Contact Us Page – Contact People

July 15, 2024

Contact Us Page – Contact People Plugin

Easily and instantly create an interesting, stylish, professional and highly functional Contact Us Page for any WordPress Theme.

Contact Us Page – Contact People allows you to easily transform your themes dull and boring contact us page into a stunning and vibrant, ultra-professional Contact Us Page not only for your General sites contact us but for individual profiles.

Features include:


The first thing the plugin does is allow you to create an unlimited number of profiles. Profiles can be anything you want – People, Head Offices, branch Offices. Profile card are displayed in rows on the Contact Us Page under the Google map if you have activated the map.

Profile Features are:

  • Title / Position, name, Phone, fax, mobile, web address, and description
  • Profile image or use the default no image
  • Option to show or don’t show profile location on the Contact Us Page Google map
  • Option to turn ON | OFF profile display marker on the Contact Us Page map
  • Sort Profile display order on the Contact Us Page by drag and drop on Profiles menu
  • Add Profile unique email address and mail goes directly to them
  • Any Profile Address or contact method can be left off the card


  • Creates a contact card for each profile
  • 3 Card Layout options, Image Left and Content Right or Image Right and Content Left or Image top and content below
  • Full in plugin card style options means no coding required to style the profile cards.


  • When click on email link on a profile card the contact form opens is a beautiful Bootstrap Modal pop up
  • Form pop up shows beautifully in PC, tablet and mobile
  • User can send email direct to any profile without leaving the page


Insert Profile contact cards in any page or post. Support for

  • Legacy Editor – via shortcode
  • Gutenberg Editor – via Contact Profile Block


The plugin when installed auto creates a stunning contact us page with this huge list of features:

  • Optional Google Location Map that shows at the top with each contacts location (if required)
  • Create unlimited Contact Profile Cards. Display each person, department, store or branch office on a profile card on the Contact Us Page.
  • Features direct email submission from users to each contact profile card.
  • Email address never visible.
  • Contact Profile cards: Show as much or as little contact information as each profile desires / requires.
  • Department Contact Profiles: Display each departments contact profile, e.g. support, sales, admin.
  • Stores and branches local or worldwide – show on Google map.
  • Google map features auto zoom. Opens to show all the profile location markers in the map viewer
  • Contact Us Page display is fully mobile responsive.
  • Set the number of profile Cards to show per row. Display up to 5 Cards per row.
  • Mouse over profile card and if it is set on profile to show location on map the card changes colour
  • Click on Card and the profile marker shows on the map, if map is not visible in the screen it auto scrolls up to the map
  • Can click to email profile from the map marker
  • Click to email. Contact form with smooth email pop-up forms for easy and quick submission.
  • Pop-up submission success confirmation.
  • Mobile device optimized, all tablets and phones.


The plugin includes a fully customizable Contact Widget that can be used in any theme widgetized area. Features include

  • Apply all Widget content from the plugins admin panel.
  • Enable/Disable google location map and map co-ordinate settings.
  • 2 Content areas for adding information.
  • Business / Organization address and contact fields.
  • Default widget email contact form
  • Add email contact from any plugin via shortcode.


  • Full support for Right to Left RTL layout on mobile first admin dashboard.
  • Full support for WPML
  • Translation ready


This plugin features a an Ultimate version upgrade that adds 3 advanced functionalities:

  • Custom Profile Contact Forms
  • Profile Groups


When you download Contact Us Page – Contact People, you join our the a3rev Software community. Regardless of if you are a WordPress beginner or experienced developer if you are interested in contributing to the future development of this plugin head over to the Contact Us Page – Contact People GitHub Repository to find out how you can contribute.

Want to add a new language to WP Email Template! You can contribute via


  1. Install and activate the plugin
  2. On wp-admin click on Contact Us menu
  3. Profiles Menu > Add New, Add some profiles.
  4. Settings Menu > Contact Us Page tab where you will find the plugins general settings
  5. Settings Menu > Profile Card tab where you style the profile cards
  6. Settings Menu > Profile Email Tab where you style the contact form
  7. Settings Menu > Contact Us Widget tab where you set layout and content for the widget
  8. WordPress Appearance Menu > Widgets and add contact widget to sidebar.
  9. WordPress Appearance > Menus and add the Page Contact Us page to your menu.
  10. Enjoy your dynamite looking contact us page.


