Date Calculator

February 20, 2018

Date Calculator Plugin

Date Calculator returns the current date via shortcode and it can calculate it into an other and returns it in posts, pages and also in CF7-forms.

The Date Calculator plugin has NOW three basic functions.

    1. It returns the current date via the shortcode [date_now] in posts, pages and also in Contact Form 7-forms.
    1. It can calculate a date up [date_add] or down [date_sub] and returns it in posts, pages and also in Contact Form 7 forms.
    1. It can say a special date [date_say] like last monday or second friday of next month and returns it in posts, pages and also in Contact Form 7 forms.

NEW IN VERSION 1.2.0: Now it is also possible to determine the date format!!!

This plugin enable the shortcode-support within Contact Form 7-forms so that the Date Calculator-shortcodes can also be used there.


  1. Upload the unziped date_calculator folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory -or- install the plugin via WordPress build-in Plugin-Installation-Function.

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


  1. <p>The shortcode documentation</p>

    The shortcode documentation

  2. <p>Use the shortcodes on posts, pages, widgets and in CF7-Forms</p>

    Use the shortcodes on posts, pages, widgets and in CF7-Forms

  3. <p>Make your thing</p>

    Make your thing


Installation Instructions

  1. Upload the unziped date_calculator folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory -or- install the plugin via WordPress build-in Plugin-Installation-Function.

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

How are the shortcodes?

The following shortcodes are available:
[date_add day=”1″ month=”1″ year=”1″ show=”dayonly/monthonly/yearonly” format=”d.m.Y”]
[date_sub day=”1″ month=”1″ year=”1″ show=”dayonly/monthonly/yearonly” format=”m/d/Y”]

You need more examples?

Calculating the date down:

Suppose today is the 01.10.2014

[date_sub day="1"] returns: 30.09.2014 [date_sub month="3"] returns: 01.07.2014 [date_sub year="4"] returns: 01.10.2010 [date_sub day="1" month="3" year="4"] returns: 30.06.2010 

Calculating the date up:

Suppose today is the 01.10.2014

[date_add day="1"] returns: 02.10.2014 [date_add month="3"] returns: 01.01.2015 [date_add year="4"] returns: 01.10.2018 [date_add day="1" month="3" year="4"] returns: 02.01.2018 

Displaying of certain date parts:

It is also possible to only impersonate one part of the date, for example, only the day
This is specified with the “show-parameter”.
Suppose today is the 01.10.2014

[date_add day="1" show="dayonly"] returns: 02 [date_add month="3" show="monthonly"] returns: 01 [date_add year="4" show="yearonly"] returns: 2018 [date_sub day="1" show="dayonly"].[date_sub month="3" show="monthonly"] returns: 30.07 [date_add year="0" show="yearonly"]-[date_add month="1" show="monthonly"]-[date_add day="1" show="dayonly"] returns: 2014-11-02 

Returning a special date in your own format:

It is also possible to impersonate a special date, in your desired format. This is specified with the format-parameter.
Suppose today is the 01.10.2016

[date_say what=”next monday” format=”m/d/Y”] returns: 10/03/2016
[date_say what=”next monday” format=”j. F Y”] returns: 3. October 2016

For more details please look in to the documentation within the plugin.



Update: February 19, 2018

  • Ready for WP 5.0.


Update: August 02, 2016

  • New feature to set your own date-format.
  • New feature to set a special date like ‘next monday’ or ‘second friday of next month’.


Update: July 30, 2016

  • Ready for WP 4.6.


Update: September 20, 2014

  • Prevent Direct Access of PlugIn-File.


Release Date: September 9, 2014

  • First Release.


  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 3.6
  • Tested up to: 5.0.22


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