP Delicious. You will find the answer to most of your questions in the tutorials below.

If you cannot find the answer to your questions, we encourage you to contact our support team via support ticket.

We also have an active Facebook Community of WP Delicious, where we discuss building and marketing recipe websites. We encourage you to join the community.


Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  3. Select delicious-recipes.zip from your computer
  4. Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download delicious-recipes.zip
  2. Extract the delicious-recipes directory to your computer
  3. Upload the delicious-recipes directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


  1. Recipe Cards block

    Recipe Cards block

  2. User Dashboard - Favorites

    User Dashboard - Favorites

  3. Settings - General Settings

    Settings - General Settings

  4. Settings - Recipe Details

    Settings - Recipe Details

  5. Settings - Appearance

    Settings - Appearance

  6. Settings - Social Share

    Settings - Social Share

  7. Settings - Nutrition

    Settings - Nutrition

  8. Recipes - Recipe Info

    Recipes - Recipe Info

  9. Recipes - Ingredients

    Recipes - Ingredients

  10. Recipes Instructions

    Recipes Instructions

  11. Recipes - Gallery

    Recipes - Gallery


Is WP Delicious plugin SEO and Schema Friendly?

Yes, WP Delicious plugin is crafted keeping better SEO practices in mind. Itโ€™s SEO-ready and Scheme-friendly design helps you outrank your competitors and land on higher search engine spots.

Will readers be able to rate the recipes and share their feedback?

Yes, your readers can easily read, share, and even rate all of your recipes. To further promote user engagement, this plugin also lets viewers leave their feedback on your recipes.

Does WP Delicious plugin work with any theme?

The WP Delicious WordPress plugin is compatible with most of the themes and WordPress version 5.1 or higher. However, the plugin may not render the same look as the compatible WordPress themes.

Therefore, we recommend using compatible themes to make sure the plugin works smoothly without any issues.

Is the WP Delicious plugin compatible with Gutenberg?

Yes, the WP Delicious plugin is fully compatible with Gutenberg. We have packed 9 Gutenberg blocks that make adding recipes a breeze.

Can I translate WP Delicious plugin into another language?

WP Delicious is a translation-ready plugin and supports localization. Thus, you can easily translate your recipes into any other language with a few clicks.

Will readers be able to print recipes easily?

Yes, readers will be able to print recipes easily. We have added a beautiful Print template to this plugin. It lets your viewers easily print out a hard copy of your recipes and even customize the template as they see fit.

Can I request a feature?

Yes, you can provide us with your valuable feedback for the WP Delicious plugin. You can easily submit your feature request here.


1.6.6 – 2024-07-23

  • Fixes: Resolved conflict with Elementor template compatibility.

1.6.5 – 2024-07-18

  • Compatibility Update for WP 6.6
  • New Feature: Introduced an option to import recipes from the Cooked plugin.
  • New Feature: Added an ingredients column feature.
  • New Feature: Implemented reCAPTCHA verification for comments on single recipe page.
  • Enhancement: Added a new filter option for related recipes.
  • Enhancement: Improved compatibility with Full Site Editing(FSE) themes.
  • Fixes: Resolved string translation issue.
  • Fixes: Resolved print screen issues.
  • Fixes: Addressed email image problems.
  • Fixes: Corrected design issues with recipe suggestions.
  • Fixes: Fixed word break issues for long words.
  • Fixes: Solved the issue of empty elements in the ingredients and instructions section for single recipe.

1.6.4 – 26th June 2024

  • New Feature: Added Related Recipes feature.
  • Enhancement: Added the option to select multiple best seasons for a recipe.
  • Enhancement: Updated plugin cover on wordpress.org.
  • Fixes: Corrected translation issue for best seasons.
  • Fixes: Ingredient quantity field now only accepts numbers.
  • Fixes: Resolved design issue with Post Navigation on Single Recipe page.
  • Fixes: Fixed CSS conflicts with other plugins and themes.

1.6.3 – 10th June 2024

  • Enhancement: Renamed the plugin to align with updated guidelines for enhanced clarity.
  • Enhancement: Updated plugin documentation to ensure accuracy and align with updated guidelines.
  • Fixes: Resolved translation inconsistencies related to best season.