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP version 7.4 or greater is recommended
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater is recommended


  1. Contact Us Page

    Contact Us Page

  2. Contact Pop Up Form

    Contact Pop Up Form

  3. Contact Form Success Message

    Contact Form Success Message

  4. Add Profiles

    Add Profiles

  5. Profiles


  6. Profile cards admin panel

    Profile cards admin panel


3.7.4 – 2024/07/15

  • This release has various tweaks for compatibility with WordPress 6.6
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 6.6
  • Tweak – Validate and correct block.json based schema from WordPress Block

3.7.3 – 2023/11/23

  • This maintenance release has plugin framework updates for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards, a Google Maps Bug fix and compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
  • Framework – Set parameter number of preg_match function from null to 0 for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards
  • Framework – Validate empty before call trim for option value
  • Fix – Validate google map key is valid before call google map script from plugin settings

3.7.2 – 2023/05/18

  • This release has 1 page validation bug fix and compatibility with WordPress 6.2.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress version 6.2.1
  • Fix – Validate page is exists before get ID of the page

3.7.1 – 2023/01/14

  • This release has a patch for a security vulnerability – please run it now.
  • Props to security dev Rio Darmawan who responsibly reported the vulnerability via PatchStack.

3.7.0 – 2023/01/03

  • This feature release removes the fontawesome lib and replaces icons with SVGs plus adds Default Topography option to font controls.
  • Feature – Convert icon from font awesome to SVG
  • Feature – Update styling for new SVG icons
  • Plugin Framework – Update typography control from plugin framework to add support for Default value
  • Plugin Framework – Default value will get fonts set in the theme.
  • Plugin Framework – Change generate typography style for change on typography control
  • Plugin Framework – Remove fontawesome lib

3.6.3 – 2022/11/21

  • This maintenance release has 1 bug fix
  • Fix – Show the panel settings page if have combine of premium and free options on same page.

3.6.2 – 2022/11/01

  • This maintenance release has a security vulnerability patch, plus compatibility with WordPress major version 6.1.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.1
  • Security – This release has a patch for a security vulnerability

3.6.1 – 2022/05/24

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 6.0 and includes various code tweaks, bug fixes plus tweaks to harden code security.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.0
  • Tweak – Add filter on generate_border_style_css
  • Tweak – Add filter on generate_border_corner_css
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.0
  • Framework – Upgrade Plugin Framework to version 2.6.0
  • Security – Various code hardening tweaks.
  • Security – Escape all $-variable
  • Security – Sanitize all $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST
  • Security – Apply wp_unslash before sanitize
  • Fix – Profile edit page layout crash
  • Fix – Group edit page layout crash

3.6.0 – 2022/01/21

  • This release has a new Google Maps and Google Fonts API Validation features plus compatibility with WordPress major version 5.9
  • Feature – Add Ajax Validate button for the Google Map API and Google Font API fields, for quick and easy Validation of API keys
  • Dev – Add dynamic help text to Google Map API and Google Font API fields
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with latest version of Gutenberg from WordPress 5.9
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.5.0

3.5.5 – 2021/11/20

  • This maintenance release has a bug fix for compatibility with PHP 8.x
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with PHP 8.x
  • Fix – Update some defined functions without an optional parameter when followed by a required parameter. This is deprecated as of PHP 8.0.0

3.5.4 – 2021/07/19

  • This maintenance release has code tweaks for WordPress 5.8 compatibility plus Security hardening
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.8
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with Gutenberg 10.7
  • Security – Add more variable, options and html escaping
  • Security – Get variable via name instead of use extract

3.5.3 – 2021/07/12

  • This small maintenance release contains a security patch.
  • Security – Added escaping for the shortcode parameters

