Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce

July 09, 2024

Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce Plugin

Set fees and discounts for WooCommerce payment gateways.

Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce plugin extends WooCommerce by adding options to set fees or discounts based on customer selected payment gateway.

Payment gateway based fees and discounts can be added to all payment gateways including:

  • standard WooCommerce payment gateways (Direct Bank Transfer (BACS), Cheque Payment, Cash on Delivery and PayPal),
  • custom payment gateways added with any other plugin.

Fees and discounts can be set:

  • globally for all products, or
  • on per product basis.

Check out the PRO version of Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce plugin.

Plugin requires minimum setup: after enabling the fee/discount for selected gateway (in WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts), you can set:

  • fee/discount value,
  • fee/discount type: fixed or percent,
  • additional fee/discount,
  • minimum and maximum fee/discount values,
  • minimum and/or maximum cart amount for adding the fee/discount,
  • rounding options,
  • taxation options,
  • shipping options,
  • product categories,
  • customer countries and more.

Some of our Pro plugins

  1. Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce – Pro

  2. Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce

  3. Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce

  4. Order Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

  5. Product Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

  6. Deposits For WooCommerce

  7. Custom Order Status for WooCommerce – Pro

  8. Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce – Pro

  9. Product Input Fields for WooCommerce – Pro

  10. Call for Price for WooCommerce – Pro

  11. Price based on User Role for WooCommerce – Pro

  12. Currency per Product for WooCommerce – Pro

Some of our other free plugins

  1. Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce

  2. Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce – Lite

  3. Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce – Lite

  4. WooCommerce Print Invoice & Delivery Note

  5. Custom Order Status for WooCommerce

  6. Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce

  7. Product Input Fields for WooCommerce

  8. Call for Price for WooCommerce

  9. Price based on User Role for WooCommerce

  10. Currency per Product for WooCommerce


  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!


  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to “WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts”.



2.13.0 – 09/06/2024

  • Fix – Added a nonce check for Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability on the reset button
  • Fix – Payment Gateway fees did not update when the payment gateway was changed on WooCommerce Cart/Checkout blocks
  • Fix – The maximum fee value option was not working as expected.
  • Fix – A fatal error was shown when activating the ‘WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping’ plugin with our PGBF lite plugin.

2.12.2 – 01/04/2024

  • Fix – Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

2.12.1 – 21/03/2024

  • Fix – Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

2.12.0 – 27/02/2024

  • Fix – The payment gateway fees are added twice when Woo Discount Rules plugins are activated.
  • Fix – Payment gateway fees are not visible on the checkout block page.
  • Fix – Compatibility with Woo Discount Rules plugins where the payment gateway fees are added twice.
  • Fix – Compatibility with the Almapay payment plugin.
  • Fix – Added hook/filter called ‘alg_wc_checkout_fees_after_fees_added’ & ‘alg_wc_checkout_fees_after_order_updated’ to customize fees.
  • Fix – Payment gateway fees is not calculated for one of the Nexi XPay method.

2.11.0 – 21/11/2023

  • Fix – Tax is being included for Discount.
  • Fix – Option to show fees on cart page based on previously payment method was selected.
  • Fix – Unable to remove fees from Edit Order Page.
  • Fix – WooCommerce Fees is being removed when adding Order Fees in Admin Side.
  • Dev – Percentage Fees option added for ‘Global Extra Fee’.
  • Fix – Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

2.10.3 – 13/07/2023

  • Fix – Fees are not getting recalculated on the backend when the payment gateway is changed after placing the order.
  • Fix – Fatal errors while processing a refund on the edit order page.

2.10.2 – 04/07/2023

  • Fix – After an order has been placed, fees are being duplicated.
  • Fix – Fatal Errors on the checkout page with PHP 8.1.12.
  • Fix – Added deactivation survey v2.
  • Fix – Payment methods are collapses a moment after the page loads on “Change Payment” button of Subscription order.

