Content Manager Light

May 07, 2022

Content Manager Light Plugin

Build your custom Responsive page layout and fill it with ready to use content items. Easy, no coding.

Build custom Responsive page layout and fill it with ready to use content items. Easy, no coding. Super fast and efficient way to build pages.

Check on the Content Manager Light: Demo site | Documentation page

OTW Grid Manager

Build custom responsive page layouts. Create as many rows and columns as you need.

Content Items

Insert any of the ready to use content items to fill in content in your columns. All settings are easily done in a nice and intuitive interface. Here is the list of content items:

  • Button
  • Info boxes
  • Dropcaps
  • Quotes
  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Tabs
  • Toggles
  • Dividers (Horizontal rules)
  • HTML editor

Custom styling and skins

Most of the styles for the content items will be inherited from your theme, but some will come with the plugin. If you want to style a content item any way different you can either use the ready css classes or place your own for each content item individually (in content items’ settings screen). You can also create a custom skin in a separate file and make the plugin load it form the plugin options page.


This plugin comes Localization/Internationalization ready. It is following WordPress I18n standards.

Full version of the plugin

Upgrade to the Pro version of this plugin – the fastes way to build your WordPress based site including regular updates and premium support:
Content Manager | Demo site

Some of the features:

  • OTW Grid Manager full version – drag & drop enabled, easier and faster way to insert rows with columns, edit for rows, columns and shortcodes/content items, live preview in the grid.
  • Front-end editor – edit your layouts in the front-end of your site. It is a lot quicker and easier.
  • OTW Content Sidebars – Add sidebars on the left and/or right of your pages/layouts
  • Over 50 + ready to use shortcodes/content items. See full list on the Content Manager page
  • Import shortcodes – import shortcodes from other plugins and your theme to make them available in the OTW Grid Manager
  • Custom shortcodes – create new custom shortcodes in a nice and easy to use interface. No coding!
  • Insert Shortcodes Anywhere – Layouts, Page Editor, Sidebars, Template files
  • Insert Sidebars Anywhere – Layouts, Page Editor, Template files
  • WordPress Widgets Anywhere – Layouts, Page Editor, Template files
  • Skins interface – build new skins withing your WordPress admin area.
  • Translation/Localization .po/.mo files ready to use
  • Support and free updates.


Please refer to online documentation page and the Demo site for more details.


  1. OTW Grid Manager Light

    OTW Grid Manager Light

  2. Content items settings interface

    Content items settings interface

  3. Buttons


  4. Info box

    Info box

  5. Drop Caps

    Drop Caps



  7. Tab Layout

    Tab Layout

  8. Content Toggle

    Content Toggle

  9. Dividers



Please refer to online documentation page and the Demo site for more details.



  • Updated: Apply Default requests values
  • Fixed: Dynamic shortcode fields


  • Fixed: Check for registered block editors
  • Updated: Core components


  • Updated: Use thickbox trigger to close html shortcode editors


  • Updated: php8 support
  • Updated: Escape html attributes
  • Updated: Sanitize requests
  • Updated: Use strict mode for javascript
  • Updated: OTW shortcode in block editors


  • Added: Multisite support


  • Updated: latest version of OTW factory
  • Fixed: error mode modification


  • Updated: WordPress 4.8 compatibility
  • Updated: menu ordering


  • Added: Tabs links
  • Updated: OTW Core functions updates


  • Updated: call to google fonts via https


  • Added: WPML compatibility verified by the WPML team


  • Added: Responsive layouts


  • Updated: OTW core updates


  • Updated: js shortcodes settings optimization


  • Fixed: include skin css after the main style so it can overwrite the rules


  • Fixed: missing php function


  • Fixed: wp link wrap zindex added


  • Fixed: Adjustments on the options popup window


  • Fixed: Popup buttons css fixes
  • Fixed: HTML Editor item now works with the new WordPress 3.9 editor


  • Updated: Allowed HTML for – Info boxes, Dropcaps, Quotes, Tabs, Toggles
  • Updated: Add construct and js css version


  • Updated: Add json column check
  • Updated: Remove global object style definition


  • Initial release


  • Version: 3.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.6
  • Tested up to: 5.9.10


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