Custom Post Type Maker

July 11, 2022

Custom Post Type Maker Plugin

Custom Post Type Maker lets you create Custom Post Types and custom Taxonomies in a user friendly way.

Custom Post Type Maker is the perfect plugin to create Custom Post Types and custom Taxonomies in a user friendly way, just like managing your regular posts and pages.

Originally by Bakhuys.


  • Fully integrates with the WordPress API, for the best compatibility
  • Lets you create Custom Post Types and custom Taxonomies without the need of writing any code
  • Provides an interface to manage your Custom Post Types, just like managing your regular posts and pages
  • Provides almost all the parameters of the WordPress CPT API
  • Shows you a list of all other registered Custom Post Types and custom Taxonomies in WordPress
  • Uses the WordPress Media Uploader or Dash Icons (Native WordPress Icons) to let you manage the Custom Post Type icon

Additional configuration

You can add CPTM_DONT_GENERATE_ICON in wp-config.php to prevent CPTM to generate the 16x16px WordPress image_size. You can do this after you upload an initial icon.
We’ve added this option because some users have very large image galleries and the additional WordPress image_size matters.


  1. Upload ‘custom-post-type-maker’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Click the new menu item ‘Post Types’ to create a Custom Post Type or a custom Taxonomy.


  1. Creating Custom Post Types

    Creating Custom Post Types

  2. Overview of your created Custom Post Types

    Overview of your created Custom Post Types

  3. Creating custom Taxonomies

    Creating custom Taxonomies


Where do I get support?

Ask your question in the Support Forums. Please note that due to restricted time availability we’re not actively answering questions, unless a real bug is reported. See: “What should I try before reporting a bug” section.

What should I try before reporting a bug?

  1. Disable all your plugins except “Custom Post Type Maker”.
  2. See if the plugin behaves normally with the default WordPress theme.
  3. Try to run the plugin on a clean WordPress install.

If all of this fails, see: “How should I report bugs?” section.

How should I report bugs?

Please report your bug on GitHub. Issues will not be handled elsewhere.

Make sure you attach to the report:
1. Your WordPress version
2. Your plugin version
3. Screenshots
4. Steps to reproduce the problem
5. Anything else you think would be useful to pinpoint the problem

How do I request a feature?

We’re supporting this plugin but not actively developing it. If you’re interested to contribute you can submit a PR on GitHub.

How do I get the plugin in my own language?

You’ll have to do it yourself. Help translate this plugin.



  • Added CPTM_DONT_GENERATE_ICON constant for disabling the 16x16px image_size via wp-config.php as suggested by @clubside and @ldeejay
  • Fixed spelling as suggested by @ldeejay
  • Compatibility with latest version of WP


  • Better sanitize taxonomy name as suggested by @ldeejay


  • Compatibility with future version of WP


  • Fix translations. Add .pot template file, reported by @wicko77


  • Remove ‘All’ from taxonomy names as suggested by @gnowland


  • Update assets


  • Compatibility with future version of WP


  • Compatibility with future version of WP


  • Fixes undefined variable (Thanks @richardshea,@kubik101)#20, #20


  • Makes code compatible with WordPressCore PHP Linter
  • Marks plugin compatible with future WordPress versions


  • Fixes tab navigation (Thanks @mediengestalter2)#16


  • Add ability to show custom post in REST API (Thanks @asithade)#14.


  • Add ability to show custom taxonomy column in post listing.


  • Removed forgotten development dump. Sorry about that.


  • [Bugfix] Make with_front available in register_post when set to false (Credit: @cmerrick). Closes: #7


  • [Feature] Auto-flush rewrite rules on: custom post save, plugin activation, plugin deactivation.
  • [Bugfix] Made publicly_queryable default to true. This fixes permalink errors after upgrading to v1.1.0 on existing installations.
  • [Localization] Add french translation. (Credit: @momo-fr).


  • [Feature] Implemented publicly_queryable. Closes: #5


  • [Bugfix] Renamed plugin to match WP Plugins


  • [Bugfix] Fix typos


  • [Bugfix] Fixed undefined error that prevented media library from loading


  • Compatibility with future version of WP


  • [Added] Ability to select DashIcons as Custom Post Type icon.
  • [Bugfix] Fixed add_utility_page provokes "deprecated" notice in 4.5.2
  • [Forked] Forked


  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Active installations: 9,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.0
  • Tested up to: 6.0.9


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