Datafeedr API

July 05, 2024

Datafeedr API Plugin

Connect to the Datafeedr API.


The Datafeedr API plugin requires that you have an active Datafeedr API Product subscription. Purchase Subscription.

The Datafeedr API provides access to our database of affiliate products. We have aggregated over 950,000,000 products from over 27,000+ merchants and 35+ affiliate networks. We have indexed and normalized the product data making it easy for you to search for and find products you want to promote on your website.

The Datafeedr API plugin currently integrates with the following plugins:

The Datafeedr API plugin provides the interface to connect to the Datafeedr API and perform the following tasks:

  • Configure your API connection settings.
  • Select affiliate networks you are a member of.
  • Select merchants who have approved you.
  • Add your affiliate network affiliate IDs.
  • Import/export your selection of affiliate networks and/or merchants.
  • View your API account usage.

The Datafeedr API plugin was built to be extended. The Datafeedr API plugin contains its own functions that third party developers can use to connect to the Datafeedr API, make search requests or display an ‘advanced search’ form. We encourage other developers to build on top of the Datafeedr API plugin.

Additionally, we have written plugins that integrate the Datafeedr API plugin with WooCommerce.

For personal-use only. Please contact us if you have any questions.



This section describes how to install and configure the plugin:

  1. Upload the datafeedr-api folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the Datafeedr API plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Enter your Datafeedr API keys here: WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Configuration
  4. Select the affiliate networks you are a member of here: WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Networks
  5. Select the merchants who have approved you here: WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Merchants


  1. API key configuration

    API key configuration

  2. Network selection

    Network selection

  3. Merchant selection

    Merchant selection

  4. Account usage overview

    Account usage overview


Where can I get help?

Our support area can be found here: This support area is open to everyone.


1.3.19 – 2024/07/05

  • Fixed “tested up to” version

1.3.18 – 2024/07/05

  • Updated “tested up to” value

1.3.17 – 2024/02/29

  • Updated “tested up to” value

1.3.16 – 2023/11/10

  • Updated “tested up to” value

1.3.15 – 2023/05/02

  • Added public property to Dfrapi_Account class.

1.3.14 – 2023/05/01

  • Prevent merchants.js from loading in Customizer view.

1.3.13 – 2023/04/26

  • Added “Stock Quantity” as a search option to the Product Sets search form.

1.3.12 – 2023/03/27

  • Increase network and merchant caching time from one day to one month.

1.3.11 – 2023/02/16

  • Removed outdated “Date Created” sort by options from search form.

1.3.10 – 2023/02/08

  • White space and spelling fixes.

1.3.9 – 2023/01/06

  • Removed array_multisort() from Effiliation and Partnerize admin notices because of “inconsistent array sizes” errors.

1.3.8 – 2022/11/28

  • Added support for TimeOne affiliate network.
  • Added support for Partnerize Sweden.
  • Fixed bug where Dfrapi_SearchForm::ajaxHandler() method was returning all merchants when $value was empty.

1.3.7 – 2022/10/28

  • Updated “tested up to” values.

1.3.6 – 2022/10/21

  • Added PHP url host to options array in DatafeedrApi constructor to provide better usage analytics.

1.3.5 – 2022/08/23

  • Added support for Partnerize France.
  • Added support for Partnerize Denmark.

1.3.4 – 2022/07/15

  • Added SKU (sku) as a searchable field in the Product Sets search form.

1.3.3 – 2022/07/11

  • Updated readme.
  • Update links to new member’s website.

1.3.2 – 2022/05/09

  • Added support for new affiliate network: Addrevenue.

1.3.1 – 2022/03/21

  • Added dfrapi_get_fields_from_product() function.
  • Added dfrapi_get_install_plugin_url() function.
  • Added dfrapi_get_activate_plugin_url() function.
  • Added dfrapi_plugin_is_installed() function.
  • Added dfrapi_parse_plugin_path() function.
  • Replaced some conditionals with ternary operator.

