Always deliver the latest version of your CSS stylesheet to browsers. All caching problems solved.
CSS Cache Buster does one very simple but very powerful thing: it ensures that your
Wordpress blog delivers the very latest version of your CSS stylesheet to your
visitors, no matter how often or how rarely your edit for CSS.
You no longer need to worry that you’ve made a CSS change that others won’t see
because of caching issues at their end.
Technically, this plugin automatically appends a last-modified date/timestamp to
the end of your stylesheet url.
And since this feature is applied as a filter, you don’t have to touch your theme
files. It just works.
The CSS Cache Buster plugin is installed in the standard way:
to the /wp-content/plugins/
directoryThis plugin specifically looks for the bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’) function call, which
is almost universally used in WordPress themes to call the stylesheet. If your theme
calls the stylesheet without using this function call, then this plugin will not work.
Fix it if you know how. Either way, drop a comment on my blog and let me know!