Course Migration for LearnDash

January 06, 2020

Course Migration for LearnDash Plugin

Course Migration for LearnDash helps you migrate your LearnDash based courses directly between two sites effortlessly.

Have you ever faced issues where your course content creator is creating the content on a local installation of WordPress and you want to migrate the content back to the live site?


Your developer makes all the code and content changes on a local installation and pushes them to the live site.

It’s a real hassle moving the content back and forth via CSV files or manually especially when you maintain separate live and staging sites.

In any of these(or similar) scenarios, Course Migration for LearnDash comes to the rescue.

One click migrate your course content back and forth off your staging(or local) and live setups effortlessly.

  1. Simply install the plugin on both receiver end and sender end. You’ll see a new menu in the wp backend called Course Migration.
  2. Go to Security Key submenu on the receiver’s end and click on Generate Key and save changes.
  3. On the sender’s end go to the Course Migration submenu, and enter the receiver’s URL and the security key generated via the receiver’s end.
  4. Then select the course which you want to migrate. All the course topics and lessons will be displayed
  5. Simply check all the required topics and lessons and click on migrate. You’ll see a tick on the step that has been migrated successfully.
  6. If the migration doesn’t work, please check if you’ve added proper URL to the whitelist on the receiver’s end.
  7. If you still face any issues, you can contact me in the support section.

There is a Pro version in the pipeline with advanced features such as maintaining associations between lessons, topic, and a feature to migrate LearnDash quizzes.
If you wish to contribute to this plugin, drop me an email.


How to use this plugin.

Just install the plugin on both the sender’s and receiver’s end.


  1. This is the screen used to transfer courses

    This is the screen used to transfer courses

  2. This is the screen of the whitelisted domain used to allow hosts to access the site to put data into the site.

    This is the screen of the whitelisted domain used to allow hosts to access the site to put data into the site.


If you face any issues using this plugin and can’t get through them, you can drop a comment or an email.

If you want custom features for this plugin or want plugin or theme customizations for your WordPress based site, drop me an email and we can discuss it.


This is the initial release of the plugin.


  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.9.8
  • Tested up to: 5.3.18
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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