1.3.0 – 2022/02/16

  • General code refactor and file rearranging.
  • Updated API usage over 90% notice.
  • Updated Missing affiliate IDs notice.
  • Updated No networks selected notice.
  • Updated No merchants selected notice.
  • Added User account data helper functions.
  • Removed all functionality from Env file.
  • Moved functions and actions into appropriate files.
  • Fixed undefined index related to “adservice_mid”.
  • Removed old, unused action.
  • Prevented the selection of Belboon, Effiliation and Partnerize networks if required keys were missing.
  • Moved the searchform require to all pages, not just admin.
  • Added helper functions for group IDs.
  • Added new function that gets affiliate ID by network ID.

1.2.17 – 2022/02/10

  • Fixed bug related to DFRAPI_DOMAIN missing.

1.2.16 – 2022/02/10

  • Replaced all occurrences of DFRAPI_DOMAIN with 'datafeedr-api'.
  • Replaced references to “’datafeedr-api/datafeedr-api.php’withDFRAPI_BASENAME`.
  • Removed datafeedr-api-v2.php file and related Wuwei code (which wasn’t doing anything).
  • Moved all code from datafeedr-api-v1.php to the main datafeedr-api.php file.
  • Removed the zanox_client.php library and some code related to Zanox.
  • Updated Requirements in the readme file.
  • Added Requires PHP: 7.4 to readme.txt header and plugin header.
  • Added new register_activation_hook to ensure that the Datafeedr API plugin cannot be activated at the Network level on Multisite installs.
  • Moved WordPress Version check to register_activation_hook instead of a regular action.

1.2.15 – 2022/01/25

  • Fixed bug where get_option( 'dfrapi_transient_whitelist', [] ) didn’t always return an array.

1.2.14 – 2022/01/12

  • Made “matches” the default option in the search drop down menu instead of “contains”. issues/668

1.2.13 – 2021/12/15

  • Added new admin_notices api.
  • Added new error notice if 1,000 or more merchants are selected.
  • Added some new helper functions related to merchants.
  • Rewrote some of the existing admin_notices

1.2.12 – 2021/11/29

  • Added new getQueryScore() method to DatafeedrSearchRequestBase class.
  • Added score to API $response array.
  • Removed [Add All] button from list of Merchants on WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Merchants page to prevent thousands of merchants being selected inadvertently.
  • Updated URLs to Docs and Contact page.
  • Fixed missing action links on WordPress Admin Area > Plugins page.

1.2.11 – 2021/11/17

  • Added new “Product ID” Product Set search filter. Now you can search by a specific Product ID.
  • Added new “Barcode” Product Set search filter. Now you can search products by EAN, UPC or GTIN.
  • Added new “Has Barcode” Product Set search filter. Now you can include or exclude products based on whether or not they have a Barcode (ie. UPC, EAN or GTIN).

1.2.10 – 2021/10/14

  • Added support for a new Nordic-oriented affiliate network: Adservice

1.2.9 – 2021/10/03

  • Fixed bug where “missing affiliate IDs” error appeared for Partnerize Spain.
  • Fixed bug where “missing affiliate IDs” error appeared for Partnerize Ireland.

1.2.8 – 2021/07/07

  • Added support for GoAffPro affiliate network.
  • Added support for Digital Advisor affiliate network.

1.2.7 – 2021/04/21

  • Fixed bug where products ending with “.” resulted in image ending with double “..”.
  • Fixed bug where product names which were very long were causing image imports to fail.

1.2.6 – 2021/03/23

  • Fixed bug where image URL file names greater than 255 characters were returning a “failed to open stream: File name too long” resulting in a “mime_type_indeterminable” error. Now temporary file names are truncated at 200 characters. This is only related to temporary file names, not the final file name.

1.2.5 – 2021/03/19

  • Added new “condition” field to Product Set search form.

1.2.4 – 2021/03/11

  • Added source and merchant as possible query params.

1.2.3 – 2021/03/05

  • Added new In Stock filter to Product Set Search form. 🙂

1.2.2 – 2021/03/03

  • Complete rewrite of image importer.
  • Added support for Jetpack Photon library when importing ‘difficult’ images and when Jetpack is active.

