DC Simple Share Buttons

April 09, 2014

DC Simple Share Buttons Plugin

A set of very simple social sharing buttons that loads pretty fast (no javascript, no images).

As the name implies, this social sharing plugin is simple and loads pretty fast. The buttons do not rely on external resources to load, it’s written in PHP, HTML and CSS.

There’s an option to show the buttons on posts and pages. You can also put the buttons anywhere in your template using this template tag:

<?php dc_social_share_tag(); ?> 

You can also display using this shortcode in single posts and pages:


Please note that these buttons do not show share counts. The essence of the whole thing is to keep it very simplified.

The only button that requires a little snippet of JS to work is the Pinterest button but this does not slow down your site in anyway. A demo of the plugin can be seen here: http://geek.ng/


  1. Upload ‘plugin-name.php’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress

You can also upload directly from WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Upload. Activate the plugin and you’re good to go.


  1. Share buttons appearance at the frontend

    Share buttons appearance at the frontend

  2. Plugin backend settings

    Plugin backend settings


How do I show share counts?

This plugin isn’t meant to do that. The essence of the whole thing is to keep it simplified?

How do I show the buttons in certain areas of my websites not available through the plugin settings… for example, above posts?

You can use the template tag below:

<?php dc_social_share_tag(); ?> 

You can also use this shortcode:


Can I change the “Like this article?” text?

Yes, you can use any custom text. You can set that through the settings page. If you’re also using the template tag, you can simply write it this way:

<?php dc_social_share_tag('Custom Text Here'); ?> 


Version 1.0

Initial release.


  • Version: 1.0
  • Active installations: 90
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 3.7.41


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