Contact Form by Supsystic

March 15, 2024

Contact Form by Supsystic Plugin

Contact Form Builder with drag-and-drop editor to create responsive, mobile ready contact forms in a second. Custom fields and contact form templates

Simple and powerful Contact Form Builder by Supsystic with drag-and-drop editor. No coding knowledge is required.
Main Contact Form plugin features are:

Contact Form by Supsystic is an ultimate form builder WordPress plugin that lets you create contact forms in seconds with ease. Build beautiful custom forms and manage submissions the WordPress way. View live previews of your forms while you build them. Capture more business opportunities on your website and get real time mobile notifications for new leads. Drag and Drop Contact Form Builder was made to create responsive, mobile ready contact forms in a second. Simple and powerful Contact Form Builder by Supsystic with Drag-and-Drop editor does not require coding knowledge.

Google reCaptcha

Every site admin and owner want to become better and be sure in quality of site life, statistics and income. Thus to avoid mistakes in Contact Form filling reCaptcha field was installed in the latest version of Contact Form. Use reCaptcha feature in the Contact Form to grow the percentage of real users of your site contacts.

Conditional Logic

A really useful new feature for those who get accustomed to gain more.
Condition Logic brings new variants of Contact form applications. Just imagine, how it will be easy to order a cup of coffee with your favorite pie online in 30 seconds! Or Book Hotel correctly with Contact Form even if you hurry. Or Redirect user to his/her country site of your Huge International Corporation with Condition Logic of Contact Form. Uncountable abilities appears in front of your eyes with new Conditional Logic modification in the Contact Form.

Embed Popup Forms

Don’t want your Contact Form takes place on your site? Use Supsystic team implementationof Contact Form into Popup by Supsystic! Thus, you can attract fresh site visits to your Subscribers’ lists or just collecting emails more actively by the Popup addition of Contact Form.

Contact Form Plugin Support

If you have any problem or feature request for the Contact Form by Supsystic, please let us know!

Translations in Your Language Contact Form Plugin

You have an incredible opportunity to get PRO version of the plugin for free. Just Make Translation of the Contact Form by Supsystic plugin! It will be amazing if you take advantage of this offer!
Available Translations:

  • English
  • French
    Contact Form WordPress plugin helps you easily to create contact forms with your customers, gather your own client data and make it maximum elegant, beautiful and quickly. Simple and flexible plugin with user-friendly interface and light theme. Eye-catching contact form design and minimalistic functional variety – everything for your comfort!

The Contact Form has its merits, as in

  • Immediate operation after activation, no need for adding boxes, fields, and lists configurations or short coding
  • Wide range of settings to configure the option plugin and make it work for an eternal number of clients.

What are the benefits of Contact Form plugin by Supsystic?

Mostly the plugin is very light, easy and simple, which is appropriate almost for every site/online store/ WordPress gallery etc. Including these features at the same time, Contact form plugin produces maximum responsive products and looks cool on every device you need.

But the main benefit in comparing with other plugins is that you have full statistics about all the period using the plugin. Check how many forms were submitted, which were successful or failed on different very easy graphics. Bright colors and minimalist design allow you to check it as quickly as possible and understand the picture of your growth in two seconds. In addition, you can export your graphics in CSV file and check it on your device without internet access. Clear all the data by one click if you want to start everything from the very beginning or change your form!

Don’t forget that contact form plugin also offers options like: Load Assets in the footer or change the User role, Enable Promo link and a lot of others. The contact form plugin was created by the Supsystic team for the maximum comfort and ease of our clients, for everybody who wants to keep in touch with their guests, be modern and have all the info in one place.

Using Contact Form plugin on your WordPress site, you start a really responsive business with great analyzer. Contact form by Supsystic plugin is one of the best ways to understand your growth, to analyze the target audience of your business, its location, average age, gender etc. The responsive business is better!