2.10.1 – 20/06/2023

  • Fix – Fatal error when High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) is enabled on store.

2.10.0 – 20/06/2023

  • Fix – Compatibility with “zipMoney(Zip Co) Payments Plugin for WooCommerce” plugin.
  • Fix – Compatibility with “iyzico WooCommerce” plugin.
  • Fix – Compatibility with the “Bykea.Cash � Online Payments” plugin.
  • Fix – Compatibility with “ECPay” plugin.
  • Fix – Compatibility with “bSecure � Your Universal Checkout” plugin.
  • Fix – Made some changes to solve the conflict with Germanized for WooCommerce plugin.
  • Fix – Incorrect fees amount when the fees is set in negative value and tax is enabled.
  • Fix – Not possible to select the Payment Gateway on the checkout page when our plugin is activated.
  • Fix – Fees & Discounts are not getting applied for the individual product.
  • Fix – When we access the link from the Invoice to pay the payment, stripe card details fields are hidden.
  • Fix – Fees are not getting recalculated on the backend when the payment gateway is changed after placing the order.
  • Fix – Fatal Errors on the checkout page with PHP 8.1.12.
  • Fix – Fatal Errors on error message after activating the plugin with PHP 8.2.4.

2.9.0 – 17/01/2023

  • Fix – Fatal Errors on the checkout page with PHP 8.
  • Fix – Fees are getting multiplied when we try to repay the subscription order.

2.8.0 – 15/11/2022

  • Enhancement – Introduced compatibility with WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage.

2.7.0 – 12/07/2022

  • Fix – Plugin strings are not getting translated according to the User’s selected language.
  • Fix – The fees should be applied after calculating the discounted price.
  • Fix – Credit Card Details Fields are becoming invisible on the payment page.
  • Fix – Compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.
  • Fix – Discount is applied multiple times when customers try to pay for the order.

2.6.4 – 28/09/2021

  • Fix – Zero priced products were showing the discount in the payment gateway info table on the product page. This is fixed now.
  • Fix – When the order is created manually without any products in it and only WooCommerce fees are added at that time fees were not getting added. This is fixed now.
  • Fix – Style and Script were loading all around admin side and not only on the particular page. This is fixed now.
  • Fix – When taxes were enabled on the payment gateway fees, fatal error was coming on the pay for order page. This is fixed now.

2.6.3 – 12/05/2021

  • Enhancement – Now the discount/fees will be added or removed on the “Pay for order” endpoint also.
  • Fix – Compatibility with WooCommerce ERIP Gateway Payment plugin.
  • Fix – Compatibility with Klarna payment gateway.
  • Fix – HTML code was coming in the titles of payment gateway on settings page. This is fixed now.

2.6.2 – 12/11/2020

  • Update compatibility with WooCommerce 4.7
  • Fix – On backend the gateway fees were accepted only as whole numbers. This is fixed now.
  • Fix – Getting errors in debug log when the option “Enable Tax” were enabled. This is fixed now.
  • Fix – Includes string was not getting translated on the checkout page. This is fixed now.
  • Fix – On checkout page taxname was not getting when the tax was included in the fees. This is fixed now.

2.6.1 – 20/03/2020

  • Update compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.0.

2.6 – 23/08/2019

  • Made the plugin code compliant with WPCS standards.
  • Added UTM tags for the Pro plugin links.

2.5.9 – 18/04/2019

  • Fix – Fees are not being carried over from the Checkout page to the order.
  • Fix – Discounts are not being applied to renewal orders for subscription products.

2.5.8 – 11/04/2019

  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
  • The plugin goes into continous loading of the cart at Checkout when precision is left blanks for rounding. Fixed the same.
  • Added uninstall.php file to ensure the plugin data is deleted when the plugin is uninstalled.

2.5.7 – 01/02/2019

  • Author name in the header has been changed.

