Crowdfunding for WooCommerce

July 15, 2023

Crowdfunding for WooCommerce Plugin

Crowdfunding products for WooCommerce.

Crowdfunding for WooCommerce plugin adds full crowdfunding support to WooCommerce.

When adding or editing a product, you will have the possibility to set for each product individually:

  • Goal (i.e. pledged) amount.
  • Start and end dates.
  • Custom “Back This Project” (i.e. “Add to Cart”) button labels.
  • Enable “Open Pricing” (i.e. “Name Your Price”) functionality.

Also you will be able to:

  • Add a form, so your customers/users could add their custom campaigns directly from frontend.
  • Set custom HTML to show when project not yet started and/or ended.
  • Modify and choose where to display crowdfunding info, that is: goal remaining, time remaining, already pledged etc.
  • Choose when and if to end the campaign (goal reached, time ended).
  • Choose which order statuses to count in pledged calculations.
  • Style progress bars for time remaining, already pledged etc.
  • Enable/disable emails on crowdfunding campaign ended, added and/or edited.


When displaying crowdfunding data for the product, you should use plugin’s shortcodes:

Backers & Money Shortcodes

  • [product_crowdfunding_total_sum] – total sum (i.e. funded to date) for current product (formatted as price).
  • [product_crowdfunding_total_backers] – total number of orders (i.e. backers) for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_total_items] – total number of ordered items for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_list_backers] – list of backers for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal] – end goal for current product (formatted as price).
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining] – sum remaining to reach the end goal for current product (formatted as price).
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar] – goal remaining as graphical progress bar.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers] – end goal (backers) for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining] – backers remaining to reach the end goal for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining_progress_bar] – goal (backers) remaining as graphical progress bar.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_items] – end goal (items) for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining] – items remaining to reach the end goal for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining_progress_bar] – goal (items) remaining as graphical progress bar.

Time Shortcodes

  • [product_crowdfunding_startdate] – starting date for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_starttime] – starting time for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_startdatetime] – starting date and time for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_deadline] – ending date for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_deadline_time] – ending time for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_deadline_datetime] – ending date and time for current product.
  • [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining] – time remaining till deadline.
  • [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar] – time remaining as graphical progress bar.

More Shortcodes

  • [product_crowdfunding_add_new_campaign] – campaigns by users.
  • [crowdfunding_totals] – all crowdfunding campaigns (i.e. products) totals.
  • [product_crowdfunding_add_to_cart_form] – backers (add to cart) HTML form.



  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Start by visiting plugin settings at “WooCommerce > Settings > Crowdfunding”. Then try adding or editing a product.


3.1.11 – 2023-07-15

  • FIX: PHP 8.2 notices.

3.1.10 – 2022-06-01

  • UPDATE: added compatibility with PHP 8.0.
  • UPDATE: updated .pot file for translations.

3.1.9 – 2021-04-12

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

3.1.8 – 2021-01-21

  • FIX: issues with JS progress bars when value > 100%.

3.1.7 – 2020-09-17

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions.

3.1.6 – 2020-08-26

  • UPDATE: display our settings in WC status report.
  • UPDATE: updated .pot file for translations.

3.1.5 – 2020-06-08

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

3.1.4 – 2020-03-23

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

3.1.3 – 2020-02-23

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

3.1.2 – 2019-12-17

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

3.1.1 – 2019-11-15

  • UPDATE: bump tested versions

3.1.0 – 2019-09-11

  • UPDATE: updated .pot file for translations

3.0.2 – 2019-06-11

  • Plugin author changed.
  • Dev – Open Pricing – “Hide Original Price” option added.

3.0.1 – 2019-05-22

  • Dev – Open Pricing – “Override Button Label on Archive Pages” options added.
  • Tested up to: 5.4.