Check other WordPress plugins:


  1. Download Contact Form plugin
  2. Unarchive
  3. Copy the folder with Contact Form by Supsystic plugin
  4. Open ftp \wp-content\plugins\
  5. Paste the contact-form-by-supsystic plugin folder in the folder
  6. Go to admin panel => open item “Plugins” => activate Contact Form Builder by Supsystic


  1. <p><a href="" title="Contact Form WordPress Plugin Examples">Contact Form demo</a></p>

    Contact Form demo

  2. <p>Conditional logic, Delivery form, Booking and Subscription</p>

    Conditional logic, Delivery form, Booking and Subscription

  3. <p>Quiz Form, Order form</p>

    Quiz Form, Order form

  4. <p>Survey & Registration form</p>

    Survey & Registration form

  5. <p>More examples of the Contact Form plugin</p>

    More examples of the Contact Form plugin

  6. <p>Contact Form templates in admin panel</p>

    Contact Form templates in admin panel

  7. <p>Admin panel, Design settings</p>

    Admin panel, Design settings

  8. <p>Admin panel, Fields</p>

    Admin panel, Fields

  9. <p>Admin panel, Submit options settings, Publish content & Registration</p>

    Admin panel, Submit options settings, Publish content & Registration

  10. <p>Admin panel, Subscriptions customizing</p>

    Admin panel, Subscriptions customizing

  11. <p>Admin panel, Statistic data</p>

    Admin panel, Statistic data


How to create a Contact form?

  1. Install the plugin by downloading the archive from, uploading it into your site and activating it.
  2. Navigate to the insert “Add New form” and choose the Design option (e.g. Background color, width etc), Fields – all the fields you need for a full info from your client (including different kinds of lists, emails, text fields, etc.), Submit options – customize the messages your clients get, after submitting forms, links etc.
  3. After all copy and paste the shortcode into your post or page and Contact Form will automatically create on your page using the settings you chose above. Read more info in full tutorial Getting Started

What is A/B testing?

You can test different versions of a contact form to find out which form gives the best results and improve website’s conversion. By split testing your contact forms, it’s easy to understand what works best with your audience, and optimize them any time.
A/B testing feature:
* Helps improve marketing campaigns
* Improves website design and function
* Increases conversions and revenue

How to set different conditions for contact form fields?

With Conditional Logic option you have an ability to show certain fields, depending on the value of some other fields. It’s a great way to make complex forms more compact, and present the user with only the information he is interested in. You can set different conditions for several or even all your fields. Look at more details and Logic feature example.

How to check information about submitting contacts?

Contact Form by Supsystic allows you to check and monitor information about your submitted contacts.

This data is stored on the Contacts tab (on the left navigation menu of the Contact Form Plugin). Here you will find a list of your contacts. Contacts tab will display several fields with some information from your contact form (if you have more than one form – it will show common fields information from all your contact forms).
Read more about Contact Details here.

How to set the design of Contact Form?

The plugin comes with a big variety options to customize your design.
While you start to create your Contact Form you can see a choice of Template. You have 8 different templates, different in their styles, sizes, properties – like Simple White theme, Neon template and etc. You should understand, if you choose one or another template – you chose the general style. Of course, you change any detail you do not like in it.
Also, you can make additional settings as:
* Width – set the width of the Contact Form in percents or pixels
* Form background – pleasant thing – you can change it to any image from your WP Media Library or device, or set the full color
* Inputs background – the same thing – it can be set in two ways: color or image
* Submit/Reset buttons background – definitely, you will get these two buttons on your for. Set their proper design and change the appearance on some picture or color you like too
Do not forget that below all these options you have the preview of your Contact Form, so there is no need to set it each time to the page – to see how it looks like.

How to add additional fields to a Contact Form?

Contact Form in its standard view comes with 6 fields by default. You have two different ways to customize it.
1. You can add any other fields type – by pressing the button Add New Field.
There is a long list of options/types, you can add. Choose the one/or several you like.
2. You can edit the fields you already have.

Follow a complete tutorial Fields Settings.

How to set Subscription for Contact Form?

