Go to your WordPress admin panel, and then to Plugins. Click on “Add New” and then upload the zip file of the plugin using the “Upload Plugin” button you can find on top of the screen.
Dispalys the list of Registered Users.
Displays the list of Customers with Zero orders.
Displays the list of Guest Customers with their order list.
2.3 – 23/01/2020
compatible with the latest version of woocommerce
2.2 – 18/11/2019
compatible with the latest version of wordpress
2.1 – 06/11/2019
compatible with the latest version of woocommerce
2.0 – 16/08/2019
compatible with the latest version of woocommerce
1.9 – 13/05/2019
compatible with the latest version of woocommerce and wordpress
1.8 – 28/02/2019
compatible with the latest version of woocommerce and wordpress
1.7 – 13/12/2018
compatible with the latest version of woocommerce and wordpress