1.2.1 – 2021/02/18

  • Remove @ from dfrapi_api_get_query_param() function.
  • Fixed issue where dfrapi_request_effiliation_affiliate_ids() returns WP_Error and was not handled properly.

1.2.0 – 2021/02/15

  • Added new ActionScheduler wrapper functions.
  • Added more image verification checks to Datafeedr_Image_Importer::media_sideload_image() function.

1.1.5 – 2021/02/01

  • Added new Size and Gender search filters to the Product Sets search form.

1.1.4 – 2021/01/29

  • Added Site Health Info

1.1.3 – 2021/01/22

  • Added support for Profitshare

1.1.2 – 2021/01/20

  • Added support for Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) currency
  • Added “Test API Connection” tool to Tools page.

1.1.1 – 2021/01/14

  • Added Dfrapi_Cron class.

1.1.0 – 2021/01/11

  • Added warning to The Affiliate Gateway affiliate ID input area on Networks page if SID is not set.
  • Added new Dfrapi_Price class.
  • Added new Dfrapi_Currency class.
  • Added helper function to instantiate Dfrapi_Price class.
  • Added helper function to instantiate Dfrapi_Currency class.
  • Added more string helper functions.
  • Added Material as a searchable field in the Searchform.

1.0.125 – 2020/12/29

  • Prevent Belboon affiliate ID from being entered before Adspace ID is entered.
  • Added a price.php file but not active yet.

1.0.124 – 2020/12/28

  • Added support for new style of Belboon links.
  • Fixed jQuery handlers like .click(), .keyup(), .change(), .submit() to use .on() or .trigger() methods instead.

1.0.123 – 2020/12/15

  • Added support for Admitad.

1.0.122 – 2020/12/01

  • Fixed issue where ref_url was requested for Amazon products.

1.0.121 – 2020/11/27

  • Added product ID as a sort parameter in the search form.

1.0.120 – 2020/11/03

  • Added support for additional Amazon locales
  • Removed Zanox Brazil from available option

1.0.119 – 2020/10/28

  • Added link to doc article for 2Performant.

1.0.118 – 2020/10/27

  • Added new network 2Performant (Romania)

1.0.117 – 2020/10/12

  • Fixed some broken network icons.

1.0.116 – 2020/10/12

  • Skipped

1.0.115 – 2020/09/10

  • Optimized unapproved_effiliation_merchants_exist() query.

1.0.114 – 2020/09/10

  • Fixed issue with Effiliation affiliate ID loading.

1.0.113 – 2020/07/29

  • Added support for HUF and RUB currencies.

1.0.112 – 2020/04/29

  • Replacing network group names with group IDs.

1.0.111 – 2020/04/19

  • Fixed bug with Awin and TheAffiliateGateway on Networks page.

1.0.110 – 2020/03/30

  • Fixed link to Rakuten doc.

1.0.109 – 2020/03/26

  • Added support for ADCELL.

1.0.108 – 2020/03/11

  • Added support for Amazon NL.

1.0.107 – 2020/02/24

1.0.106 – 2019/11/20

  • Updated Helpscout beacon

1.0.105 – 2019/11/12

  • Updated readme.

1.0.104 – 2019/10/15

  • Added Merchant Limit filter to Search Form.

1.0.103 – 2019/08/06

  • Updated Networks page to support new Partnerize networks.

1.0.102 – 2019/05/24

  • Provided support for The Affiliate Gateway SID field.

1.0.101 – 2019/05/21

  • Added support for The Affiliate Gateway network.
  • Added new “_owner_datafeedr” meta key for all images imported via the datafeedr_import_image() function. This can include a meta_value of the plugin doing the importing as well.

1.0.100 – 2019/05/06

  • Updated readme.

1.0.99 – 2019/04/23

  • Updated readme.

1.0.98 – 2019/04/11

  • Changed TRUE to true in searchform.php render() function.
  • Added a width/height check in the image importer. Handles failed imports like Patagonia images.

1.0.97 – 2019/03/23

  • Fixed missing FlexOffers logo.

