Debug Elementor

July 06, 2019

Debug Elementor Plugin

Debugging plugin for Elementor to display post/page data saved by Elementor page builder.

A must plugin for admins, developers, and support staff that use Elementor Page Builder. Debug Elementor helps you save time and effort when trying to figure out what’s wrong with Elementor.

Instead of hardcoding debug snippets, writing complex code to return post meta data from the database, or trying to remember the credentials to you sites phpMyAdmin, you can simply use this plugin to display all the relevant post data stored by Elementor.

Debug Elementor provides information visible from the sites front-end. This way external experts can help you troubleshooting issues with Elementor. The plugin displays basic post data and other related information when you are debugging your page. You get basic post data and additional data saved by Elementor.

See whether the post is using Elementor or not, see the CSS generated by Elementor for each post, and the entire elements structure – including all the sections, the columns, the widgets and all the saved data!!

To display the post data just add /feed/elementor/ to the post/page URL: 

Note that if you are trying to view the data on your browser, it’s strongly recommended to use JSON decoder like JSON Formatter for Chrome.


  1. Post feed with Elementor data.

    Post feed with Elementor data.


The plugin doesn’t work, what should I do?

After activating the plugin you need to flush the sites rewrite rules. Simply go to Settings > Permalink and click the “Save Changes” button.

How do I use Debug Elementor?

Navigate to any post in your site front-end and add /feed/elementor/ to the post URL. It will display the relevant post data needed for debugging.

What information do I get?

The plugin displays the post data and additional data saved by Elementor page builder. It shows you whether the page is using Elementor? Elementor version, Elementor data, Elementor CSS and more.

You can see the sections list, all the inner columns, all the widgets in use, and all the data saved for each element.



  • Initial release.


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 5.2.17
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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