Donation Forms by Charitable – Donations Plugin & Fundraising Platform for WordPress Plugin

🤩 Easily accept donations on your website today with the smart donation forms and powerful fundraising platform by Charitable! 🚀

The Best WordPress Donation & Fundraising Plugin

We believe that collecting online donations should be easy and affordable. That’s why Charitable is makes it painless to create and publish high-converting donation forms and fundraising campaigns on your website.

With Charitable, you can create fundraising campaigns in minutes, whether you need a donation form for your regular ongoing donations, you’re raising money for a time-sensitive need, or you are collecting donations for a specific fundraising goal.

Charitable is the top-rated WordPress donation plugin available, with 5-star reviews from 100+ happy users.

Join 10,000+ non-profits getting more donations from their websites and growing their online fundraising campaigns with Charitable.

Grow your online fundraising platform faster with a Charitable Pro plan that has support for recurring donations, peer to peer fundraising, email marketing integrations, gateway fee recovery and much more. Click here to unlock Charitable Pro, the most powerful WordPress fundraising plugin available.

Unlimited fundraising campaigns

Set up as many campaigns as you would like with Charitable and tailor them to your needs:

  • Create as many fundraising campaigns as you need.
  • Set fundraising and donation goals for your campaigns.
  • Create time-sensitive fundraising campaigns that end automatically when they’re finished.
  • Inherits your theme’s styles for seamless integration.

Customizable donation forms

You can completely customize your online fundraising and donation form experience.

  • Provide suggested amounts, allow people to donate as much as they want, or do both.
  • Load donation forms in a modal, on a separate page, or on the same page as the campaign.
  • Shorten your donation forms by just showing required fields.
  • Embed a donation form on any page.

PayPal donation forms made simple

Start accepting donations through PayPal without hiring a developer.

  • Add your PayPal address and you’re done.
  • Donors use the secure, familiar PayPal interface to finalize their donation.
  • Automatically track a donation’s status after the donor completes their donation.

Stripe donation forms made simple

Start accepting credit card donations through Stripe without hiring a developer.

  • One-click Connect with Stripe flow to begin accepting credit card donations on your site.
  • Use an onsite credit form or use Stripe Checkout to alllow for quick and painless donations from your donors.
  • Automatically track a donation’s status after the donor completes their donation.

More ways to give

Collect donations via check, bank transfer or any other offline method.

  • Provide your donor with clear instructions for making their offline donation.
  • Send a unique offline donation receipt to donors after they create an offline donation.
  • Choose from 10+ additional payment gateways through one of our Pro paid plans.

GDPR-ready WordPress donation plugin

Make your donation forms GDPR compatible in just a few clicks.

  • Add a Privacy notice and Terms & Conditions to your donation form.
  • Charitable supports the personal data export & personal data eraser in WordPress.
  • Compatible with the GDPR Cookie Compliance plugin.

Painless donation management

Create and edit donations directly in the WordPress dashboard. No add-on necessary!

  • Resend donation emails.
  • Sort and search donations in the dashboard.
  • Export a CSV report of donations.

Easy to customize emails

Donation receipts, admin notifications and other emails are available out of the box.

  • Easily customize your email subject lines, headlines and content.
  • Add custom email tags for dynamic, personalized emails.
  • Send a donation receipt and admin notification automatically for new donations.
  • Send donors instructions for completing their offline donation.
  • Send administrators an email when a fundraising campaign has finished.
  • Password reset & email verification messages.

Powerful donation features to grow your online fundraising

Looking for more donation form and fundraising functionality? Our Pro plans give you the flexibility and features you need to grow your fundraising efforts.

Recurring Donations

  • Generate a reliable donation stream for your non-profit.
  • Increase the lifetime value of donors.
  • Integrated seamlessly with our PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net and PayFast payment gateways.

Peer to Peer Fundraising

  • Front-end campaign submission form.
  • Allow your supporters to create fundraising campaigns for your organization.
  • Grow your donation reach exponentially through your supporters’ network of friends and family.

Crowdfunding Platforms with WordPress

  • Front-end campaign submission form.
  • Allow people to create crowdfunding campaigns for personal causes.
  • Pay them automatically using Stripe Connect.

Recover Payment Gateway Fees

  • Grow your donations by letting your donors cover the payment gateway fees.
  • Supports PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, Authorize.Net, Mollie, GoCardless, Windcave, Payrexx, PayFast and Paystack.
  • Works with recurring donations.