3.0.0 – 2019-05-07

  • Fix – Open Pricing – Fixed for variable products (including when “Radio Buttons for Variable Products” option is enabled).
  • Fix – Shortcodes – [product_crowdfunding_time_to_start] – “Illegal string offset…” notice fixed.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [product_crowdfunding_startdatetime] and [product_crowdfunding_deadline_datetime]date_format and time_format attributes added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [product_crowdfunding_startdate] and [product_crowdfunding_deadline]date_format attribute added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [crowdfunding_translate] shortcode added (for WPML/Polylang).
  • Dev – Open Pricing – “too Small” and “too Big” messages replaced with “too Low” and “too High”.
  • Dev – Product Info – “Raw” input is now allowed in all “Info” options.
  • Dev – Product Info – Deprecated shortcodes replaced in default values.
  • Dev – Shortcodes are now processed in “add to cart” button text.
  • Dev – Major code refactoring.
  • Dev – Admin settings descriptions updated.
  • Dev – Code clean up.

2.9.3 – 2019-05-05

  • Dev – Shortcodes – [crowdfunding_totals]return_valuetotal_campaigns option added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [crowdfunding_totals]product_ids attribute added.
  • Dev – “WC tested up to” updated.

2.9.2 – 2019-03-20

  • Dev – Open Pricing – “Hide Quantity Input Field” option added.

2.9.1 – 2019-03-14

  • Fix – Radio Buttons for Variable Products – Variations images, descriptions, prices and availability are now properly displayed on variation switch.

2.9.0 – 2019-02-04

  • Dev – Ending Options – “Admin Email: Campaign Ended” option added.
  • Dev – User Campaigns – “Admin Email: Campaign Added/Edited” options added.
  • Dev – [crowdfunding_totals] shortcode added.
  • Dev – alg_wc_crowdfunding_campaign_orders_data_calculated, alg_wc_crowdfunding_campaign_not_active and alg_wc_crowdfunding_campaign_ended actions added.
  • Dev – User Campaigns – Message: Campaign Successfully Added/Edited – Options IDs shortened.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.

2.8.0 – 2018-12-15

  • Fix – Crowdfunding Report – Possible “… date() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given…” PHP warning fixed.
  • Dev – Saving backers’ data (first name, last name, sum, quantity, order ID, order (created) date, order currency) on product data update now.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [product_crowdfunding_list_backers] shortcode added.

2.7.0 – 2018-10-22

  • Fix – Shortcodes – Empty attributes notice fixed.
  • Fix – Shortcodes – Non-numeric value notice fixed.
  • Dev – “Crowdfunding Report” submenu page added (to “WooCommerce > Crowdfunding Report”).
  • Dev – Advanced Options – “Add Crowdfunding Data Column” option added.
  • Dev – Functions – alg_wc_crdfnd_calculate_product_orders_data() – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – Admin settings minor restyling.
  • Dev – Code refactoring and clean up.

2.6.2 – 2018-08-07

  • Fix – User Campaigns – User Visibility – “Leave empty to show to all users” option fixed.
  • Dev – Plugin link updated.

2.6.1 – 2018-05-07

  • Dev – Product Data Update – Optimized.

2.6.0 – 2017-11-26

  • Fix – Product Data Update – Fixed for new products.
  • Dev – WooCommerce v3.2.0 compatibility – Admin settings – select type display fixed.
  • Dev – “Update Data Now” button for single product added (meta box).
  • Dev – Admin settings – Minor restyling.
  • Dev – Filter – Fix.
  • Dev – Functions – alg_wc_crdfnd_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id() and alg_wc_crdfnd_get_product_post_status() – Checking for valid $_product.
  • Dev – Code refactoring and clean up.

2.5.0 – 2017-10-11

  • Dev – Product Data Update – Ordering products by data updated time (instead of title).
  • Dev – General – Products Data Update Options – “Update data now” button added.
  • Dev – General – Products Data Update Options – “Previous update triggered at …” info added.
  • Dev – General – Advanced Options – “Log” option added.
  • Dev – General – Settings restyled.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – get_progress_bar()text_position, text_position_variable_max_left, text_top attributes added. Code refactoring.
  • Dev – “Reset settings” option added.
  • Dev – Settings sections array stored as main class property.