If you want not only gather the data, but have new subscribers to your site, you can easily use the Contact Form plugin by Supsystic for any WordPress site. These subscribers will automatically get your news, letters, updates for blogs and etc. To check, how your Contact Form does work with subscribers look at the tab Subscribe.
Start your acquaintance from clicking the box Enable Subscription and after this, you will get a full range of settings for your customizing.

Problems with sending messages via Contact Form

The Supsystic team has noticed there is sometimes a big trouble with our Contact Form plugin for WordPress sites. No matter that our plugin is effective in sending and receiving more than 1 million emails every day, when you personally didn’t get it or didn’t send it.
The main causes, which can make your problem with plugin Contact Form by Supsystic

How many fields I can add into the Contact Form?

The Contact Form by Supsystic allows you to add as many fields in the contact form as you need and have several types of them. E.g.
* Text – there you can create fields like Name or Subject, so any, where the user need to enter usual text in contact form
* Email – a special form field for emails only
* Select Box and Select List – for any options you want to be chosen in the contact form
* TextArea – where can be a free content of the contact form
* Radiobutton/Radiobutton List – a multiple variant list with a circular type of contact form check mark
* Checkbox/Checkbox List – a list of contact form options, where the user should confirm something or click the check mark
* Country List/Country List Multiple – if you want your user to specify their country or several ones
* Submit Button – by clicking it your user sends you a contact form
* Reset Button – if you want to give your user and ability to clear all the field by one click

Do you have any limitation in the number of forms, which can be filled in?

No, there is no such a number limit of a contact form. You can receive as many contact forms as your customers fill in. Increase the level of your purchasing and be in touch with your customers.

Is the Contact Form accessible on the cell phones?

Yes, the Contact form is fully responsive and you can fill it from the frontend on any device: cell phone, tablet, laptop etc.

Does your Contact Form plugin provide any statistics?

For those, who are very attentive to their business, we provide the statistics insert. See the number of filling forms in a day, month, year etc. In addition, you can export your statistics in CSV file and open it without the internet. Contact Form submitted Failed, Submitted Success, Displayed etc. Each type of forms has an own line of the graphic so that it would be easy for you to look through it and analyze your growth.


1.7.28 / 14.0.2023 =
* Add love link features

1.7.27 / 14.0.2023 =
* Add love link features

1.7.26 / 23.05.2023 =
* Fixes for nonce.

1.7.25 / 15.05.2023 =
* Compatibility fixes for WP 6.2
* Compatibility fixes for PHP 8.2
* Fixes for html and css forms
* Fixes for nonce.