1.6.2 – 4th June 2024

  • New Feature: Shoppable Recipe button with Chicory Integration.
  • Enhancement: Improved best season feature with custom seasons.
  • Enhancement: Added instruction placement options.
  • Enhancement: Expanded food icon selection for taxonomies.
  • Enhancement: Added lightbox for recipe instructions.
  • Enhancement: Improved input filtering for ingredient quantity.
  • Fixes: Resolved CSS conflict with RankMath SEO plugin.
  • Fixes: Fixed issues with user submitted food recipes.
  • Fixes: Resolved duplication and scaling issues with food ingredients.
  • Fixes: Updated settings and quick links.

1.6.1 – 13th May 2024

  • Enhancement: Moved reCAPTCHA settings to Miscellaneous tab.
  • Enhancement: Added close option to ingredients suggestion.
  • Fixes: Fixed ingredients suggestion issue.
  • Fixes: Removed placeholder for ingredients.
  • Fixes: Fixed bulk add modal text.

1.6.0 – 17th April 2024

  • Feature: New Dashboard UI Interface.
  • Refactor: Update the Plugin’s Name in WordPress.org.
  • Fix: Fixed term filter for Recipes by Taxonomy block issue.
  • Fix: Fixed Cloudflare and Cookie issue.

1.5.10 – 4th April 2024

  • Fix: Minor bug fixes.

1.5.9 – 3rd April 2024

  • Compatibility Update for WP 6.5.
  • Enhancement: Removed the feature to rate in decimal.
  • Enhancement: Changes the save changes notice to bottom.
  • Fix: Fixed warning shown on Rich Results Test for recipe video.
  • Fix: Removed double slash from url.
  • Fix: Fixed multiple meta description when SEO plugin activated issue.
  • Fix: Fixed issue related to editor field for Terms and Conditions on the User Dashboard.
  • Fix: Fixed ingredients quantity issue.
  • Fix: Fixed issue related to time indicator on Recipe Card.
  • Fix: Added alt attribute for custom icons.
  • Fix: Fixed issue with adding multiple nutritional facts.

1.5.8 – 5th March 2024

  • Compatibility: Templates compatibility with popular themes.
  • Enhancement: Add controls on all the blocks.

1.5.7 – 15th December 2023

  • Fix: Undefined index when listing nutrition

1.5.6 – 10th November 2023

  • Compatibility Update for WP 6.4

1.5.5 – 17th October 2023

  • New Feature: New settings option added to display Recipe Last Updated Date.
  • New Feature: Added Rank Math SEO content analyze feature to recipe post type meta box.
  • Fixes: Fixed Search OR relation post type and post status.
  • Fixes: Fixed Translation issues.
  • Fixes: Fixing the gap with Related Recipes with Full width option enabled.
  • Fixes: Added WEBP image support.
  • Fixes: Other minor design fixes.

1.5.4 – 21st August 2023

  • New Feature: Made the Recipe Description available for the print function.
  • New Feature: Added new Nutrition Chart Layout option.
  • New Feature: Added new recipe meta fields as Cooking Temp, Estimated Cost and Dietary (Taxonomy).
  • New Feature: Added AND|OR search logic option and implemented accordingly. Also, implemented the results count feature.
  • New Feature: Added Google reCAPTCHA option for user Registration form and Login Form.
  • Fixes: Fixed issue related to linking recipe taxonomies on the Dynamic Recipe Card Block
  • Fixes: Added a few missing strings from the translation list
  • Fixes: Disabled Global Settings submit until recipe global settings are loaded or saved.
  • Fixes: Removed sourceMappingURL indicator for CSS where .map file is not found.
  • Fixes: Timestamp support added for embedding video. The video popup is also removed from the Instruction Section.
  • Fixes: Recipe keys icons fix for the archive pages (list view).

1.5.3 – 4th July 2023

  • Fixes: Fixed minor styling issues.

1.5.2 – 29th April 2023

  • Fixes: Fixed compatibility issues with PHP 8.1.

1.5.1 – 30th March 2023

  • Fixes: Fixed javascripts strings translation issues.
  • Fixes: Toast notification issue when recipe is saved.
  • Fixes: Disabled Pinterest assets when not in use.
  • Enhancement: Added option to disable percent values in nutrition table.
  • Enhancement: Added support custom SVG icons.

