Custom Post Limits

April 14, 2021

Custom Post Limits Plugin

Independently control the number of posts listed on the front page, author/category/custom post type/custom taxonomy/tag archives, search results, etc …

Control the number of posts that appear on the front page, search results, and author, category, tag, custom post type, custom taxonomy, and date archives, independent of each other, including specific archives.

By default, WordPress provides a single configuration setting to control how many posts should be listed in each section of your blog. This value applies for the front page listing, author listings, archive listings, category listings, tag listings, custom post type listings, custom taxonomy listings, and search results. This plugin allows you to override that value for each of those different sections.

Specifically, this plugin allows you to define limits for:

  • Authors archives (the archive listing of posts for any author)
  • Authors archives non-first-page (when paging through authors archives listings, number of posts listed when not on the first page)
  • Author archives (the archive listing of posts for any specific author)
  • Categories archives (the archive listings of posts for any category)
  • Categories archives non-first-page (when paging through categories archives listings, number of posts listed when not on the first page)
  • Category archive (the archive listings of posts for any specific category)
  • Custom post type archives (the archive listings of posts for any specific custom post type)
  • Custom taxonomy (the archive listings of posts for any specific custom taxonomy)
  • Day archives (the archive listings of posts for any day)
  • Day archives non-first-page (when paging through day archives listings, number of posts listed when not on the first page)
  • Front page (the listing of posts on the front page of the blog)
  • Front page non-first-page (when paging through front page listings, number of posts listed when not on the first page)
  • Month archives (the archive listings of posts for any month)
  • Month archives non-first-page (when paging through month archives listings, number of posts listed when not on the first page)
  • Search results (the listing of search results)
  • Search results non-first-page (when paging through search results listings, number of posts listed when not on the first page)
  • Tags archives (the archive listings of posts for any tag)
  • Tags archives non-first-page (when paging through tags archives listings, number of posts listed when not on the first page)
  • Tag archive (the archive listings of posts for any specific tag)
  • Year archives (the archive listings of posts for any year)
  • Year archives non-first-page (when paging through year archives listings, number of posts listed when not on the first page)

If the limit field is empty or 0 for a particular section type, then the default post limit will apply. If the value is set to -1, then there will be NO limit for that section (meaning ALL posts will be shown). The Archives Limit value is also treated as the default limit for Day, Month, and Year archives, unless those are explicitly defined.

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage


The plugin exposes a number of filters for hooking. Typically, code making use of filters should ideally be put into a mu-plugin or site-specific plugin (which is beyond the scope of this readme to explain).

c2c_cpl_enable_all_individual_limits (filter)

The ‘c2c_cpl_enable_all_individual_limits’ hook allows you to filter if individual limits are enabled for all archive types.

The ability to set individual limits (e.g. for per-author or per-category archives) isn’t simply enabled by default because it can have a negative performance impact depending on the number of items. Especially for a something most sites are unlikely to need.


  • $enabled (boolean): Enable individual limits for all archive types? Default false.


// Enable individual limits for all archives for Custom Post Limits plugin. add_filter( 'c2c_cpl_enable_all_individual_limits', '__return_true' ); 

c2c_cpl_enable_all_individual_{$type}_limits (filter)

The ‘c2c_cpl_enable_all_individual_{$type}_limits’ hook allows you to filter if individual limits are enabled for a specific archive type. The dynamic portion of the hook name, $type, refers to the type of archive with constituent individual archives. Can be ‘authors’, ‘categories’, or ‘tags’.


  • $enabled (boolean): Enable individual limits for given archive type? Default false.


// Enable individual limits for author archives for Custom Post Limits plugin. add_filter( 'c2c_cpl_enable_all_individual_authors_limits', '__return_true' ); 


  1. Whether installing or updating, whether this plugin or any other, it is always advisable to back-up your data before starting
  2. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or download and unzip inside the plugins directory for your site (typically /wp-content/plugins/).
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ admin menu in WordPress
  4. Click the plugin’s Settings link next to its Deactivate link (still on the Plugins page), or click on the Settings -> Post Limits link, to go to the plugin’s admin settings page. Optionally customize the limits.


  1. A screenshot of the plugin's admin settings page (with individual categories limits expanded) (top half of page). (Note: Screenshot hasn't been updated to include fields for defining limits for custom taxonomies.)

    A screenshot of the plugin's admin settings page (with individual categories limits expanded) (top half of page). (Note: Screenshot hasn't been updated to include fields for defining limits for custom taxonomies.)

  2. A screenshot of the plugin's admin settings page (with individual categories limits expanded) (bottom half of page). (Note: Screenshot hasn't been updated to include fields for defining limits for custom taxonomies.)

    A screenshot of the plugin's admin settings page (with individual categories limits expanded) (bottom half of page). (Note: Screenshot hasn't been updated to include fields for defining limits for custom taxonomies.)


Does this plugin introduce additional database queries (or excessively burden the primary query) to achieve its ends?

No. The plugin filters the posts_per_page setting value (and, when necessary, the LIMIT SQL clause) as used by the primary WordPress post query as appropriate, resulting in retrieval of only the number of posts up to the limit you specified without significant alteration of the primary query itself and without additional queries. Bottom line: this should perform efficiently.