1.0.96 – 2019/03/22

  • Made plugin ready for upcoming FlexOffers support.

1.0.95 – 2019/02/19

  • Updated readme.

1.0.94 – 2019/02/11

  • Added Awin API token field so that only approved Awin programs are listed under Awin Merchants on this page: WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Merchants > Awin [Country]

1.0.93 – 2018/12/19

  • Added support for Australia and Turkey for Amazon API queries.

1.0.92 – 2018/12/07

  • Updated readme.

1.0.91 – 2018/07/31

  • Added tid option for Partnerize on Networks page.

1.0.90 – 2018/07/30

  • Changed more “Performance Horizon” references to “Partnerize”.

1.0.89 – 2018/07/20

  • Added support for Partnerize.

1.0.88 – 2018/07/16

  • Added new Partnerize logos.
  • Deleted old PJN logos.

1.0.87 – 2018/07/13

  • Changed height of network and merchant pop-up modal.

1.0.85 – 2018/05/07

  • Fixed tiny bug in Beacon code.

1.0.84 – 2018/05/07

  • Added HelpScout Beacon to Datafeedr-specific pages for in-app documentation and support.

1.0.83 – 2018/04/11

  • Removed old affiliate network icons and logos.

1.0.82 – 2018/04/11

  • Fixed bug where images could not be imported if their file name was too long. Set limit to 100 characters.

1.0.81 – 2018/03/29

  • Added support for Effiliation affiliate network.

1.0.80 – 2018/02/20

  • Fixed form action on networks page.

1.0.79 – 2018/02/08

  • Set API retry attempts to 3 if connection to API timesout. (#15364)

1.0.78 – 2018/01/19

  • Added dfrapi_string_starts_with() helper function.

1.0.77 – 2018/01/17

  • Updated “Tested up to” value.
  • Added for GitHub.

1.0.76 – 2018/01/10

  • Fixed bug related to new dependency class.

1.0.75 – 2018/01/10

  • Made more changes to the Datafeedr_Plugin_Dependency class + doc blocks.

1.0.74 – 2018/01/09

  • Changed return values of Datafeedr_Image_Importer::import().
  • Removed some public methods from Datafeedr_Image_Importer.
  • Added new Datafeedr_Plugin_Dependency class. Still needs doc blocks.

1.0.73 – 2018/01/08

  • Changed protected method to public.

1.0.72 – 2018/01/08

  • Changed @return doc of datafeedr_import_image() function.
  • Added new Datafeedr_Timer trait.
  • Added new methods and filters to Datafeedr_Image_Importer class.

1.0.71 – 2018/01/05

  • Added new Datafeedr_Image_Importer class which will eventually replace all image importing functionality.
  • Added new datafeedr_import_image() helper function.

1.0.70 – 2017/12/12

  • Optimized check for incorrect Zanox & PH affiliate IDs.

1.0.69 – 2017/12/02

  • Fixed errors thrown in dfrapi_api_get_zanox_zmid() and dfrapi_api_get_ph_camref() functions.
  • Fixed issue where PerformanceHorizon errors were not being displayed as an admin_notice.

1.0.68 – 2017/12/01

  • Optimize WordPress Admin Area pages so Networks and Merchants aren’t queried from cache on every page load.

1.0.67 – 2017/11/29

  • Cleaned up some of the admin nags.

1.0.66 – 2017/11/29

  • Added support for Performance Horizon affiliate network. (#15361)

1.0.65 – 2017/11/18

  • Updated timeout to 60 in DatafeedrApi options array. (#15382)

1.0.64 – 2017/11/18

  • Updated CSS.

1.0.63 – 2017/11/17

  • Updated instantiation of the DatafeedrApi class to accept an $options array instead of 3 parameters. (#15251)

1.0.62 – 2017/10/25

  • Optimized query to check if unapproved Zanox merchants exist.
  • Added ability to see unapproved Zanox merchants in admin notice.

1.0.61 – 2017/10/23

  • Updated DatafeedrApi class with proper docs standard WP code formatting.