1.7.24 / 08.1.2022 =
* Add support WP 6.1
* Minor fixes

1.7.23 / 30.08.2022 =
* Add support WP 6.0
* Add support PHP 8.1

1.7.22 / 30.08.2022 =
* Add support WP 6.0
* Add support PHP 8.1

1.7.21 / 05.11.2021 =
* Add fix for striptags

1.7.20 / 04.11.2021 =
* Change strip_tags to wp_kses_post

1.7.19 / 30.10.2021 =
* add wp_kses_post fix

1.7.18 / 21.09.2021 =
* Add fixes for Data Table integration

1.7.17 / 22.06.2021

  • Add fix for license
  • Minor fixes

1.7.16 / 12.04.2021

  • Fix fix for wpdb

1.7.15 / 08.04.2021

  • Fix for file_upload

1.7.14 / 26.03.2021

  • Add support WP 5.7
  • Add fix for OVH gateway

1.7.13 / 01.03.2021

  • Fixes for Show all tables
  • Fixes to AB Testing

1.7.12 / 23.02.2021

  • Security Fixes

1.7.11 / 10.02.2021

  • Security Fixes

1.7.9 / 03.02.2021

  • Add fix for files

1.7.8 / 27.01.2020

  • bootstrap fix issue

1.7.7 / 21.01.2020

  • Add security fixes
  • Fixes bootstrap

1.7.6 / 10.12.2020

  • Add security fixes

1.7.5 / 15.09.2020

  • Add support WP 5.5

1.7.4 / 23.06.2020

  • Migrate to PHP 7.4

1.7.3 / 23.01.2020

  • Broken images on open

1.7.2 / 27.11.2019

  • Minor fixes

1.7.1 / 27.11.2019

  • Add support WP 5.3
  • Minor fixes

1.7.0 / 21.11.2019

  • Add feature condition_logic_v2
  • Minor fixes

1.6.9 / 29.10.2019

  • Minor fixes

1.6.8 / 15.10.2019

  • Minor fixes

1.6.7 / 02.10.2019

  • Fix multiple emails for Mailer
  • Fix inline contact form email response

1.6.6 / 18.09.2019

  • Add defer to recaptcha
  • Fix adding




ol>, end lines in sended email.
* Minor issues fixed

1.6.5 / 03.09.2019

  • Minor issues fixed

1.6.4 / 06.08.2019

  • Fixes for new wp translations
  • Change lng names
  • Hotfix in connectLang function
  • Fixed bd size in installer for column params

1.6.3 / 05.06.2019

  • Fix download files issue
  • Minor issues fixed

1.6.2 / 15.05.2019

  • Add fix notice for Forms
  • Minor PHP 7.3 compatibility improvement
  • Minor issues fixed

1.6.1 / 02.04.2019

  • Core code improvements
  • Minor issues fixed

1.6.0 / 26.02.2019

  • Minor issues fixed

1.5.9 / 22.01.2019

  • Screenshots update
  • Switched MailChimp to API V3 version
  • Small wording fix
  • Fix conflict with WP Deferred Javascripts

1.5.8 / 18.12.2018

  • Fix of displaying of contact form’s statictic
  • Fix of ability to preset contact form from $_GET parameters if $_GET[‘cfsPreFill’] is set
  • Minor issues fixed

1.5.7 / 04.12.2018

  • Add of ability to preset contact form from $_GET parameters if $_GET[‘cfsPreFill’] is set
  • Fix of validation of contact form fields. Small code fix
  • fix redirect for InfusionSoft
  • Code fix and improvements
  • Minor issues fixed

1.5.6 / 18.10.2018

  • Minor issues fixed
  • Fix issue with double new string after tag “p”

1.5.5 / 18.09.2018

  • Minor issues fixed
  • Fix issues with Conditional Logic

1.5.4 / 04.09.2018

  • Core code improvements
  • Minor issues fixed

1.5.3 / 21.08.2018

  • Minor issues fixed

1.5.2 / 08.08.2018

  • Core code improvements
  • Minor issues fixed

1.5.1 / 25.07.2018

  • Fixed Problems with InfusionSoft Integration
  • Minor issues fixed

1.5.0 / 10.07.2018

  • Minor issues fixed
  • Tooltips fix

1.4.9 / 26.06.2018

  • Core code improvements
  • Minor issues fixed

1.4.8 / 20.06.2018

  • Code review
  • Minor issues fixed

1.4.7 / 11.06.2018

  • Minor issues fixed
  • Core code improvements

1.4.6 / 07.05.2018

  • Fixed plugin activating for multisite
  • Conditional Logic – add ability to set condition depending on is user logged in or not
  • Fix issue with Conditional Logic and it’s Send To option
  • Fix issue with duplicating Fields in Conditional Logic selection
  • Fix issue with slow (sometimes) loading of Google Re-Captcha scripts

1.4.5 / 25.04.2018

  • Minor issue fix for work with Terms in Forms
  • Possibility to edit and remove New Subscriber admin notification on Subscription
  • Code review

1.4.4 / 17.04.2018

  • Fix conflict with PopUp plugin
  • Minor issues fixed

1.4.3 / 11.04.2018

  • Core code improvements
  • Code review
  • Minor issues fixed

1.4.2 / 28.03.2018

  • Core code improvements
  • Minor issues fixed

1.4.1 / 19.03.2018

  • Core code improvements
  • Minify frontend assets – JS scripts and CSS styles – to make it lighter
  • Fix conflict with Yoast Seo plugin pre-render page functionality