Premium Payment Gateways

Email Marketing & Newsletter Integration

  • MailChimp
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Mailerlite
  • ActiveCampaign
  • MailPoet
  • Mailster

Automation with Zapier and Other Automation Platforms

  • Connect your Charitable donation forms and fundraising campaigns to your favorite apps by creating automatic workflows with Zapier.
  • Prefer another automation app to Zapier? Easily integrate with other automation platforms like Zoho Flow, Integromat or through Webhook Subscriptions.

Other features

Click here to upgrade to Pro and get all the features you need to get more donations from your donation forms.

Help make Charitable better for the globe by contributing to the translation project in your language.

What’s Next

Like Charitable? Consider checking out our other projects:

  • OptinMonster – Get more email subscribers with the most popular conversion optimization plugin for WordPress.
  • AIOSEO – The original WordPress SEO plugin to help you rank higher in search results (trusted by over 3 million sites).
  • WPForms – #1 drag & drop online form builder for WordPress (trusted by 5 million sites).
  • MonsterInsights – See the stats that matter and grow your business with confidence. Best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress.
  • SeedProd – Create beautiful landing pages with our powerful drag & drop landing page builder.
  • WP Mail SMTP – Improve email deliverability for your contact form with the most popular SMTP plugin for WordPress.
  • Smash Balloon – #1 social feeds plugin for WordPress – display social media content in WordPress without code.
  • WPCode – must have WordPress code snippet management plugin to help you future-proof website customization (trusted by 1.5 million sites).
  • Duplicator – popular WordPress backup and migration plugin used by over 1 million websites.
  • WP Simple Pay – #1 Stripe payments plugin for WordPress. Start accepting one-time or recurring payments without a shopping cart.
  • Push Engage – Connect with visitors after they leave your website with the leading web push notification plugin.
  • RafflePress – Best WordPress giveaway and contest plugin to grow traffic and social followers.
  • TrustPulse – Add real-time social proof notifications to boost your store conversions by up to 15%.
  • SearchWP – The most advanced custom WordPress search plugin to improve WordPress search quality.
  • AffiliateWP – #1 affiliate management plugin for WordPress. Add a referral program to your online store.
  • Easy Digital Downloads – The best WordPress eCommerce plugin to sell digital products (eBooks, software, music, and more).
  • Sugar Calendar – A simple event calendar plugin for WordPress that’s both easy and powerful.

Visit WPBeginner to learn from our WordPress Tutorials and find out about other best WordPress plugins.


  1. Upload charitable.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Charitable > Add Campaign to create your first campaign!


  1. Visual Campaign Builder: Drag-and-drop elements to build campaigns in minutes.

    Visual Campaign Builder: Drag-and-drop elements to build campaigns in minutes.

  2. Campaign built with a visual builder template.

    Campaign built with a visual builder template.

  3. Select a template: Choose from pre-built templates or start from scratch.

    Select a template: Choose from pre-built templates or start from scratch.

  4. Dashboard: Shows recent donations, top campaigns, important notices, and more.

    Dashboard: Shows recent donations, top campaigns, important notices, and more.

  5. A grid of donation form campaigns, added using the <code>[campaigns]</code> shortcode.

    A grid of donation form campaigns, added using the [campaigns] shortcode.

  6. Setting up Charitable Donation Forms: The General settings area.

    Setting up Charitable Donation Forms: The General settings area.


Can I accept donations directly on my site?

Yes you can! If you use PayPal, donors will be redirected to PayPal to complete their donation. However, you can use the Offline Donations gateway to allow your donors to create a donation and make the payment via cheque or bank transfer (you can display your payment details to them).

Better yet, let your donors make credit card donations directly on your WordPress website with the following payment gateway extensions:

Want to use a different payment gateway? Click here to let us know!

How do I add a grid of fundraising campaigns to my page?

Easy. Just add [campaigns] into your page content. Read more.

How do I add a donation form to a page?

You can use the [charitable_donation_form] shortcode to embed a particular campaign’s donation form on a page. Read more

Can I collect recurring donations with Charitable?

You can accept monthly, quarterly or semi-annually or annually recurring donations with the Recurring Donations extension. This works with PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, Authorize.Net and PayFast.

Can I run peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns with Charitable?

Indeed you can! Charitable is the best way to run peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns with WordPress. Peer-to-peer fundraisers are supported with our Ambassadors extension

Can I let donors pay the gateway processing fees?

Yes. Our Fee Relief extension adds support for this, with the option to set how fees are calculated for different payment gateways. Read more

Can I add donors to my newsletter or email marketing list?