3.5.2 – 2021/03/17

  • This maintenance release updates 23 deprecated jQuery functions for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery in WordPress 5.7
  • Tweak – Update JavaScript on plugin framework for compatibility with latest version of jQuery and resolve PHP warning event shorthand is deprecated.
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .change( handler ) with .on( ‘change’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .change() with .trigger(‘change’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .focus( handler ) with .on( ‘focus’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .focus() with .trigger(‘focus’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .click( handler ) with .on( ‘click’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .click() with .trigger(‘click’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .select( handler ) with .on( ‘select’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .select() with .trigger(‘select’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .blur( handler ) with .on( ‘blur’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .blur() with .trigger(‘blur’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .resize( handler ) with .on( ‘resize’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .submit( handler ) with .on( ‘submit’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .scroll( handler ) with .on( ‘scroll’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mousedown( handler ) with .on( ‘mousedown’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mouseover( handler ) with .on( ‘mouseover’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mouseout( handler ) with .on( ‘mouseout’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .keydown( handler ) with .on( ‘keydown’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’) with .prop(‘disabled’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘disabled’) with .prop(‘disabled’, false)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘selected’, ‘selected’) with .prop(‘selected’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘selected’) with .prop(‘selected’, false)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘checked’, ‘checked’) with .prop(‘checked’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘checked’) with .prop(‘checked’, false)

3.5.1 – 2021/03/09

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.7 and Gutenberg 10.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.7
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with Gutenberg 10.0

3.5.0 – 2021/01/15

  • This feature release adds the option to add a unique text ID to each Profile. This is for admin use when a Profile has multiple contact cards that have different contact forms.
  • Feature – Add Profile ID. Plain text, Limited to 30 characters including white space and only visible on backend.
  • Tweak – Added the ID Field to Profile Details option box on Create / Edit Profiles.
  • Tweak – Added ID column to the Profiles listing page.
  • Tweak – Show the Profile name and ID in Contact Profile Block select profile dropdown
  • Tweak – Show the Profile name and ID in Contact Profile shortcode select profile dropdown
  • Tweak – Create new ID database table

3.4.9 – 2020/12/30

  • This is an important maintenance release that updates our scripts for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery released in WordPress 5.6
  • Tweak – Update JavaScript on plugin framework for work compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .bind( event, handler ) by .on( event, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :eq() Selector by .eq() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .error() by .on( “error” ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :first Selector by .first() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :gt(0) Selector by .slice(1) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Remove jQuery.browser for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isArray() by Array.isArray() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isFunction(x) by typeof x === “function” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isNumeric(x) by typeof x === “number” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace by for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.parseJSON() by JSON.parse() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Remove for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.trim(x) by x.trim() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.type(x) by typeof x for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .load( handler ) by .on( “load”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .size() by .length for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .unbind( event ) by .off( event ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .unload( handler ) by .on( “unload”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery

3.4.8 – 2020/12/15

  • This maintenance release adds a block preview image for block discovery
  • Tweak – Add support for Block Discovery Preview

3.4.7 – 2020/12/08

  • This maintenance release has tweaks and a fix for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.6, PHP 7.4.8 and Gutenberg 9.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with PHP 7.4.8
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.6
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with Gutenberg 9.4
  • Tweak – Update the Spacing component to latest version 1.0.10
  • Fix – Update plugin framework script, remove jQuery.browser is deprecated to resolve conflict with jQuery Migrate Helper plugin

3.4.6 – 2020/08/08

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.5 and WooCommerce 4.3.1.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.5
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.1
  • Tweak – Replace wp_make_content_images_responsive with wp_filter_content_tags for compatibility on WordPress 5.5

3.4.5 – 2020/07/20

  • This maintenance release has a performance tweak, plus compatibility with WordPress 5.4.2, Gutenberg 8.5.1 and WooCommerce 4.3.0
  • Tweak – Reduce the block scripts on first load in the Gutenberg Editor
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.4.2
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with Gutenberg 8.5.1