1.4.0 / 01.03.2018

  • Core code improvements
  • Code review
  • Minor issues fixed

1.3.9 / 13.02.2018

  • Core code improvements
  • Minor issues fixed

1.3.8 / 31.01.2018

  • Possibility to display Woo Products Attributes Form field as Multiple Select Box
  • Possibility to show Files Links directly from Contacts list in Admin area
  • Integration with MailPoet v3
  • Publish content improvements

1.3.7 / 15.01.2018

  • Code refactor – make Fields Data lighter
  • Minor issues fixed

1.3.6 / 28.12.2017

  • Extend text email editor with link tool and much more!
  • Possibility to create Woo Products from Forms
  • New field type – Post (Products) Categories
  • New field type – Product Attribute(s)
  • New field type – Address with auto-find using Google geolocation services
  • Possibility to upload full image gallery for products from frontend
  • Fix small issue with file fields type validation (warning on php debug mode)

1.3.5 / 28.11.2017

  • Quick small fixes for some users custom database settings
  • ix issue with some databases settings – when one table was not created correctly. #231
  • Core code improvements (make it little faster)

1.3.4 / 27.11.2017

  • Possibility to send Form to different emails using Conditional Logic. #230
  • Minor code issues fix
  • Set current admin email to all email options in admin area if it was not filled-in

1.3.3 / 08.11.2017

  • New Field type – WordPress Content
  • Possibility to add Photos for Posts, created from frontend
  • Added link to Post in email, if it was created from frontend
  • Core code refactoring and improvements
  • Label for Fields should not be mandatory for reCaptcha

1.3.2 / 31.10.2017

  • Fix issue with File Upload field type and it’s validations
  • Added possibility to add recipients – on frontend with selectbox
  • Core code improvements

1.3.1 / 22.08.2017

  • Fixed issue with saving SMTP and other Third Party emails providers data
  • Minor issues fix

1.3.0 / 21.06.2017

  • Possibility to use SMTP, SendMail or WordPress Mail (native PHP) functionality to use emails.
  • Added HTML and Google Maps field types to Conditional Logic
  • Possibility to add Custom Post Fields from Form
  • Small fix for membership integration

1.2.9 / 08.06.2017

  • Added Membership Integration.
  • Minor issues fix

1.2.8 / 18.05.2017

  • Additional compatibility with Google Maps Easy plugin
  • Code improvements

1.2.7 / 04.05.2017

  • Improved templates search
  • Minor issues fix

1.2.6 / 26.04.2017

  • Select lists – small usability improvement
  • Improved interactions with our users
  • Fixed issues with possible incorrect non-utf8 characters
  • Minor issues fix

1.2.5 / 11.04.2017

  • Compatibility with PopUp build-in Form and it’s Close after Action option
  • Minor issues fix
  • Code improvements

1.2.4 / 06.04.2017

  • Fix issue with Date picker and it’s navigation buttons
  • Update Aweber Subscribe integration
  • Fix possible conflicts with PopUp integration and Upload Field in Form
  • Minor spelling issues fix. #106 add 0.05h
  • Small fixes for Field Icons functionality
  • Fix SendGrid to make it work with their updates API
  • Fix possible collapsing of Preset select box in admin area
  • Correct errors output for File type field
  • Added possibility to select Time format for Time input field
  • Fix issue with Required file upload field parameter

1.2.3 / 23.03.2017

  • Aweber API updated to latest version
  • Aweber – fix conflict with other oAuth autentificators
  • Improve Files input Field – added possibility to upload several files at one time
  • Possibility to apply icons for submit buttons
  • Core code improvements

1.2.2 / 14.03.2017

  • Style Form Email – like Form itself: fields in one row will be in one row – made it more pretty for you!
  • Small fix for Access module
  • Rating Field in Forms – possibility to set rating in your Forms – PRO
  • Possibility to publish content (Posts, Pages, Products, etc.) from Form
  • Possibility to Registrate users from Form
  • Icons for Fields functionality – PRO
  • Fix issue with “Merry Christmas” template
  • Conditional Logic – possibility to send email to different addresses depending on fields selections
  • Code review and improvements