2.4.0 – 2017-05-13

  • Dev – WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility – Product post status.
  • Dev – WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility – Product ID.
  • Dev – WooCommerce v3.x.x compatibility – Price hook (woocommerce_get_price and woocommerce_product_get_price).
  • Fix – alg_wc_crdfnd_calculate_product_orders_data() – Additional check for product added.
  • Tweak – Plugin link changed from to
  • Tweak – Minor code refactoring.

2.3.6 – 2017-03-22

  • Dev – Language (POT) file updated.
  • Dev – Code refactoring – Shortcodes divided into separate files.
  • Dev – Percent from total in shortcodes: percent value for type attribute (and round_precision attribute) added to [product_crowdfunding_total_sum], [product_crowdfunding_total_backers], [product_crowdfunding_total_items], [product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining], [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining], [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining] shortcodes.

2.3.5 – 2017-03-10

  • Dev – alg_crowdfunding_output_shortcode_price filter added.

2.3.4 – 2016-12-21

  • Dev – load_plugin_textdomain moved from init hook to constructor.
  • Tweak – readme.txt updated.
  • Tweak – basename check added.

2.3.3 – 2016-12-16

  • Fix – load_plugin_textdomain moved from init hook to constructor.
  • Dev – jQuery dependency and loading in footer added to wp_enqueue_script( 'alg-datepicker' ).
  • Dev – select type added to user campaign and admin fields. Can be used in alg_crowdfunding_admin_fields, alg_crowdfunding_user_campaign_fields, alg_crowdfunding_user_campaign_save_fields hooks.
  • Dev – Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation updated.
  • Tweak – Donate link changed.
  • Tweak – Typo (to and too) fixed.

2.3.2 – 2016-12-01

  • Fix – Radio Buttons for Variable Products – Disable add to cart button on campaign not started or not active.
  • Fix – current_time result converted to int.
  • Fix – User Campaigns – User Visibility – Option not functioning correctly, fixed.
  • Dev – Open Price – “Number of Decimals (Price Step)” admin option added.
  • Dev – User Campaigns – “Campaigns” Tab – “Add Edit Campaign Button” and “Add Delete Campaign Button” options added.
  • Dev – Admin fields meta box in product edit – required option added.
  • Dev – alg_crowdfunding_admin_fields and alg_crowdfunding_user_campaign_fields filters added. alg_crowdfunding_user_campaign_save_fields action added.
  • Dev – Plugin version added to all wp_enqueue_style, wp_enqueue_script, wp_register_script.
  • Dev – display="date" changed to display="alg_crowdfunding_date"; display="time" changed to display="alg_crowdfunding_time".
  • Dev – Language (POT) file updated.
  • Dev – do_shortcode() added to is_purchasable_html().
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_time_to_start] shortcode added (with campaign_will_start, campaign_started and precision attributes).
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining] – Full “time left” returned. campaign_will_end, campaign_ended and precision attributes added.
  • Dev – Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation files added.
  • Tweak – User Campaigns – User Visibility – Description tip added.
  • Tweak – Typo in functions names fixed.
  • Tweak – User Campaigns – “Campaigns” Tab – Admin option title fixed.

2.3.1 – 2016-11-10

  • Fix – “Enable Open Pricing” checkbox not saving in admin product edit, fixed.
  • Fix – “My Account > Campaigns” fixed (endpoint added).
  • Dev – “… seconds since last update” message added to “General” settings section.
  • Dev – Language (POT) file updated.
  • Dev – WP_Query optimized in alg_wc_crdfnd_calculate_product_orders_data() to loop in blocks.
  • Dev – WP_Query optimized in alg_wc_crdfnd_calculate_product_orders_data(), alg_wc_crdfnd_count_crowdfunding_products(), add_my_products_content_my_account_page(), add_my_products_tab_my_account_page() and update_products_data() to return ids only.