3.4.4 – 2020/04/03

  • This maintenance release updates a depreciated email validating function
  • Fix – Replace depreciated eregi function with filter_var for validating email

3.4.3 – 2020/03/24

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.4, Gutenberg 7.5 and introduces Travis CI build unit testing and fixes for compatibility issue with PHP 7.0 to 7.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.4
  • Tweak – Run Travis CI unit build tests for PHP compatibility issues with PHP 7.0 to 7.4
  • Tweak – Update Gutenberg block for work compatibility with Gutenberg latest version 7.5
  • Fix – Update global ${$this- to $GLOBALS[$this to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings
  • Fix – Update global ${$option to $GLOBALS[$option to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings
  • Fix – Update less PHP lib that use square brackets [] instead of curly braces {} for Array, depreciated in PHP 7.4
  • Fix – Validate to not use get_magic_quotes_gpc function that are depreciated in PHP 7.4

3.4.2 – 2020/02/12

  • This maintenance release completes the upgrade to PHP Composer, plus compatibility with WordPress v 5.3.2
  • Tweak – Plugin Framework fully refactored to Composer for cleaner code and faster PHP code on admin panels
  • Tweak – Update plugin for compatibility with new version of plugin Framework
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2

3.4.1 – 2019/12/09

  • This feature release a full security review plus compatibility with WordPress 5.3.0
  • Tweak – Remove the hard coded PHP error_reporting display errors false from compile sass to css
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.0
  • Fix – Show recaptcha on modal popup for gravity form
  • Dev – Replace file_get_contents with HTTP API wp_remote_get
  • Dev – Ensure that all inputs are sanitized and all outputs are escaped

3.4.0 – 2019/09/27

  • This feature upgrade is a full refactor of the plugins PHP to PHP dependency manager Composer with autoloading.
  • Feature – Plugin fully refactored to Composer for cleaner code and faster PHP code
  • Tweak – Replace PaddingControl instead of MarginControl for Card Spacing settings of Contact Profile block
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.3

3.3.0 – 2019/08/21

  • This feature upgrade adds 2 new features. Add profile cards to post and pages via shortcode for legacy editor and via Contact Profile block in the Gutenberg editor
  • Feature – Add Contact Profile Card by block in Gutenberg editor
  • Feature – Add Contact Profile Card by Shortcode in legacy editor
  • Tweak – Icon alignment style on Profile Card
  • Tweak – Add rel=noopener to Profile Card website link

3.2.6 – 2019/06/29

  • This is a maintenance upgrade to fix a potentially fatal error conflict with sites running PHP 7.3
  • Fix – PHP warning continue targeting switch is equivalent to break for compatibility on PHP 7.3

3.2.5 – 2019/05/21

  • This maintenance update adds support for ALT text on images
  • Tweak – Add Support For image ALT Text
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.0
  • Dev – Update plugin database table with new alt field

3.2.4 – 2019/01/02

  • This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2 and PHP 7.3. It also includes performance updates to the plugin framework.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2 and WordPress 4.9.9
  • Tweak – Create new structure for future development of Gutenberg Blocks
  • Framework – Performance improvement. Replace wp_remote_fopen with file_get_contents for get web fonts
  • Framework – Performance improvement. Define new variable is_load_google_fonts if admin does not require to load google fonts
  • Credit – Props to Derek for alerting us to the framework google fonts performance issue
  • Framework – Register style name for dynamic style of plugin for use with Gutenberg block
  • Framework – Update Modal script and style to version 4.1.1
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.1.0
  • Framework – Test and update for compatibility with PHP 7.3

3.2.3 – 2018/08/10

  • This maintenance update is focused on a rework of the Google Maps API settings in the plugin, Maps API error notices. It also resolves a display issue with Gravity Forms added by shortcode and compatibility with WordPress 4.9.8, WooCommerce 3.4.4 and Gravity Forms 2.3.3
  • Tweak – Remove custom Gravity Forms style that was added in 2015. Does not work with latest version of Gravity Forms
  • Tweak – Move Google Maps API settings onto its own options box for greater clarity
  • Tweak – Update Google Maps API settings with ON | OFF switch and Error display if Key is invalid.
  • Tweak – Add Warning Notification if Maps are On but an valid key is not set.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.8
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.4
  • Tweak – Test form compatibility with Gravity Forms v 2.3.3
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.7
  • Fix – Use HTTPS method and parse Google API Key to resolve issue with Google Map API rate limiting