1.2.1 / 21.02.2017

  • Featured plugins updated – added Membership plugin
  • Minor issues fixed

1.2.0 / 16.02.2017

  • Fix Merry Christmas template selectboxes text color
  • Pixel and Custom conversion integration – PRO
  • SendinBlue subscription service integration
  • Possibility to show submitted Form data after user submit – to user
  • Fix conflict with Vertical Response integration between PopUp and Contact Form plugins
  • Core code improvements
  • Possibility to select smaller images from WordPress Image Gallery
  • Small fix for Fields Preset Values
  • Contacts Tab – possibility to view all forms contacts from admin area
  • Fixed snow url path, for multi-protocol
  • Fix issue with validation array data
  • Fix Min / Max Fields validation for non-numeric field types

1.1.11 / 12.01.2017

  • Small fix for Opacity Grey and Spearmint Contact Form Templates
  • Fix PHP7-compatibility
  • Fixed issue with exporting data to CSV with checkboxes or multiple lists
  • Minor improvements

1.1.10 / 19.12.2016

  • Fix colorfield height
  • Aweber subscription fix
  • Admin area core code improvements
  • Core code improvements and refactor

1.1.9 / 07.12.2016

  • Label Delimiter Field parameter for field types Selectbox, Selectlist, Radiobuttons List, Checkbox List, Country List
  • Correct work with Cache plugins
  • Fix form DatePicker background transparency
  • Fix form elements, when they display as “in column”
  • Fix form templates “Ho Ho Ho” and “Merry Christmas”

1.1.8 / 01.12.2016

  • Possibility to set Field value as Page URL and / or Page Title
  • Added new Template “Ho Ho Ho”
  • Added new Template “Merry Christmas”!
  • Fix small issue with Adding new fields after prev. field Edit screen was closed not by Cancel button
  • Make Checkbox / Radiobuttons lists look like more pretty
  • Frontend Core code improvements
  • Minor admin area design improvements

1.1.7 / 23.11.2016

  • Added CSV Delimiter option to Contacts Export functionality
  • Remove some unused form data from frontend – make it more lighter
  • Form sent message color option added
  • Hide form after submit option added
  • Fixed fields validation – Min and Max – for not numeric and date formats
  • Conditional Logic – added Redirect after Submit functionality
  • Minor admin area design improvements
  • Framework code improvements
  • Conditional Logic – small admin area design fix
  • Do not create separate HTML wrappers for hidden fields
  • Fix Labels displaying for Checkbox / Radiobuttons Lists
  • Contact Form Widget – do not show AB Test Forms in list for widget selection
  • Language pack updated

1.1.6 / 16.11.2016

  • SG Autorepondeur API updated
  • Added missing languages in Conditional Logic Language selects
  • Language files updated
  • Minor issues fixes and improvements

1.1.5 / 06.11.2016

  • Conditional Logic integration
  • Fix issue with overriding Fields and Submit form data when changing form template
  • Small spelling issues fix
  • Additional custom themes styles compatibility added
  • Campaign Monitor module – added compatibility with other plugins, that uses same library
  • Fixed Unique views and Conversion count for Forms
  • Code improvements and minor issues fix

1.1.4 / 27.09.2016

  • Integration with Google Maps Easy by Supsystic plugin
  • Fixed issue with form disappear after recognizing fields error on server side
  • Admin area Forms Listing design improvements
  • Added Featured plugins page for admin area
  • Remove unused (for now) column “Active” in admin forms list
  • Code review and improvements

1.1.3 / 07.09.2016

  • Fix issue with 2 or more reCaptcha fields on one page
  • Added additional description tutorial links for Google reCaptcha fields integration
  • Added nonces for saving from admin area – CSRF fix

1.1.2 / 24.08.2016

  • Minor styles conflict with other plugins fix
  • Contact Form Templates minor fixes – to make it compatible with more WordPress custom themes
  • Possibility to create Preset for fields values – PRO
  • Make frontend bootstrap classes influence only for our forms

