Chamber Dashboard Member Manager Plugin

Chamber Dashboard Member Manager is a part of the Chamber Dashboard collection of plugins and themes designed to meet the needs of chambers of commerc …

Chamber Dashboard Member Manager is a part of the Chamber Dashboard collection of plugins and themes designed to meet the needs of chambers of commerce and other member organizations. Member Manager works with Chamber Dashboard Business Directory to allow members or businesses to signup or renew online.

With Chamber Dashboard Member Manager, you can:

  • Create different membership levels
  • Describe and display the membership levels’ prices and perks
  • Let organizations sign up for membership on your website
  • Collect payment with PayPal
  • Automatically set the membership renewal date
  • Automatic email notifications to the admin and the business/member
  • Track when membership payments are due
  • [Premium] Use payment methods other than PayPal
  • [Premium] Automatically send invoices when membership payments are due

Note: The premium features are available through our premium plugins. You can get more information on our premium plugins here.

The Chamber Dashboard Member Manager requires that you have the Chamber Dashboard Business Directory installed.
You can learn more at

Basic Usage

Go to Businesses->Membership Levels to enter in your membership levels, perks, and prices.
To display the membership levels and perks on your site, use the shortcode [membership_levels]
Enter your PayPal email address on the Member Manager settings page.
Use the [membership_form] shortcode to display a form that will let people sign up and pay for membership.

For full instructions about how to use the plugin, go to Chamber Dashboard Documentation

If you want to track the people associated with businesses in your organization, check out the Chamber Dashboard CRM plugin!

To display an event calendar, you can use the the Chamber Dashboard Events Calendar plugin!


If you are using our free plugins, you can access our documentation here

If you have purchased any of our premium plugins or our support plan, you can open a support ticket


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the \’Add New\’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for \’chamber dashboard member manager\’
  3. Click \’Install Now\’
  4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the \’Add New\’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the \’Upload\’ area
  3. Select from your computer
  4. Click \’Install Now\’
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download
  2. Extract the chamber-dashboard-member-manager directory to your computer
  3. Upload the chamber-dashboard-business-directory directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


  1. The membership form

    The membership form

  2. Public invoice view

    Public invoice view

  3. Entering an invoice in the dashboard

    Entering an invoice in the dashboard

  4. Payment report

    Payment report


What payment methods are accepted?

PayPal is the only accepted payment method. We offer a premium version that gives you the option to choose additional payment methods via WooCommerce.



  • Fixed some emails not being sent to the members and admin


  • Added an option to offer free membership levels


  • Fixed a few issues with the member account shortcode
  • Added the login form block
  • Added a custom filter to display member information on the member account page


  • Fixed an issue with WC Payments


  • Fixed the error in the admin dashboard
  • Works with WP 5.6


  • Fixed a few plugin issues
  • Description and logo fields can be added to the membership form through the membership form block


  • Custom fields can be added to the membership form through the form block


  • Membership form available as a Gutenberg block
  • Fixed a couple of issues with the membership level perks


  • Fixed few issues to make it compatible with WP 5.5


  • The plugin now integrates with the Chamber Dashboard Payment Options plugin to display membership levels using a Gutenberg block.


  • The plugin now works with payment options and wc payments


  • Fixed the issue of businesses not getting automatically lapsed


  • Added an option to add a placeholder for phone numbers and option to disable check payments
  • Fixed the processing fee and tax fields display issues on the front end invoices


  • Updated the settings pages


  • The member account page shows the add event link and the connected events if the option to add events is enabled


  • Option to add the login/logout to the selected menu
  • Option to display member account page


  • Fixed some JavaScript errors in the admin


  • Members only feature added. Content can be restricted based on membership levels


  • Fixed a few errors and warnings


  • Country field is now being pulled correctly from the Join Now form and the renewals form


  • Fixed the issue with Join now form not creating orders with MM Pro


  • Compatible with the new addons
  • Fixed a couple of issues related to recurring payments plugin


  • The MRD and the PayPal payments now work with the new RP option


  • Renewal form now works only with an existing business


  • Invoice formatting has been fixed.


  • A return url for PayPal can now be specified in the settings page
  • Works with Gutenberg


  • Added option to add a consent box and a Terms and Conditions statement along with the Join Now form.
  • Added an option to add referral dropdown to the Join Now form


  • Fixed some issues with PHP 7.2


  • Fixed the issue with payment reports


  • Added country field to the Join Now form
  • Added the option to set the business address the same as the billing address

  • Corrected some typos in readme.txt


  • Fixed the password field not being displayed when Member Updater is active


  • Fixed the issue of people records being created while using the renewal form


  • Fixed some minor issues with invoice numbers and membership form fields.


  • Fixed some minor errors to make it compatible with MM Pro.


  • Fixed the issue of PayPal sending error messages


  • Sign up form is now separated from renewal form
  • Ability to add category when a member uses the sign up form


  • Fixed some warnings and error messages


  • Fixed the warnings showing up on plugin activation


  • Fixed the processing fee not being sent to PayPal

Earlier versions

For the changelog of earlier versions, please refer to the separate changelog.txt file.


  • Version: 2.5.8
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.6
  • Tested up to: 5.7.12
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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