Fetches, caches, and displays current cryptocurrency prices (bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin, for now).
Cryptocurrency Ticker displays current cryptocurrency prices (bitcoin, ethereum, and/or litecoin) on your WordPress site. You may select which quotes to show, in either USD or EUR prices.
Prices are fetched from coinbase.com using their API (https://developers.coinbase.com/).
Ticker prices are cached for a duration that you specify in the widget menu, to improve performance and prevent your site from making a ton of requests to coinbase.com.
If this plugin helped you, feel free to tip me some beer money. =)
Upload the contents of the plugin .zip to the /wp-content/plugins/
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
In the ‘Widgets’ menu in WordPress, place the widget where you want it to appear on your site
Verify that the plugin’s settings are what you want in the widget menu
Yes, simply modify the included crypto-ticker.css file, located in the plugin’s /css directory.
I may add the smaller altcoins in the future if there is enough interest. If you can’t wait, adding them yourself should be a trivial task; just keep in mind that because of the way the btc-e API is set up, each additional currency means an additional request, which will impact performance on cache misses. If I do decide to add the other altcoins, I’ll probably re-write the widget so that the requests are asynchronous.
Yes! Version 1.2 and up allows you to enter your Coinbase referral ID in the widget settings. Please note that if you don’t have your own referral ID, a default one will be used.
You most likely have a WordPress caching plugin installed that is either misconfigured or out-of-date. Make sure that you’re running the latest version. Older versions of W3 Total Cache will cause this problem (the most recent release should be fine).