1.1.1 / 04.08.2016

  • Integration with PopUp by Supsystic plugin –
  • Added French language
  • Code review and improvements

1.1.0 / 28.07.2016

  • Fix test email sending functionality
  • Fix small javascript error in console on admin area preview when File Upload field added
  • Minor admin area and design improvements

1.0.9 / 24.07.2016

  • Hot fix of Fields menu appearance in admin area

1.0.8 / 21.07.2016

  • Additional email fields type validation – from WordPress Core
  • Right-to-left format in emails for right-to-left language sites
  • Fix issue with HTML symbols (like “<“) in Select, radiobuttons lists fields types
  • Make Files Upload button look like usual button in all Contact Form themes
  • If Send Form Success message appear outside of user vision – scroll to it
  • Correct integration with PopUp plugin
  • ReCaptcha update if form was not visible on page when page was loaded
  • Save Test Form email in Form options
  • Added “From” email parameter to Submit Form options
  • Added possibility to disable Labels in send Emails
  • Fixed conflict with other plugins/themes using Modernizr library – now it will work even for cases, when library was overwrite by other library usage
  • Update languages files
  • Small admin area design improvements

1.0.7 / 23.06.2016

  • New Field type – HTML / Text Delimiter – to create text / html entries right into your form! Enjoy!
  • Added new Contact Form themes: Opacity Grey, Simple White, Spearmint, Support Service, Time for tea
  • New Field type – Subscribe Checkbox: if checked – user will be subscribed too – PRO
  • Fixed issue with sorting Fields by drag-and-drop from Left to Right
  • Fixed issue for Subscription to WordPress message if confirmation is disabled
  • Possibility to set any variable from entered user data – in any place of any field in Submit field options.
  • Possibility to set custom Fields Invalid message
  • Small code review

1.0.6 / 07.06.2016

  • ReCaptcha Field added
  • Upload Files field type added – PRO
  • Reply To email parameter added
  • Fix radiobutton and checkox sending values
  • Reduce final form size for frontend – make it work faster, with less memory usage
  • Make background preview images – smaller, to not break admin area design
  • If usual added new Field – then place it right before Submit button
  • Save Form data after click on Preview button in admin area
  • Minor issues fixed for DEBUG mode in WordPress

1.0.5 / 01.06.2016

  • Minor issues fix and code improvements
  • Access module added – PRO
  • Subscriptions to more then 15 Subscribe Services integrated – PRO
  • Code review
  • Minor spelling issue fix
  • Admin area – Backgrounds names
  • Fix conflict when several forms is at one page

1.0.4 / 26.05.2016

  • Fix issue with text fields Labels output
  • Added translation files
  • Moved basic form submit statistics – to server side: reduce number of ajax requests – to 1

1.0.3 / 23.05.2016

  • New Form Theme – “Intransigent”
  • Added new code possibilities for customizing Fields in Form
  • Fields editor – possibility to set min and max values for Fields
  • Fields editor – possibility to set validation patterns for Fields
  • Fields editor – possibility to set placeholder separately from label
  • New Forms template added – “Neon”
  • Fix for cases, when there are no base64 functions on server
  • Admin area designs improvements
  • AB Split Testing integration – PRO
  • Fields editor – added fields parameters for HTML classes, styles, and possibility to set any other additional attributes
  • Added “Test Email Functionality” – to be able check your current server email functions work
  • New Field types – Number, Date, Month, Week, Time, Color, Range, URL – all browsers supported!
  • Minor issues fix

1.0.2 / 18.05.2016

  • Saving all contacts data
  • Possibility to export contacts data – into CSV file
  • Validate form data before save in admin area – to make sure that any important thing was missed
  • Contact Form Widget
  • Correct “Cc” header in emails compiling
  • Added Placeholder as attribute for Form Fields
  • Small code review and corrections

1.0.1 / 13.05.2016

  • Release on


  • Version: 1.7.28
  • Active installations: 9,000
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5


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