2.3.0 – 2016-08-20

  • Fix – “Crowdfunding enabled” checkbox not saving when adding new product, fixed.
  • Fix – Variable radio buttons – Variation image fixed.
  • Dev – “Crowdfunding Orders Data” metabox added.
  • Dev – “User Campaigns” section added.
  • Dev – “Products Data Update Options” section (and crons) added.
  • Dev – “Ending Options” section added (including new “End On Goal Reached”).
  • Dev – Progress bar styling options added.
  • Dev – “Order Statuses to Include in Calculations” option added (order_status shortcode attribute removed).
  • Dev – Version system added.
  • Dev – Time and date pickers loading moved to frontend (for “User Campaigns” section).
  • Dev – Functions moved to separate functions file.
  • Dev – Shortcodes loading moved to frontend file.
  • Tweak – “General” section link (bold) fixed.
  • Tweak – Contributors changed.

2.2.4 – 2016-07-26

  • Fix – get_product_orders_data() global post fix.

2.2.3 – 2016-05-24

  • Fix – Text domain renamed in plugin header.

2.2.2 – 2016-05-24

  • Dev – Multisite enabled. is_super_admin call replaced.
  • Dev – Translation text domain renamed. lt_LT translation added.

2.2.1 – 2016-05-13

  • Fix – Titles in per product admin options table – caused PHP notice when saving product.
  • Dev – Text domain added to the plugin header.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_time_progress_bar] renamed to [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar].
  • Dev – POT file updated.

2.2.0 – 2016-05-10

  • Fix – total_orders in get_product_orders_data.
  • Fix – Custom links fixed.
  • Dev – “Open Pricing (Name Your Price)” functionality added.
  • Dev – starting_offset shortcodes attribute added to get_product_orders_data.
  • Dev – show_if_zero attribute added to output_shortcode function.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers] shortcode added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_goal_items] shortcode added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining] shortcode added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining] shortcode added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_goal_backers_remaining_progress_bar] shortcode added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_goal_items_remaining_progress_bar] shortcode added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_goal_progress_bar] renamed to [product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar].
  • Dev – [product_total_orders_sum] renamed to [product_crowdfunding_total_sum].
  • Dev – [product_total_orders] renamed to [product_crowdfunding_total_backers].
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_total_items] shortcode added.
  • Dev – Formating date and time according to local format.
  • Dev – post__not_in added to save_meta_box.
  • Dev – POT file added.
  • Tweak – Titles added in per product admin options table.

2.1.0 – 2015-11-26

  • Dev – WooCommerce Grouped products support added.
  • Dev – product_id attribute added in shortcodes.
  • Dev – order_status attribute added in orders shortcodes: product_crowdfunding_goal_progress_bar, product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining, product_total_orders, product_total_orders_sum.
  • Dev – “Crowdfunding” column added to admin products list.
  • Fix – Counting fix.
  • Fix – Additional check in is_crowdfunding_product(). Caused PHP notice.
  • Fix – Global product reset in get_product_orders_data() added.

2.0.0 – 2015-10-27

  • Dev – Crowdfunding type product removed – now any product type (e.g. simple, variable) can be used as crowdfunding product.
  • Fix – Shortcodes – [product_crowdfunding_time_remaining] singular form bug fixed.

1.2.0 – 2015-10-18

  • Dev – Product Info – Custom Product Info – Category View option added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_time_progress_bar] shortcode added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_goal_progress_bar] shortcode added.
  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_add_to_cart_form] shortcode added.

1.1.1 – 2015-10-02

  • Fix – “Remove Last Variation” bug when saving on product’s admin edit page, fixed.

1.1.0 – 2015-09-30

  • Dev – [product_crowdfunding_starttime], [product_crowdfunding_startdatetime], [product_crowdfunding_deadline_time], [product_crowdfunding_deadline_datetime] shortcodes added.
  • Dev – Start/end time added.

1.0.1 – 2015-08-21

  • Fix – Validation on frontend only affects crowdfunding type products now.

1.0.0 – 2015-08-20

  • Initial Release.


  • Version: 3.1.11
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6


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