Dashboard for Pressbooks and H5P
Paul Ryan By Paul Ryan

July 20, 2024

Dashboard for Pressbooks and H5P Plugin

Generates summaries of H5P content and results in a Pressbooks book.

Generates summaries of H5P content and results in a Pressbooks book.

View or contribute to the plugin source on Github: https://github.com/uhm-coe/dashboard-for-pressbooks-h5p

Dashboard for Pressbooks and H5P requires the following WordPress plugins installed:

Dashboard for Pressbooks and H5P provides the following features:

  • Dashboard Widget: a new dashboard widget for instructors showing student progress. Progress can be shown by user and by chapter, and filtered by user role and a range of dates of user registration or last login. Note: last logins are tracked once this plugin is enabled, so there will be no last login times saved from before plugin activation.
  • Chapter Badges in Table of Contents: a new badge appears next to chapters with embedded H5P content in the Table of Contents. For anonymous users, the badge shows the total number of H5P embeds in the Chapter. For logged in users, the badge shows the number of incomplete H5P embeds, or a checkmark if they are all complete. Hovering over the badge reveals a tooltip with details on each H5P embed.
  • Chapter Badges in Dashboard > Organize: a new column, H5P Content, appears in the Pressbooks Organize dashboard showing which chapters have embedded H5P content.
  • Hide H5P Content For Anonymous Users: a new option (shown below) to prevent anonymous users from seeing H5P Content. Use this to encourage users to log in so their results can be stored.

This project was funded by the Hubert V. Everly Endowed Scholar fund and the College of Education at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.


  1. Upload the dashboard-for-pressbooks-h5p directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Plugin features and settings.

    Plugin features and settings.

  2. Dashboard widget.

    Dashboard widget.

  3. Dashboard widget showing details on a particular user and chapter.

    Dashboard widget showing details on a particular user and chapter.

  4. Chapter badges in the table of contents.

    Chapter badges in the table of contents.

  5. Chapter badges in the Organize dashboard.

    Chapter badges in the Organize dashboard.

  6. Example of hidden content for anonymous users.

    Example of hidden content for anonymous users.

  7. Example of table of contents tooltip for anonymous users.

    Example of table of contents tooltip for anonymous users.


Where is this plugin used?

This plugin was developed by the College of Education at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and is used in Pressbooks textbooks at the University of Hawaiʻi OER repository, which provides free open educational resources to students.



  • Fix error on Posts (front end) when Pressbooks isn’t installed.


  • Fix conflict with Pressbooks Glossary Term tooltip dependency (Popper v1).


  • Tested up to WordPress 5.6.
  • Tested up to PHP 8.0.0.
  • Fix warning on PHP 8: magic method __wakeup() must have public visibility.


  • Tested up to WordPress 5.5.1.
  • Compatibility verified with core Pressbooks themes: McLuhan (the default theme), Austen Classic, Donham, Fitzgerald, and Jacobs. Pressbooks themes are found here.
  • Fix default styles overriding link color on “Sign in” button on H5P content for anonymous users.
  • Add banner image to plugin settings page.


  • Fix default pass percentage initializing to 100% (instead of 0%).
  • Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 (dev dependency only).
  • Tested up to WordPress 5.4.2.


  • Fix inconsistent passed/failed reporting (some question types have a concept of “pass percentage” while others don’t).
  • Add “Default pass percentage” plugin option to set a threshold for whether an H5P result is successful or not. Defaults to 100%.
  • Render a checkmark next to passed H5P elements in the Table of Contents tooltips.


  • Update TOC badges as H5P content is completed (instead of only on page load).
  • Fix H5P content possibly out of order in badge tooltips.


  • Fix sign in link missing over hidden H5P on Firefox. Props @beckej for the report!
  • Fix hidden H5P only working on H5P Content Types in iframes.


  • Remove CDN dependency for tippy.js; host locally.


  • Rename to Dashboard for Pressbooks and H5P.


  • Add a link to the Settings page from the WordPress Plugins page.
  • Update translatable strings.


  • Fix php warning on dashboard when dependencies missing.
  • Check for dependencies before performing actions.


  • Initial release, Mon Jun 1, 2020.


  • Initial development build, Wed Mar 4, 2020.


  • Version: 1.1.6
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 5.3
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 5.6.20


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