You certainly can. The Newsletter Connect extension supports MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, ActiveCampaign, Mailerlite, MailPoet and Mailster.

Does WP Charitable work with WooCommerce?

No. WP Charitable is a standalone donation and fundraising plugin and does not integrate with WooCommerce.

Can I translate Charitable into my language?

You can. Charitable has full localization support through the charitable textdomain. All Charitable extensions are also fully translatable.

Contribute to the translation project in your language and help us make Charitable better for everyone!

How do I get support?

You can post in the support forum or reach us via our support form.


Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1.8

  • NEW: Add three WordPress hooks to allow developers to add custom content in the gateway fieldset in the donation form.
  • NEW: Add ‘charitable_stripe_payment_intent_data’ filter payment_intent_data sent to Stripe (example: remove setup_future_usage for some Stripe payment integrations).
  • NEW: New menu item “SMTP” with ability to download and install WP Mail SMTP.
  • NEW: Added hooks ‘charitable_gateway_fields_front’, ‘charitable_gateway_fields_after_legend’, and ‘charitable_gateway_fields_after_legend’ to insert text into gateway fields area in donation form.
  • NEW: Updated charitable.pot.
  • FIX: Resolved a security issue when checking to see if a campaign can recieve donation.
  • FIX: Resolved issue related to exporting recurring donations.
  • FIX: Added nonce and permissions check to checking licenses via AJAX.
  • FIX: Resolved typos and PHP warnings and notices.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1.7

  • FIX: Resolve issue when incorrectly showing (“false alarm”) dashboard security notice.
  • FIX: Dashboard Guide Tools notice no longer displays over populated donation charts when changing days.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1.6

  • NEW: Tools page menu with Export and Import now located here (previously Settings page).
  • NEW: “System Info” tab on Tools page.
  • NEW: WPCode Intergration! Browse from all Charitable snippets on WPCode without leaving Charitable (Seen on Tools page and Dashboard page).
  • NEW: Growth Tools page.
  • NEW: Guide Tools recommendations on Charitable Dashboard.
  • NEW: Notice on Charitable Dashboard if Charitable detects recent failed donation attempts due to invalid security checks.
  • NEW: Improvements to allow third-party gateway providors a dedicated menu in the Payments tab in the campaign visual builder.
  • FIX: Improved display of currency on y axis on headline chart on dashboard and overview pages and print output.
  • FIX: Resolved issue where certain settings of the donor wall in the campaign visual builder weren’t being reflected on the campaign page.
  • FIX: Tweaks to social sharing in campaign visual builder.
  • FIX: Resolve issue involving previewing Charitable emails while using newer Block themes.
  • FIX: Resolved typos and some PHP warnings and notices.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1.5

  • NEW: Addon and plugin suggestions for campaign and donation screens when campaign or donations don’t exist yet.
  • NEW: Dismissable pointer boxes added.
  • NEW: Updated text and promotional content.
  • NEW: Updated addon suggestions on Charitable dashboard.
  • FIX: “Date Created” populated in campaign CSV export.
  • FIX: Update capbility of visual campaign builder so that roles with “manage_pages” (such as Campaign Managers) would have access.
  • FIX: Minor code cleanup and tweaks for PHP notices.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1.4

  • NEW: Improved marketing and payment tabs in visual builder that link to Newsletter Addon settings (if installed) or enable gateways/view settings for activated payment addons.
  • NEW: Email address and time now appearing on donation list page in admin.
  • NEW: Campaign and donation exports show fields foramtted for currency for donations, goal amounts, etc.
  • NEW: Ability for Charitable addons to add additional items on the advanced tab in “Settings”.
  • NEW: Addition of ‘charitable_report_overview_args’ filter that allows adjustment of default values for the Overview report.
  • FIX: Fixed a minor JavaScript issue on addon directory page that enables “link to search/filter” to work via “search” keyword in the URL.
  • FIX: Issue saving legacy license codes in certain scenarios.
  • FIX: Minor code cleanup and tweaks for PHP notices.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1.3

  • NEW: Pagination for all donor reports, with a filter allowing customization of items per page based on the report.
  • FIX: Lybunt reporting now sorts by total lifetime amount and includes non-default avatars if possible.
  • FIX: Donor reports should be more reliable showing non-default avatars and “last donation” amounts where applicable.
  • FIX: Top donor reports showing more rows (if available) in non-pagination display.
  • FIX: Adjustment to cache logic for visual campaign builder when loading pre-built templates when creating campaigns.
  • FIX: Improved communication with Charitable server and caching of failed API attempts for licenses.
  • FIX: Added additional checks for activities database tables.
  • FIX: Resolved a few PHP warnings and notices.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1.2