1.5.0 – 14th March 2023

  • Fixes: Corrected nutrition units.
  • Fixes: Removed mandatory rate of the recipe while replying to a comment.
  • Fixes: Fixed issue with Gallery popup close button.
  • Fixes: Removed unwanted CSS and fonts.
  • Fixes: Fixed some translation-related issues.
  • Fixes: Fixed issue with recipe card blocks.
  • Fixes: Fixed issue with the Login form modal.
  • Enhancement: Added paginations in the user’s dashboard recipe listings.

1.4.9 – 9th January 2023

  • Enhancement: RTL compatibility is improved.
  • Enhancement: Some of the part of recipe card is refined and removed unnecessary CSS.
  • Fixes: Minor design refinement and bug fixes.

1.4.8 – 22nd December 2022

  • New Feature: Added compatibility with Rating without comments feature.
  • Enhancement: Improved Recipe card design
  • Fixes: Minor design fixes and refinement

1.4.7 – 21st November 2022

  • New Feature: Added an option to adjust recipe servings based on scale and increment.
  • Enhancement: Recipe ingredients quantity can now be displayed in fractions.
  • Fixes: Minor design fixes and refinement.

1.4.6 – 9th November 2022

  • Fixes: Site health warning issue is fixed

1.4.5 – 3rd November 2022

  • Fixes: Missing autoload file

1.4.4 – 2nd November 2022

  • New Feature: Added an option to enable/disable default session system.
  • New Feature: Search bar in Favorites Section.
  • New Feature: Added an option to add missing nutritional elements.
  • Enhancement: Feature to open the print preview in a new tab.
  • Enhancement: Set review stars as 5 star ratings by default.
  • Fixes: Like button in the floating bar not working is fixed.
  • Fixes: Undefined index issue is fixed.
  • Fixes: Search page pagination issue in homepage is fixed.
  • Fixes: Fixed the JS error thrown in console and minor UI refinements.

1.4.3 – 26th August 2022

  • Fixes: Activation pages and role creation issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Color Picker issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Minor fixes.

1.4.2 – 7th July 2022

  • Fixes: DR Free loading priority changes for Pro activation.
  • Fixes: Design issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Minor fixes.

1.4.1 – 6th July 2022

  • Enhancement: Cookies filter priority changes.
  • Fixes: Updated wrong argument count for update_option() in class-wp-session.
  • Fixes: Search Page JS issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Design issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Minor fixes.

1.4.0 – 5th July 2022

  • Enhancement: Print Page scripts loading enchancement.
  • Enhancement: Ingredients quantity increment decrement enhancements.
  • Fixes: Design issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Minor fixes.

1.3.9 – 17th May 2022

  • Fixes: Resolved blank Settings Page issue.
  • Fixes: Resolved conflict with WPForms plugin.
  • Fixes: Minor fixes.

1.3.8 – 11th May 2022

  • New Feature: Shortcode [dr_recipe_archives] support added for recipe listings with num_posts, carousel, layout, taxonomy, and terms parameters.
  • New Feature: Archive Pagination: Supports numbered or infinite pagination for taxonomy and search pages.
  • Enhancement: Admin menu splitted into two sections: Recipes and WP Delicious.
  • Enhancement: Ingredients quantity decimal count rounded to 2 decimal places.
  • Fixes: Ingredients quantity counter increment/decrement fix while print is disabled.
  • Fixes: Videos not playing in Instructions section fix.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.3.7 – 21st April 2022

  • Fixes: Videos not playing in lightGallery fix.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.3.6 – 11th April 2022

  • New Feature: Recipe FAQs: Add FAQs for Recipe with FAQ schema support.
  • New Feature: Recipe Badge: Assign a badge to a recipe with search compatibility.
  • New Feature: Card Layouts: Two new card layouts added in Recipe Single and Recipe Card Block.
  • New Feature: Recipe Count: Displays submitted recipes count and list per registered user in Users table.
  • New Feature: Affiliate Link: Add affiliate link to your recipe.
  • Enhancement: Filter added for Recipe Session and Cookies.
  • Enhancement: Replace Magnific Popup with lightGallery.
  • Enhancement: Posts per page enhancement in Handpicked Recipes Block.
  • Fixes: ‘Recipe Card not found’ issue resolved in Recipe Card Block.
  • Fixes: Profile Image upload issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Responsive design issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.3.5 – 15th March 2022

