Custom Author Byline

June 08, 2011

Custom Author Byline Plugin

Allows you to add an author name and link to the byline, other than the actual logged in user, without that custom author having to have a WordPress a …

Lots of folks using WordPress sites with multiple authors may run into this problem. You want to attribute correct credit to the writer/author of the article, but not give out access to your WordPress install. Maybe because it’s a one-time article, maybe not, who cares?

If the author of your blog entry is different than your logged in user and you don’t want to have to create a separate user account, just add the name as you’d like it to appear to the Custom Author Byline panel below the post/page editor (custom post types can be added too). Easy!

For more information on the WordPress Custom Author Byline plugin and how to use it, visit the information page at the preceding link.

Coming in Next Release

Ability to add custom post type support without having to edit the plugin or your functions file


  1. Unzip the downloaded plugin file,
  2. Upload custom-author-byline.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory,
  3. Activate the plugin “Custom Author Byline” through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. That’s it! You will now see a new panel below your post/page editor where you can type in whatever name and link you want to appear in place of your logged in user.



Added ability to set a custom URI for your author in the post editor at the request of plugin users. 🙂
Also added support for pages (automatic) and custom post types (not automatic, for advanced users).


Renamed function(s) to eliminate conflict with some other plugins.


Brand new release. Props to @ron_r for giving me a hand with a filter/function.


  • Version: 1.2
  • Active installations: 800
  • WordPress Version: 2.9.2
  • Tested up to: 3.1.4


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