1.0.60 – 2017/10/18

  • Added new dfrapi_get_amazon_associate_tag() function.
  • Added Amazon support to the dfrapi_url() function where previously it was handled by child plugins. (#15201)

1.0.59 – 2017/10/10

  • Updated TradeTracker network icons. (#15178)

1.0.58 – 2017/10/06

  • Updated Documentation URLs.

1.0.57 – 2017/09/08

  • Updated AffiliateWindow’s name to Awin.

1.0.56 – 2017/05/01

  • Replaced use of number_format() with abs() in API usage emailer script.

1.0.55 – 2017/03/06

  • Updated Affiliate Window icons. (#14404)

1.0.54 – 2017/02/21

  • Updated datafeedr.php API client. (#14372)
  • Replaced all API calls with wp_remote_post(). (#14376)
  • Removed “transport” option from WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Configuration > Datafeedr API Settings page. Replaced with wp_remote_post().

1.0.53 – 2017/02/12

  • Added support for the Malaysian ringgit currency.

1.0.52 – 2017/01/21

  • Fixed another bug introduced in 1.0.49

1.0.51 – 2017/01/21

  • Removed option added in 1.0.49. It caused all sorts of issues.

1.0.50 – 2017/01/20

  • Added support for a Tracking ID for Shopello.

1.0.49 – 2016/12/27

  • Added new option to WordPress Admin Area > Datafeedr API > Configuration page to allow the API to be disabled without having to deactivate the Datafeedr API plugin.

1.0.48 – 2016/12/14

  • Updated Snapdeal logos

1.0.47 – 2016/10/24

  • Modified searchfilter.js to improve speed when searching for merchants on the Merchants page (#13955).

1.0.46 – 2016/09/07

  • Remove Connexity from interface (#13803).

1.0.45 – 2016/09/02

  • Replaced “Current Usage” section on Account page with link a link to the Members /api page.

1.0.44 – 2016/09/01

  • Added support for
  • Replaced old Shopello icons with new ones (#13589)

1.0.43 – 2016/06/27

  • Removed ‘database_rotation’ message. (#13535)

1.0.42 – 2016/06/26

  • Fixed CSS for 16×16 network icons. (#13534)

1.0.41 – 2016/06/20

  • Updated CSS file for new networks.

1.0.40 – 2016/06/20

  • Added support for Snapdeal (#13161)
  • Added support for Shopello (#13258)

1.0.39 – 2016/05/24

  • Added new dfrapi_impression_url() function. (#13237)

1.0.38 – 2016/04/10

  • Modified search form help text.
  • Added support for India, Brazil and Mexico for Amazon API queries.

1.0.37 – 2016/04/06

  • Updated PepperJam logos.

1.0.36 – 2016/03/21

  • Updated links to documentation on how to find your affiliate IDs on the Networks page.
  • Updated links to pages on the Account page.

1.0.35 – 2016/02/16

  • Fixed more new links (see 1.0.34)

1.0.34 – 2016/02/16

  • Changed links to Datafeedr’s new support and members sites.

1.0.33 – 2016/02/03

  • Added new function to get Amazon keys. This is related to DFRCS integration.

1.0.32 – 2016/02/03

  • Added a “less than or equal to” and “greater than or equal to” option for the price field filters. (#12217)
  • Added CSS to accommodate the new price field filters.
  • Added compatibility/support for the upcoming DFRCS plugin. 🙂

1.0.31 – 2016/01/27

  • Added support for FamilyBlend (previously Affiliate4You).

1.0.30 – 2015/10/20

  • Added “Sort by Date Created Ascending” to API search form. (#11836)
  • Added “Sort by Date Created Descending” to API search form. (#11836)
  • Added “Sort by Final Price Ascending” to API search form. (#11836)
  • Added “Sort by Final Price Descending” to API search form. (#11836)
  • Added “Has Direct URL” filter to API search form. (#11836)

1.0.29 – 2015/09/21

  • Added support for negative currency queries. (#11499)
  • Added support for product ID queries (not exposed in search form). (#11499)
  • Fixed “quirk” where individual products added to a Product Set would throw off pagination when those products were no longer available via the API. Now you can delete those products from the set and pagination works again.
  • Updated the datafeedr.php library which fixed a small array issue. (#11346)
  • Added new “noimage” image.

