Daily Top 10 Posts

June 15, 2009

Daily Top 10 Posts Plugin

Tracks the number of pageviews per blog post for the current day and cumulatively with options to display sidebar widgets for both.

Tracks the number of pageviews per blog post for the current day and cumulatively with options to display sidebar widgets for both.

Issues and Warnings

The latest version of Daily Top 10 Posts requires at least WordPress version 2.7. Fully tested on 2.8.

Future Releases

Daily Top 10 Posts is continuously being developed and supported. Please visit the official homepage for more news and information:

[http://www.alleba.com/blog/2007/03/27/wordpress-plugin-daily-top-10-posts/ Daily Top 10 Posts]


  1. Download the plugin from http://www.alleba.com/blog/wp-downloads/dailytop10.zip
  2. Extract and open dailytop10.php in a text editor
  3. Edit variables to desired number of posts to display in widgets
  4. Save and upload to ‘yourserver.com/wp-content/plugins/’
  5. Login to your WordPress admin panel and browse to the Plugins section.
  6. Activate The Daily Top 10 Posts plugin.


  • Version: 0.7
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 2.8


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