Customer verification for WooCommerce
zorem By zorem

May 30, 2024

Customer verification for WooCommerce Plugin

Reduce WooCommerce registration spam by requiring customers to verify their email through a link sent to their registered address or OTP.

Reduce WooCommerce registration spam by requiring customers to verify their email through a link sent to their registered address or OTP.

Key Features

  • Require email verification for new user registrations
  • Option to add the verification link in the WooCommerce new account email or to send the verification in a separate email
  • Option to resend the verification link on login form in cases that the customer lost the first verification email.
  • Customize the separate email verification header/subject/message
  • Option to customize the verification message
  • Option to allow the customer to enter his account after the first time he registered without email verification.
  • Skip email verification for selected user roles
  • Customize the frontend messages
  • Redirect users to any page on your website after successful validation
  • Option for manual email verification from admin
  • Email verification status will display for each user on admin
  • Option to bulk actions resend verification email and verify user email address


  1. Upload the folder customer-email-verification-for-woocommerce to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress




  • Enhancement – Add UTM link for all the external links to
  • Enhancement – Add the text domain in all the strings in customizer
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerc 6.5.3
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 8.9.1


  • Fix – Broken HTML on Users page
  • Fix- user approval function on backend isn’t working.
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 8.5.1


  • Enhancement – Improve design of Pro Banner
  • Dev – Compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 8.3.0
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.4.1


  • Dev – Tested with WordPress 6.0.2 and WooCommerce 6.9.4
  • Dev – Added compatibility with new WooCommerce HPOS


  • Dev – Tested with WordPress 6.0.2 and WooCommerce 6.9.4
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce Multilingual 5.0.0 Beta
  • Enhancement – Updated the settings page design


  • Fix – Try Again link in Email verification popup


  • Enhancement – Updated design of settings page
  • Enhancement – Updated design of Go Pro page
  • Dev – Improved the code security
  • Dev – Tested with WP 5.8 and WC 5.5.2


  • Enhancement – Tested WooCommerce customer email verification compatibility.
  • Dev – Tested with WP 5.7.2 and WC 5.4.1


  • Fix – PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wc_cev_customizer() in /customer-email-verification-for-woocommerce/includes/customizer/class-cev-customizer.php:27


  • Fix – Uncaught Error: Class ‘cev_initialise_customizer_settings’ not found in customer-email-verification-pro/includes/customizer/class-cev-seperate-email-customizer.php:20


  • Enhancement – Updated settings page design.
  • Enhancement – Set ajax on Email Verification and Actions panel on users listing page
  • Dev – Tested with WP 5.7.1 and WC 5.2.1


  • Enhancement – Improved the “Email Verification” link html in user verification email.
  • Dev – Tested with WP 5.6 and WC 5.0.0


  • Fix – For administrator user always shows the verification widget on my account page.
  • Fix – Fixed issue with skip email verification for the selected user roles option.
  • Dev – Tested with WP 5.6 and WC 4.9.2


  • Enhancement – Setup My Account change email verification text.
  • Enhancement – Customizer improvements.
  • Dev – Tested with WP 5.6 and WC 4.9.2


  • Enhancement – Updated settings page design.
  • Enhancement – Add new customizer for the verification display on the new account email.
  • Enhancement – Add new customizer for the verification widget style and verification widget message
  • Enhancement – Remove customer view settings page tab
  • Dev – Tested with WP 5.6 and WC 4.9.1


  • Enhancement – Updated settings page design.
  • Enhancement – Updated users list page design for Email Verification and actions panel
  • Enhancement – Updated edit user page design for Email Verification panel
  • Enhancement – Update Customer View settings page design and remove frontend message options
  • Enhancement – Added functionality of live preview of Verification widget
  • Enhancement – Aaded verification sucess message in general settings.
  • Dev – Tested with WP 5.6 and WC 4.8


  • Enhancement – Added option for “Redirect to select page after verification”.
  • Dev – Tested with WC 4.5


  • Fix – Fixed ERR_TO_MANY_REDIRECT issue in email verification page
  • Dev – Tested with WordPress 5.5


  • Enhancement – merged the verification status fields in WordPress users admin and added actions icons.
  • Enhancement – added option to bulk actions resend verification email and verify user email address
  • Fix – auto refresh the permalink


  • Enhancement – Added a filter in Users list page for Verified and Non verified users
  • Enhancement – Added a option for “Allow first login after registration without email verification”
  • Fix – Fixed warnings Undefined offset: 0 in /includes/class-wc-customer-email-verification-admin.php on line 439


  • Enhancement – change Navigation label
  • Fix – Fixed settings page design issue
  • Fix – Fixed user page layout issue
  • Fix – Fixed warnings in Undefined index 0


  • Dev – added functionality for skip email verification for already registered user


  • Enhancement – Change design of enter your pin input box in email verification form
  • Enhancement – Updated design of email verification form
  • Dev – Change default value for email heading and email content


  • Fix – Fixed Separate email subject issue
  • Fix – Fixed WooCommerce email verification endpoint not found issue


  • Enhancement – Added Enable/Disable option for customer email verification
  • Enhancement – Added spinner and settings save message in settings page
  • Fix – Fixed warnings in front end page


  • Dev – Updated email verification process and added pin verification functionality
  • Dev – After login block all my account page until user verify his email


  • Dev – Tested with WordPress 5.4 and WooCommerce 4.0


  • Fix – Fixed issue with WooCommerce email
  • Fix – Fixed skip email verification for selected roles option save issue
  • Fix – Fixed warnings from users list page


  • Initial version.


  • Version: 2.0
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.3
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.2


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