1.0.28 – 2015/08/12

  • Added support for new affiliate network Optimise. (#11221)

1.0.27 – 2015/07/02

  • Added new DatafeedrServerError class to the datafeedr.php library file. (#11199)

1.0.26 – 2015/06/30

  • Removed DGM and replaced with APD affiliate network. Added APD network logos.

1.0.25 – 2015/04/29

  • Added cache bypassing functions when getting transients. (#10866)

1.0.24 – 2015/04/06

  • Added new icon to admin menu.
  • Added new 128×128 and 256×256 plugin icons.
  • Fixed broken URL to admin menu icons that have existed since the beginning of time.


  • Fixed wrong error message when the merchant filter is added to the search form but no merchants are selected.


  • Added support for Brazilian Real, Indian Rupee & Polish ZÅ‚oty currency symbols.


  • Updated Datafeedr API file.


  • Just updating readme.


  • Added FlipKart support.
  • Added Amazon Local US support.


  • Added MyCommerce to css file.
  • Added link to docs for MyCommerce.


  • Removed M4N from tags in readme.txt file.
  • Changed RegNow to MyCommerce in readme file.
  • Added MyCommerce icons.
  • Added plugin icon for WordPress 4.0+.


  • Fixed undefined ‘tid’ index.
  • Changed the ‘delete cached api data’ tool from checkbox to ajax button.
  • Display notice if a user has selected a Zanox merchant which has not approved their account. This prevents many extra API requests from being generated. (#9474)
  • Removed p tags for nags.
  • Added ajax.php file to handle… um… AJAX stuff.
  • Add “MISSING” to Zanox URLs if affiliate ID is missing.


  • Removed Commission Monster from list of supported affiliate networks.


  • Fixed bug introduced by removing dfrapi_filter_affiliate_id filter in v1.0.12 related to Zanox.


  • Removed BOL from list of supported affiliate networks.
  • Changed WP header image.


  • Removed dfrapi_filter_affiliate_id filter.
  • Added ability to add tracking ID to outgoing affiliate links.


  • Changed add_option to update_option in upgrade.php file.
  • Updated the datafeedr.php API library to deal with 32-bit systems and product IDs.


  • Added upgrade.php file to track version changes.
  • Added dfrapi_get_total_products_in_db() function.


  • Fixed issue where searches with duplicates excluded returned a higher ‘found’ count than really was there. (#8672)


  • Added css and mapper link for docs for


  • Added logos for


  • Forgot to update version numbers in plugin file.


  • Tweaked search form css.
  • Added message for database rotation time between 8:00am and 8:20am GMT.
  • Added search form help text.
  • Changed some labels in the search form.
  • Added support for Affiliator affiliate network.
  • Updated Datafeedr API library.


  • Tweaked search form css.
  • Changes to a lot of help text on all pages.


  • Changed of Tools page.


  • Edited nag boxes when API requests are 90% of max.
  • Removed the 80% API usage email notice.
  • Changed the text in the API usage emails.
  • Converted emails sent from plain text to HTML.
  • Fixed undefined indexes.
  • Added “Free” plan to list of available plans.


  • Added utm_campaign parameters to help tab links.


  • Updated “Contributors” and “Author” fields to match username.
  • Added support for AUD, DKK, SEK, NOK, CHF, NZD & TRY currency codes.


  • Added support for Zanox.
  • Fixed undefined indexes.


  • Fixed issed related to using Sort by Relevance. #8439
  • Fixed “support” links in help tab.
  • Updated plugin information.


  • Added if(!class_exists(‘…’)) checks to the Datafeedr Api Client Library.


  • Fixed undefined indexes.
  • Added “static” to static methods to meet Strict Standards.


  • Removed letters and characters from ‘tagged’ version.
  • Updated “Tested up to” to 3.8.1


  • Initial release.


  • Version: 1.3.19
  • Active installations: 5,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.8
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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