3.2.2 – 2018/07/23

  • This maintenance upgrade is a small tweak for improved compatibility with a3 Lazy Load and WordPress v 4.9.7
  • Tweak – Called masonry for calculate height of card item after image is loaded by Lazy script for compatibility with a3 Lazy Load plugin
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.7

3.2.1 – 2018/06/19

  • Maintenance update with fixes for when profile card is embedded on a page in shortcode plus tweaks for modal pop up in mobile and added background colour for third party forms pop up
  • Tweak – Auto scroll to top of modal popup when it opens for better UI in mobile
  • Tweak – Show Profile Image and Profile Name on same line on pop up for mobile
  • Framework – Fix for Framework Global Box Settings not working
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.5
  • Fix – Get correct From Page Title when embed contact profile shortcode multiple times on a page
  • Fix – Get correct From Page URL when embed contact profile shortcode multiple times on a page

3.2.0 – 2018/06/16

  • This is a major upgrade to the Default Email Inquiry form with 7 new features. Upgrade of the modal popup script for enhanced UI and UX
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Added Form Field Options box
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Name field has option to turn ON or OFF Required field
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Telephone field has ON or OFF option to show.
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Telephone field IF showing has option for Required field ON or OFF
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Subject field has ON or OFF option to show.
  • Feature – Default Emil Form. Subject field IF showing has option for Required field ON or OFF
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Message Field has option to turn ON or OFF Required field
  • Tweak – Default Email Form. Update plugin admin page sidebar Place card links for support and more plugins
  • Tweak – Updated the plugins readme file to reflect the many changes in this version
  • Tweak – Multiple coding standard enhancements.
  • Framework – Update Modal script and style to version 4.1.1
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.4

3.1.6 – 2018/05/26

  • This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6 and the new GDPR compliance requirements for users in the EU
  • Tweak – Default Profile and Contact Us Widget Email Inquiry Form. Add new GDPR Compliance Options Box with option to turn Acceptance notice ON or OFF for default form.
  • Tweak – When Acceptance notice is ON option shows to edit the default text that shows to the right of the acceptance box.
  • Tweak – When Acceptance Notice is ON option shows to add information text to the bottom of the form. Leave the text edit empty on and nothing shows on the form footer.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6

3.1.5 – 2018/04/20

  • Maintenance Update. Fix compatibility issues with a3 Lazy Load and close icon position on popup. Also compatibility with WordPress 4.9.5
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.5
  • Framework – Define filter tag for enable OR disable load new google fonts via API
  • Framework – Update plugin framework to new version 2.0.3
  • Fix – Added a3-notlazy class for image on popup for compatibility with a3 Lazy Load. Solves the issue image not loaded on popup when first load.
  • Tweak – Custom X icon so that it shows larger and in correct position

3.1.4 – 2018/03/01

  • Maintenance Update. Fixed issue with admin settings not saving in version 3.1.3
  • Fix – Settings no saving. Set variable is_plugin_free to TRUE to resolve the issue.

3.1.3 – 2018/02/13

  • Maintenance Update. Under the bonnet tweaks to keep your plugin running smoothly and is the foundation for new features to be developed this year
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.2
  • Framework – Add Framework version for all style and script files
  • Tweak – Update for full compatibility with a3rev Dashboard plugin
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.4

3.1.2 – 2017/07/05

  • Fix – Include Transition script from bootstrap so that Modal pop up script can work

3.1.1 – 2017/07/04

  • Tweak – Rollback Modal script from Bootstrap version 4.0 Alpha to verssion 3.3.7
  • Tweak – Update plugin style for work together with Modal style version 3.3.7

