Date counter - is just a 9 kilobytes WordPress plugin.
Date counter – is just a 9 kilobytes WordPress plugin.
Easily display the current date or calculate the difference between two dates.
Current date & time: [CurrentDatetime format="d/m/Y H:i"]. Current date & time: 05.07.2021 12:48. [CurrentDatetime format="jS F, Y"]. 6th July, 2021. It's [CurrentDatetime format="g:i A (e)"]. It's 10:35 AM (UTC).
You can find all possible formats in documentation.
I'm [DatetimeDifference startDate="1998-08-25" endDate="now" format="Y"] years old. I'm 23 years old now. [DatetimeDifference startDate="31.12.2020" endDate="now" format="a"] days have passed since the new year. 187 days have passed since the new year. Tomorrow's trip at 14:35 (2:35 PM) starts in [DatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="07.07.2021 14:35" format="h hours & i minutes"]. Tomorrow's trip at 14:35 (2:35 PM) starts in 8 hours & 34 minutes.
You can find all possible formats in documentation.
The store will open in [TotalDatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="16.07.2021 8:00" format="i"] minutes today. The store will open in 19 minutes today. [TotalDatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="25.08.2025" format="d"] days left until my b-day. 39 days left until my b-day.
You can find all possible formats in documentation.
[DatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="+1day" format="d"] [TotalDatetimeDifference startDate="-3years" endDate="now" format="d"]
[DatetimeDifference startDate="post:created" endDate="now" format="d"] [TotalDatetimeDifference startDate="now" endDate="post:modified" format="d"]
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.Fixed exception messages in DatetimeDifference and TotalDatetimeDiffrence classes. Added support for creation and modification dates of the current post.
Redesigned plugin: added new features and simplified general workflow.
Added support for Time Zone management. You can now change the time zone using the WordPress settings.