  • FIX: Resolved a PHP fatal error for older PHP versions when checking license information for addons.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1.1

  • FIX: Resolved a PHP 8.x fatal error in getting sample donors for Lite users on donor report page.
  • FIX: Better results for activities on activity page when “donations (paid)” filter is selected.
  • FIX: Improved communication with Charitable server and caching of API data when confirming addon and license information.
  • FIX: Adjusted CSS for a call to action button for lite users on campaign page.
  • FIX: Resolved an issue where sample activity data was appearing for lite users in certain scenarios.
  • FIX: Minor cleanup of activity HTML on overview reporting page when no activities are available to display.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.1

  • NEW: New dashboard showing new data and reports related to campaigns, donations, and donors over last 7, 14, and 30 days. More information.
  • NEW: Introducing a new reporting tab that (among other reports) includes an overview showing donation breakdown, report filtering, payment breakdown, and more. More information.
  • NEW: Clear activity database option in Charitable settings->advanced tab.
  • NEW: Addition of ‘charitable_is_main_loop’ filter which is involved in checking whether Charitable is currently in the main loop on a singular page.
  • NEW: Updated CSS of frontend campaign visual templates, including adding word wrap CSS to campaign title headlines.
  • FIX: Resolved fatal error in certain scenarios when ‘donation form on page’ was in set in general settings and a shortcode was used to add a single campaign.
  • FIX: In Stripe gateway settings: card descriptor field for Stripe (with Stripe Connect) appears in both CHARITABLE_DEBUG mode true and false.
  • FIX: Resolved issues related to embedding campaigns in the visual builder.
  • FIX: Added checks for get_current_screen() to resolve a fatal error in some scenarios on an admin screen.
  • FIX: Auto setting for donation receipt pages should work better for block themes, including Twenty Twenty-Three and Twenty Twenty-Four.
  • FIX: Adjusting allowed HTML in the text block for campaign visual builder.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.0.6

  • FIX: Resolved an issue with an incorrect default campaign creator being assigned in the campaign builder.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.0.5

  • FIX: Resolved an issue with an activated Charitable license on a multisite blog.
  • FIX: Resolve minor CSS hover issues on campaign list page.
  • FIX: When a campaign ends and is past the completion date, a message appears on campaigns instead of a disabled donation button.
  • FIX: Improved function to check and see if a Charitable block exists in the editor, resolving conflicts with some third party plugins in some scenarios.
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes and code cleanup.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.0.4

  • NEW: Added additional tooltips in various settings in the Campaign Builder.
  • NEW: Revise “hot keys” on campaign builder, adding new hot keys combos for tab screens, preview, and view live.
  • FIX: Tweak campaign list page CSS for small width screens.
  • FIX: Resolved an issue where one couldn’t view the changelog of next updates on WordPress plugin screen.
  • FIX: Improved experience when activating or installing/activating (with active license) addons from the Campaign Builder setting page.
  • FIX: Improved UI with rate reminder banner, now renders below new Charitable header.
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes and code cleanup.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.0.3

  • FIX: Resolved an issue where filtering donations was relating in an error.
  • FIX: Visual tweaks to admin UI buttons in donation and campaign page, and text in certain modal windows.
  • FIX: Updates to Campaign Block (logo and minor cleanup).
  • FIX: Updates to campaign and donation exports to ensure exports with more accurate data.
  • FIX: Resolved some PHP Warnings in adition to some code cleanup.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.0.2

  • FIX: Resolve fatal error when the User Avatar addon was active.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.0.1

  • FIX: Resolved PHP error related to PHP 7.2.
  • FIX: Adjusted Organizer field in Campaign Builder to be more responsive.

Donation Form & Fundraising Campaigns v1.8.0

  • NEW: Visual Campaign Builder! More information.
  • NEW: Overall UI updates to Charitable settings pages.
  • NEW: Enabled a new block (“Campaign Block”) in the WordPress editor.
  • NEW: Addition of ‘charitable_get_terms_and_conditions_content’ filter.
  • NEW: Added “Add Legacy” button to campaign page.
  • FIX: Resolved an issue where snippets programmingly creating new campaigns even by passing ‘0’ couldn’t disable custom donations.
  • FIX: Resolved PHP Warnings and Notices related to PHP 7.2, PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2.

View entire donation form and fundraising platform changelog


  • Version:
  • Active installations: 10,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.1
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.2


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