Show your artists tour dates from Songkick

August 26, 2022

Show your artists tour dates from Songkick Plugin

Add your Songkick artists tour dates list in any place of your website.

With this plugin you can add your favorite artists tour dates list in any place of your website.

You can insert it using:

  • Gutenberg blocks.
  • Widget.
  • Shortcode.

It includes all configurable options available in songkick:
– Show other artists.
– Show Subscribe button.
– Use my theme styles.
– Theme background light or dark.
– Text color.
– Background color.


Once the extension is installed you will have a new menu option: Songkick.

At this page you can add 3 different artists. You can search the artist by name and it will show you its ID. Then you must copy this ID in the fields “Artist 1 ID”, “Artist 2 ID” or “Artist 3 ID”.

The other options are for styling the list if you use shortcodes. If you use widget or Gutenberg block you will have this options in the configuration.

After all you must save changes at the end of the page.

To use the shortcode you must add the title and the Artist Field where you previously put the ID. IT would be like this:

[cvw_songkick_events id=”1″ title=”Next concerts of Music group name”]

If you use the widget or the Gutenbergt block you will have a select of the artist to show.


  1. Upload cvw-songkick-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Songkick menu and configure the plugin


  1. General and shortcode settings

    General and shortcode settings

  2. Wiget settings

    Wiget settings

  3. Block settings

    Block settings


1.1 – 2021-06-08

  • Shortcode correction and WordPress 5.7.2 / php 7.4 Compatibility

1.0.0 – 2020-02-19

  • Release – Initial release


  • Version: 1.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.0.9


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