3.1.0 – 2017/06/08

  • Feature – Launched WP Email Template public Repository
  • Feature – WordPress Translation activation. Add text domain declaration in file header
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress major version 4.8.0

3.0.1 – 2017/05/25

  • Tweak – Increase z-index of Boostrap Modal pop up so that it takes higher priority then a3 Portfolio Item expander
  • Tweak – Add header to Bootstrap Modal pop up and close button on the right top corner
  • Tweak – Remove the close X icon from bottom left of the Boostrap Modal pop up and replace with a Close button

3.0.0 – 2017/05/24

  • Feature – Profile Cards, Unlock + Profile Card Layout options
  • Feature – Profile Cards, Unlock + Profile card Style options
  • Feature – Profile Cards, Unlock + Profile Card Image Style options
  • Feature – Profile Cards, Unlock + Profile Card No Image options
  • Feature – Profile Cards, Unlock + Profile Card Contact Icons options
  • Feature – Profile Cards style, add text editors for all profile card fonts, Title / Position, Profile Name, Contact Icon Text, About Profile
  • Feature – Profile Cards style, add Link Colour and Link Hover colour options
  • Feature – View Profile on map – changed action to show marker on map from hover over card to click on card. If map not in viewport it now auto scrolls up to show marker on map when card is clicked
  • Feature – Profile Cards style, add card background hover colour which only applies when the Card is set to show on the location map
  • Feature – Contact Form Pop Up, added new Bootstrap Modal contact form Pop up for brilliant display in PC, Tablet and mobiles
  • Tweak – Performance, when load a page with profiles and map, cache Profile map Lat and Long to save many repeated calls to google maps API
  • Tweak – Remove Conditional logic from the + Forms Title and Font options. Previously hidden when default form was selected
  • Tweak – Removed Fancybox and Colorbox pop up scripts and replaced with Bootstrap Modal pop up
  • Tweak – Removed all pop up style options
  • Tweak – Move Profile Cards tab on admin panel to same position that it is on Ultimate version
  • Tweak – Update Pro version text and links to Ultimate Version
  • Tweak – Change global $$variable to global ${$variable} for compatibility with PHP 7.0
  • Tweak – Update a3 Revolution to a3rev Software on plugins description
  • Tweak – Added Settings link to plugins description on plugins menu
  • Tweak – Update plugins readme description text
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.5
  • Fix – Upgrade Profile admin page mobile responsive display
  • Fix – Profile Card upload card icons

2.3.0 – 2016/07/06

  • Feature – Added ‘Google Map API’ option into Plugin Framework Global Settings box for enter google map api key
  • Tweak – Update select type of plugin framework for support group options
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.5.3
  • Fix – Show google map on frontend so that google map api key is required to enter for your site

2.2.0 – 2016/04/13

  • Feature – Define new ‘Background Color’ type on plugin framework with ON | OFF switch to disable background or enable it
  • Feature – Define new function – hextorgb() – for convert hex color to rgb color on plugin framework
  • Feature – Define new function – generate_background_color_css() – for export background style code on plugin framework that is used to make custom style
  • Tweak – Change on load script so that they are loaded with correct order without jQuery is loaded after slider script
  • Tweak – Change call action from ‘wp_head’ to ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’ and use ‘wp_enqueue_style’ function to load style for better compatibility with minify feature of caching plugins
  • Tweak – Define new ‘strip_methods’ argument for Uploader type, allow strip http/https or no
  • Tweak – Register fontawesome in plugin framework with style name is ‘font-awesome-styles’
  • Tweak – Saved the time number into database for one time customize style and Save change on the Plugin Settings
  • Tweak – Replace version number by time number for dynamic style file are generated by Sass to solve the issue get cache file on CDN server
  • Tweak – Update core style and script of plugin framework for support Background Color type
  • Tweak – Update plugin framework to latest version
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress major version 4.5

