Custom Comment Notifications

May 13, 2015

Custom Comment Notifications Plugin

Allow for the comment email notifications to be completely customized.

Custom Comment Notifications allows for the comment email notifications to be customized. This way you can choose what information gets included in the e-mail and
what information is left out. You can make the e-mails as detailed or as minimal as you desire. Through the use of some given variables, you are able to generate a
standard e-mail template that will be dynamically generated and sent to your authors and moderators. You can specify a separate template for your authors and another
for you moderators.

Available Variables

  • Post Variables

    • Post ID
    • Post Title
    • Post Link
    • Post Link URL
    • Post Link to Specific Comment
    • Post Link to Comments Section
  • Comment Variables

    • Comment Author Name
    • Comment Author Email
    • Comment Author IP
    • Comment Author Domain
    • Comment Author URL
    • Comment Author ARIN Lookup
    • Comment Content
    • Comments Awaiting Moderation (Moderator Templates Only)
  • Moderation Variables

    • Delete/Trash Comment (Depends on EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS variable)
    • Delete/Trash Comment URL (Depends on EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS variable)
    • Approve Comment (Moderator Templates Only)
    • Approve Comment URL (Moderator Templates Only)
    • Spam Comment
    • Spam Comment URL
    • Moderation Panel Link (Moderator Templates Only)
    • Moderation Panel Link URL (Moderator Templates Only)
  • Site Variables

    • Site Link
    • Site Link URL
    • Blog Name

Planned Updates

  • I plan on adding the following features shortly
    • Ability to specify additional recipients of the e-mails on a per template basis
    • This will allow for only the administrators to receive the moderation e-mails. Or if you have multiple moderators, it will allow each moderator to receive an e-mail
    • The additional users will be required to have an account on your site



  1. Search for ‘custom comment notifications’ through the New Plugin Menu
  2. Install the plugin
  3. Activate either on a Network Level or on a Single Site Level
  4. Note that a network activation will activate on the sub-sites with individual template/settings options


  1. Upload custom-comment-notifications directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Set up and customize the plugin through the ‘Settings’ Menu


  1. Settings Page

    Settings Page

  2. Available Variables

    Available Variables

  3. Example HTML E-mail

    Example HTML E-mail

  4. Example Plain Text E-mail

    Example Plain Text E-mail


I have Custom Comment Notifications installed, now what?

Activate the plugin. It doesn’t matter if you choose to network activate or activate on a single site. Note that in a Network activation, it will activate the plugin on each site, but with individual templates/settings for each site.



  • Bug Fixes
    • An error when building the recipient lists for moderation emails (thanks WSP-webmaster)


  • Enhancements
    • URLs added as additional variables to the Links


  • Enhancements
    • Post Author variable added that will show the display name of the Post Author


  • Enhancements
    • Category variable added that will show the first category assigned to a post.
    • Comment Excerpt variable added that will allow for the comment excerpt to be included in the email.
    • Ability to specify additional recipients that will receive the e-mails in conjunction to the Site Administrator and Author.
    • Ability to protect the comment author’s information in the moderation email. This functionality already existed for the author email.


  • Enhancements
    • Allow Post Author to be excluded from or included in moderation e-mails.


  • Bug Fixes
    • A bug with the localization caused all the text to break in the Settings Menu.


  • Bug Fixes
    • Some minor bug fixes.


  • Bug Fixes
    • Post Author must have ‘moderate_comments’ capability in order to trash or spam comments.


  • This is the first release.


  • Version: 1.0.8
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 4.2.38


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