Is this plugin unit-tested?



4.4.1 (2021-04-14)

  • Fix: Update plugin framework to 061 to fix a bug preventing settings from getting saved

4.4 (2021-04-07)


  • This minor release updates the plugin framework and notes compatibility through WP 5.7+.


  • Change: Update plugin framework to 060
    • 060:
    • Rename class from c2c_{PluginName}_Plugin_051 to c2c_Plugin_060
    • Move string translation handling into inheriting class making the plugin framework code plugin-agnostic
      • Add abstract function get_c2c_string() as a getter for translated strings
      • Replace all existing string usage with calls to get_c2c_string()
    • Handle WordPress’s deprecation of the use of the term “whitelist”
      • Change: Rename whitelist_options() to allowed_options()
      • Change: Use add_allowed_options() instead of deprecated add_option_whitelist() for WP 5.5+
      • Change: Hook allowed_options filter instead of deprecated whitelist_options for WP 5.5+
    • New: Add initial unit tests (currently just covering is_wp_version_cmp() and get_c2c_string())
    • Add is_wp_version_cmp() as a utility to compare current WP version against a given WP version
    • Refactor contextual_help() to be easier to read, and correct function docblocks
    • Don’t translate urlencoded donation email body text
    • Add inline comments for translators to clarify purpose of placeholders
    • Change PHP package name (make it singular)
    • Tweak inline function description
    • Note compatibility through WP 5.7+
    • Update copyright date (2021)
    • 051:
    • Allow setting integer input value to include commas
    • Use number_format_i18n() to format integer value within input field
    • Update link to to be HTTPS
    • Update readme_url() to refer to plugin’s readme.txt on
    • Remove defunct line of code
  • Change: Move translation of all parent class strings into main plugin file
  • Change: Note compatibility through WP 5.7+
  • Change: Update copyright date (2021)

4.3 (2020-06-16)


  • This release prevents plugin settings page timeouts for sites with lots of authors/categories/tags, fixes pagination page counts, omits limit fields for non-authors, adds file, updates a few URLs to be HTTPS, expands unit testing, changes compatibility to be WP 4.9-5.4+, and more.


  • Fix: Prevent plugin settings page timeouts for sites with lots of authors, categories, and/or tags. Fixes #2.
    • Change: Prevent get_authors(), get_categories(), and get_tags() from calling potentially resource-intensive functions when individual limits aren’t enabled
  • Fix: Ensure count of total number of pages accurately accounts for potentially differing first and non-first page limits. Fixes #3.
    • New: Add adjust_max_num_pages() to potentially adjust main query object’s max_num_pages value
    • Change: Add optional argument to custom_post_limits() for forcing it to behave as if query was paged
  • Change: Update plugin framework to 050
    • Allow a hash entry to literally have ‘0’ as a value without being entirely omitted when saved
    • Output donation markup using printf() rather than using string concatenation
    • Update copyright date (2020)
    • Note compatibility through WP 5.4+
    • Drop compatibility with version of WP older than 4.9
  • New: Add and move existing TODO list from top of main plugin file into it (and add to it)
  • Change: Exclude users from being returned by get_author() if they don’t have the ‘author’ role
  • Change: Note compatibility through WP 5.4+
  • Change: Drop compatibility for version of WP older than 4.9
  • Change: Remove unnecessary type='text/javascript' attribute from <script> tag
  • Change: Use is_main_query() instead of replicating what it does
  • Change: Explicitly escape an admin URL before output within a link attribute (hardening)
  • Change: Add translator comment for string with multiple placeholders
  • Change: Update links to to be HTTPS
  • Change: Fix a few typos in inline docs
  • Unit tests:
    • New: Add tests for get_authors(), get_categories()
    • Fix: Fix two tests related to individual authors limit
    • Fix: Define explicit ordering of results for test_get_custom_taxonomy() to avoid occasional failure
    • Change: Alter test_tags_paged_limit() for versatility by accepting arguments and calculating assertion expectations based on those parameters
    • Change: Call reset_caches() in tearDown()
    • Change: Use HTTPS for link to WP SVN repository in bin script for configuring unit tests (and delete commented-out code)

4.2.2 (2019-12-21)


This release fixes a number of minor bugs.


  • Fix: Don’t assume variables initialized as strings have since become arrays
  • Fix: Don’t call non-static method is_individual_limits_enabled() statically
  • Fix: Use accessor functions rather than directly accessing class variables
  • Fix: Don’t add a show/hide link for paged limits
  • Change: Don’t make unnecessary consecutive calls to the same function
  • Change: Explicitly cast return values of get_authors(), get_categories(), and get_tags() as arrays
  • Change: Initialize class variables expected to be arrays as arrays
  • Unit tests:
    • New: Add tests for display_individual_option()
    • New: Add tests for get_tags()
    • New: Add test that plugin initializes itself on plugins_loaded
  • New: Add inline documentation for class variables

Full changelog is available in


  • Version: 4.4.1
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 5.7.12


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