2.5.6 – 16/11/2018

  • Author name and URL updated due to handover of the plugins

2.5.5 – 31/10/2018

  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.0 tested.

2.5.4 – 16/10/2018

  • Dev – Current (i.e. chosen) payment gateway function rewritten (fixes the issue with 100% discount coupons on the checkout page – fees were not reapplied when coupon is removed).

2.5.3 – 12/10/2018

  • Fix – Coupons usage with “WooCommerce Gift Certificates” plugin fixed.
  • Fix – Settings hook priority increased, so gateways fees settings are not loaded too early (fixes the issue with “Mollie Payments for WooCommerce” plugin).

2.5.2 – 17/09/2018

  • Dev – Code refactoring.

2.5.1 – 04/08/2018

  • Fix – Product categories – Calculation type – Categories to exclude – Only for selected products – Option fixed.
  • Dev – Admin settings descriptions updated.
  • Dev – “States to include/exclude” options added.

2.5.0 – 04/08/2018

  • Dev – Major code refactoring and clean up. Main plugin file and POT file renamed.
  • Dev – Admin settings restyled and descriptions updated.
  • Dev – “Reset section settings” options added.
  • Dev – Raw input now allowed in all “Info” section templates.

2.4.0 – 30/07/2018

  • Dev – “Merge All Fees” added to “General” section.
  • Dev – “Global Extra Fee” added to “General” section.
  • Dev – Current (i.e. chosen) payment gateway function rewritten (fixes the issue with “zipMoney” payment gateway).
  • Dev – “Customer Countries” options added to both fees separately.
  • Dev – “Europe”, “European Union”, “Europe excluding EU”, “Eurozone”, “Africa”, “Asia”, “Australia and Oceania”, “Central America”, “North America” and “South America” added as country selection.
  • Dev – Eight more countries added to the list.
  • Dev – “Info” admin settings section added (options moved from “General” section).
  • Dev – Admin settings restyled.
  • Dev – Plugin link updated from to
  • Dev – Code clean up.

2.3.3 – 07/01/2018

  • Dev – Additional check added in Alg_WC_Checkout_Fees_Settings_Gateways (prevents AJAX error on some servers).

2.3.2 – 02/01/2018

  • Dev – WooCommerce 3.2 compatibility – WC_Tax::get_tax_total() replaced with get_cart_contents_taxes() and get_shipping_taxes().
  • Dev – Additional check for WC()->payment_gateways to be set, added in add_gateways_fees().
  • Dev – Additional checks for tax class to exist added (in Core and Info).
  • Dev – Additional checks if product’s price is zero added (in Info).
  • Dev – Per products settings JS file updated.
  • Dev – “WC tested up to” added to the plugin header.

2.3.1 – 26/08/2017

  • Dev – Info – %product_price_diff_percent% replaceable value added.
  • Dev – Wrapping div (class alg_checkout_fees) added to meta box settings.
  • Dev – “General” settings restyled.

2.3.0 – 16/08/2017

  • Dev – “Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce” plugin currency conversion filter added to: get_max_ranges(), min_cart_amount, max_cart_amount, min_fee, max_fee, min_fee_2, max_fee_2.
  • Dev – “Coupons Rule” options added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – Settings restyled.

2.2.2 – 27/07/2017

  • Fix – Removed additional check if add_gateways_fees() has already been executed (was added in v2.2.1).
  • Dev – “Delete All Plugin Data” option added.
  • Dev – Code cleanup etc.

2.2.1 – 22/07/2017

  • Fix – Per Product – custom_atts for fields (step etc.) fixed.
  • Fix – Additional check if add_gateways_fees() has already been executed added (this prevents fees duplicating on some servers).