2.1.0 – 2015/12/07

  • Feature – Add new field ‘c_attachment_id’ to table database of plugin for support to save the attachment id of Profile Item
  • Feature – Support new Responsive Image feature with WordPress v4.4 with backward compatibility
  • Tweak – Change old Uploader to New UI of Uploader with Backbone and Underscore from WordPress
  • Tweak – Update the uploader script to save the Attachment ID and work with New Uploader
  • Tweak – Change the heading on Plugin Settings from h2 to h1 with new WordPress v4.4 UI
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress major version 4.4

2.0.3 – 2015/09/03

  • Fix – add parse shortcode after header is called for don’t get conflict with any SEO plugin that auto generate the description from post content with shortcode of plugin that make javascript error with jQuery is undefined
  • Fix – Added ‘box-sizing: initial;’ for #fancybox-wrap ID to the Close button show correct on top right corner of Fancybox pop-up

2.0.2 – 2015/08/21

  • Tweak – include new CSSMin lib from into plugin framework instead of old CSSMin lib from , to avoid conflict with plugins or themes that have CSSMin lib
  • Tweak – make __construct() function for ‘Compile_Less_Sass’ class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4
  • Tweak – change class name from ‘lessc’ to ‘a3_lessc’ so that it does not conflict with plugins or themes that have another Lessc lib
  • Tweak – Plugin Framework DB query optimization. Refactored settings_get_option call for dynamic style elements, example typography, border, border_styles, border_corner, box_shadow
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress major version 4.3.0
  • Fix – Make __construct() function for ‘People_Contact_Shortcode’ class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4
  • Fix – Make __construct() function for ‘People_Contact’ class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4
  • Fix – Update the plugin framework for setup correct default settings on first installed
  • Fix – Update the plugin framework for reset to correct default settings when hit on ‘Reset Settings’ button on each settings tab

2.0.1 – 2015/07/14

  • Tweak – Changed Update file name syntax from 2.0.0.php to 2.0.php for some servers which have configuration that don’t allow syntax 2.0.0.php

2.0.0 – 2015/07/10

  • Feature – Plugin framework admin panel Mobile First focus upgrade
  • Feature – Massive improvement in admin UI and UX in PC, tablet and mobile browsers
  • Feature – Introducing opening and closing Setting Boxes on admin panels.
  • Feature – Added Plugin Framework Customization settings. Control how the admin panel settings show when editing.
  • Feature – New interface has allowed us to do away with the Email Inquiry menu and its 4 tabs, it has been added as 1 tab on Settings menu
  • Feature – New interface means that all 10 sub menus have been removed from the Setting tabs.
  • Feature – Includes a script to automatically combine removed tab settings into Tabs main table when upgrading
  • Feature – Added Option to set a Google Fonts API key to directly access latest fonts and font updates from Google
  • Feature – Separated all Google map Settings. Now have 4 map types, Contact Page map, Profile map, Widget Map and Groups Maps
  • Feature – Maps auto zoom feature. Auto sets map zoom to show all profile markers in the map viewer on first load. Removed map centre settings
  • Feature – Full Setting Boxes conditional logic. Switch on an option and only the Setting boxes that have settings for that option show
  • Feature – Contact Widget Map editor Live Preview. See exactly how the map will look on front end as each setting is tweaked
  • Feature – Contact Widget Map Callout Text. Enter Text or HTML that will be output when users click on the map marker
  • Feature – Profile Create / Edit new admin interface featuring 2 column display
  • Feature – Profile Create / Edit – Added option to switch ON | OFF the profile display on the Contact Us Page
  • Feature – Profile Location Address is now required. Profile cannot be created or edited without a map location being set.
  • Feature – Create or update a Profile without a location map generates an error message and instructions to enter an address
  • Feature – Profile location map opens showing world map with drag and drop marker and map zoom for setting location
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Added Dynamic settings to set custom email From name and From email address
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Added Send a Copy to Sender with ON | OFF switch
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Added Form Background Dynamic colour selector
  • Feature – Default Email Form. Added Form Title and Fonts dynamic text input boxes and font …


  • Version: 3.7.4
  • Active installations: 800
  • WordPress Version: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1


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