  • Enhancement: Security issue fixes.
  • Enhancement: Turkish translations added in the plugin.
  • Enhancement: Color Picker enhancement.
  • Fixes: Equipment shortcode copy button issue fixes.
  • Fixes: String translation support added for placeholder texts.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.3.4 – 24th December 2021

  • Enhancement: Description metadata enhancements.
  • Enhancement: Calories added for nutrition metadata.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.3.3 – 25th November 2021

  • Enhancement: Improved the UX for User Dashboard Menu in mobile devices.
  • Enhancement: Improved the display of Review in the meta.
  • Fixes: Conflict resolved with WooCommerce Review plugin.
  • Fixes: Fixed the Dynamic Recipe Card Block issue.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.3.2 – 31st August 2021

  • New Feature: Recipe keys and Recipe tags filter added for Recipe Search.
  • Enhancement: Ingredient and Instruction section sorting enhancements.
  • Fixes: Enable/Disable FontAwesome Icons JS configurations added.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.3.1 – 23rd August 2021

  • Fixes: Compatibility fixes for WP Delicious Pro.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.3.0 – 23rd August 2021

  • Fixes: Compatibility update for new features.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.2.4 – 9th August 2021

  • Fixes: Permalink settings update issue resolved.
  • Fixes: H1 tags changed to H2 on registration forms for SEO purposes.
  • Fixes: Vimeo thumbnail and video play issue resolved.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.2.3 – 28th July 2021

  • Enhancement: WordPress 5.8 compatibility updates.
  • Enhancement: Deprecated filter and unsupported attributes resolved.
  • Fixes: Sidebar missing in Search page resolved.
  • Fixes: Recipe search overriding posts search resolved.
  • Fixes: User Dashboard form displayed on print page fixed.
  • Fixes: rel nofollow noopener added for social links.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.2.2 – 3rd June 2021

  • Enhancement: Search Recipe simple factor filters enhancements.
  • Enhancement: Instructions and Ingredients section titles added on Print screen.
  • Fixes: Handpicked Recipes block initial load and draft recipe issue resolved.
  • Fixes: Smooth scroll conflict with Woocommerce resolved.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.2.1 – 27th May 2021

  • Enhancement: Updated Wishlists to Favorites.
  • Enhancement: Email header image enhancements.
  • Fixes: Authenticated arbitrary file upload vulnerability fixes.
  • Fixes: Recipe Print page JS library optimizations.
  • Fixes: Escaping and sanitizing data.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.2.0 – 24th May 2021

  • New Feature: User Dashboard: Add a user dashboard to your website, where users can sign up, browse recipes, add to their favorites.
  • New Feature: Favorites: Create a personalized list with your favorite recipes.
  • New Feature: Email Templates: Customizable email templates for new user created and reset password.
  • Enhancement: Enable/disable Pinit Button settings added.
  • Fixes: Reordering description and ingredients position in the Print page template.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.8 – 19th April 2021

  • Enhancement: Print page excluded from Google Search, ‘noindex’ meta tag added.
  • Enhancement: WP Rocket and Avada Lazy load disabled on Print page.
  • Enhancement: Search form modification for multilangual search compatibility.
  • Enhancement: SEO Meta description support added for single recipe pages.
  • Fixes: Intl extension check added, to resolve fatal error on Recipe archive page.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.7 – 6th April 2021

  • New Feature: Settings added: Enable/Disable Recipe Featured Image.
  • New Feature: Settings added: Enable/Disable automatic cropping of featured image in recipe single, archive and search pages.
  • Enhancement: Sorting words with Accents.
  • Enhancement: WPML config file updated.
  • Fixes: Time calculation in Dynamic Recipe card and Recipe Details block fixed.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.6 – 16th March 2021

