Conditional Payment Gateways for WooCommerce

January 26, 2024

Conditional Payment Gateways for WooCommerce Plugin

Manage payment gateways in WooCommerce. Beautifully.

Conditional Payment Gateways for WooCommerce plugin lets you hide payment gateways in WooCommerce based on various conditions, for example, minimum or maximum cart amount, current date and time, current customer IP or user ID.

✅ Available Conditions

Plugin includes these modules (i.e., “conditions”):

  • Cart total – Hides WooCommerce payment gateways based on minimum and maximum cart (i.e., order) amounts.
  • Date and time – Hides WooCommerce payment gateways by current date and time.
  • Customer IP – Hides WooCommerce payment gateways by current user IP.
  • User – Hides WooCommerce payment gateways by current user ID.
  • Language – Hides WooCommerce payment gateways by the current WPML or Polylang language.
  • Currency – Hides WooCommerce payment gateways by the current currency. For example, this is useful, if you are using some additional currency switcher plugin.

🏆 Premium Version

Free version allows setting conditions for all standard WooCommerce payment gateways, i.e.:

  • Direct bank transfer,
  • Check payments,
  • Cash on delivery (COD),
  • PayPal.

With Conditional Payment Gateways for WooCommerce Pro you can set conditions for any payment gateway.

🗘 Feedback

  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!
  • Visit plugin site.

ℹ More

  • The plugin is “High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)” compatible.


  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Start by visiting plugin settings at “WooCommerce > Settings > Conditional Payment Gateways”.


2.2.0 – 26/01/2024

  • Dev – “High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)” compatibility.
  • Dev – PHP 8.2 compatibility – “Creation of dynamic property is deprecated” notice fixed.
  • Dev – Admin settings descriptions updated.
  • WC tested up to: 8.5.
  • Tested up to: 6.4.

2.1.3 – 24/09/2023

  • WC tested up to: 8.1.
  • Tested up to: 6.3.

2.1.2 – 18/06/2023

  • WC tested up to: 7.8.
  • Tested up to: 6.2.

2.1.1 – 10/11/2022

  • WC tested up to: 7.1.
  • Tested up to: 6.1.
  • Readme.txt updated.
  • Deploy script added.

2.1.0 – 28/12/2021

  • Fix – Notices – Adding notices only on AJAX now.
  • Dev – Notices – %current_raw% placeholder added.
  • Dev – “Currency” module added.
  • Dev – “Language” module added.
  • Dev – Admin settings restyled.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • WC tested up to: 6.0.
  • Tested up to: 5.8.

2.0.1 – 26/03/2021

  • Dev – Shortcodes – [alg_wc_cpg_cart_total] – Removing and then re-adding the main filter when calling WooCommerce calculate_totals() function.
  • Dev – Admin settings restyled; descriptions updated.
  • Dev – Free plugin version released.

2.0.0 – 16/03/2021

  • Dev – “Customer IP” module added.
  • Dev – “User” module added.
  • Dev – “Date/Time” module added.
  • Dev – Cart Total – Cart total is calculated with shortcode now. Checkbox options (i.e., “Exclude taxes/shipping/discounts”) removed – this is replaced by shortcode attributes now.
  • Dev – Cart Total – Additional notice – Placeholders renamed: %min_amount% and %max_amount% are now replaced by a single %value% placeholder. %result% (i.e., current cart total) placeholder added.
  • Dev – General – “Leave at least one gateway” option added.
  • Dev – General – “Debug” option added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [alg_wc_cpg_if] shortcode added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [alg_wc_cpg_cart_total] shortcode added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [alg_wc_cpg_user_id] shortcode added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – [alg_wc_pgmma_translate] renamed to [alg_wc_cpg_translate].
  • Dev – Major code refactoring.
  • Plugin renamed (was “Payment Gateways Min Max Amounts for WooCommerce”).
  • Tested up to: 5.7.
  • WC tested up to: 5.1.

1.1.0 – 07/11/2019

  • Fix – Cart Total – Comparing float values with epsilon now.
  • Dev – Cart Total – Option IDs for all settings updated. Min/max amounts are saved in array now.
  • Dev – Cart Total – “Exclude taxes” option added.
  • Dev – Cart Total – “Exclude discounts” option added.
  • Dev – Cart Total – Shortcodes are now processed in plugin notices on checkout. Shortcode added for WPML/Polylang translations.
  • Dev – Cart Total – Min and max notices can be displayed simultaneously now.
  • Dev – Cart Total – Admin settings restyled.
  • Dev – Cart Total – Code refactoring.
  • Plugin URI updated.
  • WC tested up to: 3.8.
  • Tested up to: 5.2.

1.0.0 – 27/04/2018

  • Initial Release.


  • Version: 2.2.0
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5


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