Custom Excerpt Length

February 14, 2019

Custom Excerpt Length Plugin

Adds Excerpt Length option on Reading page, which can be used to set the number of words in post excerpt.

Adds Excerpt Length option on Reading page, which can be used to set the number of words in post excerpt.


  • Allows you to set custom excerpt length.
  • Will override the same filter in templates or other plugins (always works).

More information can be found on extension’s page.


  1. Unpack and upload all files to “/wp-content/plugins/plugin-name” directory. Or simply install plugin through Plugins page.
  2. Activate extension on “Plugins” page.
  3. Setup plugin according to your liking.

On Settings -> Reading page find Excerpt Length option. Enter desired number of words in post excerpt.


  1. Excerpt Length option.

    Excerpt Length option.


Paid extensions support

For any support inquieries and pre-sales questions, please, see our Support page.

Do you provide support for free extensions?

Unfortunately we don’t have resources to provide support for free extensions. You can, of course, report an issue or request a feature, but there’s absolutely no guarantee, that we will respond. Anyway, feel free to contact us via email [email protected].



  • Initial release.


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 5.1.0


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