  • Enhancement: Text edit support added on Text editor mode.
  • Enhancement: Recipe Tag permalink support added.
  • Enhancement: “Recipes by Ingredient” search enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Freemius 2.4.2 updated.
  • Enhancement: WPML config file updated with missing strings.
  • Fixes: Conflict resolved with Elementor.
  • Fixes: jQuery deprication issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Recipe design issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.5 – 8th March 2021

  • Enhancement: WordPress 5.7 compatibility testing.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.4 – 8th March 2021

  • New Feature: Recipe Onboarding Wizard for first time installation.
  • New Feature: What’s New page with helpful links added to Admin Menu.
  • Enhancement: WordPress 5.7 compatibility testing.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.3 – 25th February 2021

  • Fixes: WPML config file added.
  • Fixes: Recipes by Taxonomy block issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Small size custom icons upload issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Video embeds and shortcode support added for Instructions and Description.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.2 – 12th February 2021

  • New Feature: Custom Icons: A feature to upload custom icons for Taxonomies.
  • New Feature: Custom Units: A feature to add custom quantity units for ingredients.
  • New Feature: Mark as complete: A feature to mark your instruction steps as complete.
  • Enhancement: WPML compatibility support added.
  • Fixes: Classic Editor collapsible issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Decimal support added for nutrition fields
  • Fixes: Design issue fixes.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.1 – 3rd Feature 2021

  • Fixes: Nutrition Facts Schema enhancements.
  • Fixes: Translation enhancements.
  • Fixes: Ingredient measurement units translation fixes for Pinterest Card.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.1.0 – 26th January 2021

  • New Feature: Gutenberg Blocks: Recipe Nutrition and Recipe Buttons blocks added.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.0.9 – 12th January 2021

  • Fixes: Typo fixes and string updates.
  • Fixes: Minor design fixes.

1.0.8 – 11th January 2021

  • New Feature: Gutenberg Blocks: Dynamic Recipe Card, Recipe Ingredients, Recipe Instructions and Recipe Details blocks added.
  • New Feature: Structured Data support added for Dynamic Recipe Card block.
  • New Feature: Print Recipe support added for Dynamic Recipe Card block.
  • Enhancement: SVG and Design enhancements.
  • Enhancement: Compatibility added for WordPress 5.6 and PHP 8.
  • Fixes: Widgets and translation enhancements.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.0.7 – 15th December 2020

  • Fixes: Recipes by Taxonomy block enhancement.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.0.6 – 4th December 2020

  • New Feature: ‘Surprise Me’ shortcode and nav menu link added.
  • Enhancement: Freemius integration added.
  • Enhancement: MAC responsive design enhancement.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.

1.0.5 – 24th November 2020

  • Enhancement: Translation support for best season and difficulty level strings.
  • Fixes: Resolved issue with Classic Editor.
  • Fixes: Minor bug fixes.
  • Fixes: Minor responsive design fixes.

1.0.4 – 23rd October 2020

  • New Feature: Recipes Import: WP Recipe Maker support added.
  • Enhancement: Translation support for admin JS strings.
  • Enhancement: Added new Recipe Editor user role.
  • Fixes: Minor design fixes.

1.0.3 – 16th October 2020

  • New Feature: Gutenberg Blocks: Recipe Card block added.
  • Enhancement: Admin strings translation support added.
  • Enhancement: Added support for popup gallery even when recipe featured image is not set.
  • Fixes: Nutrition Facts display issue resolved.
  • Fixes: Minor design fixes.

1.0.2 – 14th October 2020

  • Enhancement: Compatibility added for Blossom Recipe, Blossom Recipe Pro theme.
  • Fixes: Typography fixes for plugin supported pages.
  • Fixes: Private recipe view issue resolved.
  • Fixes: Minor design fixes.

1.0.1 – 13th October 2020

  • New Feature: Recipes Import: Blossom Recipe Maker support added.
  • New Feature: Gutenberg Blocks: Handpicked Recipes and Recipes by Taxonomy added.
  • Fixes: Draft recipe preview issue resolved.
  • Fixes: Minor design fixes.

1.0.0 – 2nd October 2020

  • Initial Release.


  • Version: 1.6.6
  • Active installations: 5,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.1
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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