Contact Form 7 + Telegram
Hokku By Hokku

May 26, 2024

Contact Form 7 + Telegram Plugin

This plugin allows to post CF7-messages to you through Telegram-bot. Just use shortcode [telegram] in your CF7-form.

This plugin allows to send Contact Form 7 messages to your Telegram-chat. For this you need to make several simple steps.

  1. Create the Telegram-Bot and save the Bot-Token parameter on the settings page Contact Form 7 – CF7 Telegram or to WPFC7TG_BOT_TOKEN constant.
  2. Paste the shortcode [telegram] in your contact form template for activate sending to Telegram.

Now you can to add users or group to subscriber list.
To add a user send the /cf7tg_start command to your bot.
To add a group add your bot to the group and send the /cf7tg_start command to your group.

After this, you will see the requests on the Contact Form 7 – CF7 Telegram settings page. Approve or decline them.

Hooks and constants

Filter wpcf7tg_skip_tg.
Use for skipping sending message.

Filter wpcf7tg_markdown.
Use for customizing markdown tag set.

Use for define the bot token value in the program files.

This plugin uses API Telegram and makes remote HTTP-requests to Telegram servers for sending your notifications.


How to create the Telegram-Bot?

It is very simple. Please, follow to official documentation.

What is Chat ID & how to get it?

The Chat ID parameter is your Telegram-identifier. But this is not your phone number or Telegram-login (@xxxxxxxx).
You can see your Chat ID by typing anything to Telegram-Bot @wpcf7Bot.



  • Markdown symbols escaping got added in order to fix an issue.


  • Blueprint got added.


  • Donation link got changed.
  • tested up to WP 6.5


  • Actualize add-on sale date.


  • Addons available


  • Preparing for attachment sending
  • A few fixes


  • Markdown for HTML-format issue


  • Support WP 5.3 functions for WP before 5.3


  • New interface recipient management
  • Groups are supported
  • WPCF7_ContactForm::prop( ‘mail’ ) instead WPCF7_ContactForm::$mail
  • FIXED Dependence parse_mode by use_html property


  • Trim for CHAT_ID field elements added


  • Markdown bug fixed


  • Message to telegram now sends on wpcf7_before_send_mail hook instead wpcf7_mail_sent. It is more reliable way.
  • wpcf7tg_skip_tg added.
  • wpcf7tg_markdown added.
  • WPFC7TG_BOT_TOKEN added.
  • bugs fixed


  • Markdown added


  • Version: 0.8.4
  • Active installations: 10,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.2


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