Dashboard Widget Sidebar

April 21, 2015

Dashboard Widget Sidebar Plugin

Enable regulare widgets to be used as Dashboard Widgets in admin.

Enable regulare widgets to be used as Dashboard Widgets in admin.

This plugin adds a new widget area to the Appearance -> Widgets section in WordPress admin, from where you can add regulare widgets to the WordPress admin dashboard.



  1. Upload the /dashboard-widget-sidebar folder to /plugins
  2. Activate plugin
  3. Add widgets to the new widget area in the Appearance -> Widgets section


  1. The new widget area in the Appearance -> Widgets section

    The new widget area in the Appearance -> Widgets section

  2. Shows that it is a regulare widget that is being added

    Shows that it is a regulare widget that is being added

  3. Admin Dashboard - the widget has been added as a dashboard widget

    Admin Dashboard - the widget has been added as a dashboard widget

  4. Widget settings, which controls the placement of the widget on the dashboard

    Widget settings, which controls the placement of the widget on the dashboard


No FAQ yet! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me using the support tab.



[Fixed] Bug “Undefined index” (Thanks to Musiphilos for reporting it)


[Fixed] Bug “Causes CF7 Generate Tags to Fail” (Thanks to theatereleven for reporting it)


[Fixed] Bug “Invalid argument supplied for foreach()” (Thanks to Paul Shryock for reporting it)


[Added] Contact Form 7 integration. Can be inserted using the shortcode in a text widget.


[Fixed] Settings was not saved with WordPress version 3.8


[Added] Support for WordPress 3.8

[Changed] Naming of ID attributes for HTML of the Dashboard Widgets

[Fixed] When changes are made, they are automatically saved. However, if you clicked on the “Save” button afterwards, the options would show the previous settings.


[Added] “Context” and “Priority” settings added to the widgets, which gives you more control over how the widgets are shown on the dashboard.

[Fixed] If you placed more of the same widget type, then the titles would be the same (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/widget-titles-2). Thanks to Nick (nikmav) for the fix of this bug.


[Updated] Uploaded screenshots


[Updated] Did some changes in the readme.txt file


[Added] First version.


  • Version: 1.2.3
  • Active installations: 700
  • WordPress Version: 3.3
  • Tested up to: 4.2.38


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