2.2.0 – 27/06/2017

  • Dev – WooCommerce 3.x.x compatibility – Deprecated get_price_excluding_tax(), get_price_including_tax(), get_display_price() notices fixed.
  • Dev – WooCommerce 3.x.x compatibility – Deprecated get_formatted_variation_attributes() notice fixed.
  • Dev – WooCommerce 3.x.x compatibility – Deprecated get_country() notice fixed.
  • Dev – “Add Taxes” option added for both global and per product fees.
  • Dev – load_plugin_textdomain() moved from init hook to constructor.
  • Dev – Plugin header updated (“Text Domain” and “Domain Path” added).
  • Dev – Plugin link updated from to

2.1.1 – 04/10/2016

  • Fix – Bug when local and global fees have same title, fixed.
  • Fix – Categories restrictions wrongly applied to per product fees, fixed.
  • Dev – “Max Range Options” options section added to “General” settings.
  • Dev – “Override Global Fee” (main and additional) option added to per product settings.
  • Dev – “Minimum Fee Value”, “Maximum Fee Value”, “Minimum Additional Fee Value” and “Maximum Additional Fee Value” options added to both local and global fees.
  • Dev – “Minimum Cart Amount” and “Maximum Cart Amount” options title modified.

2.1.0 – 20/08/2016

  • Fix – Tax bug fixed when “Categories to include – Calculation type” is equal to “Only for selected products”.
  • Fix – Tax bug fixed in info.
  • Fix – “Categories to include – Calculation type” with value “Only for selected products” fixed when displaying info.
  • Dev – “Categories to exclude – Calculation type.” option added.
  • Dev – “Categories to include (additional fee).” and “Categories to exclude (additional fee).” options added.
  • Dev – Version system added.
  • Dev – Author changed.
  • Dev – Plugin renamed.

2.0.2 – 06/08/2016

  • Fix – sanitize_title() added to add_gateway_fees_settings_hook() and removed from output_sections().
  • Dev – Multisite support added.
  • Dev – “Variable Products Info” option added.
  • Dev – “Categories to include – Calculation type” option added to global fees.
  • Dev – Language (POT) file added.
  • Dev – Author changed.

2.0.1 – 10/03/2016

  • Fix – Additional checks in add_gateway_fees_settings_hook().

2.0.0 – 01/03/2016

  • Fix – Checked tab in admin per product fees is marked now.
  • Fix – Info on Single Product bugs fixed: for variable products; for percent fees.
  • Fix – “General” section in admin settings menu is marked bold by default.
  • Dev – %product_title%, %product_variation_atts% added.
  • Dev – Info on Single Product – [alg_show_checkout_fees_full_info] and [alg_show_checkout_fees_lowest_price_info] shortcodes added.
  • Dev – Info on Single Product – Lowest Price Info on Single Product Page added.
  • Dev – Info on Single Product – %gateway_fee_title% and %gateway_fee_value% removed from info.
  • Dev – “Add Product Title to Fee/Discount Title” option added to “General > Fees/Discounts per Product” settings.
  • Dev – “Hide Gateways Fees and Discounts on Cart Page” option added to “General” settings.
  • Dev – “Exclude Shipping” option added for both global and per product fees.
  • Dev – “Title” option added for optional “Additional fee” (per product and global).
  • Dev – “Customer Countries” (include / exclude) options added to global fees.
  • Dev – “Product Categories” (include / exclude) options added to global fees.
  • Dev – Compatibility with “Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce” plugin added (for fixed fees; for percent fees compatibility was already there).
  • Dev – “Fee Calculation (for Fixed Fees)” options (once / by product quantity) added to per product fees.
  • Dev – “Fee Calculation (for Percent Fees)” options (for all cart / by product) added to per product fees.

1.3.0 – 27/10/2015

  • Dev – Second optional fee added.

1.2.0 – 30/09/2015

  • Dev – Checkout fees/discounts info on single product frontend page added.

1.1.0 – 04/09/2015

  • Dev – Checkout fees/discounts on per product basis added.

1.0.0 – 29/08/2015

  • Initial Release.


  • Version: 2.13.0
  • Active installations: 20,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.3


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