Contact Form 7 – Repeatable Fields

September 11, 2023

Contact Form 7 – Repeatable Fields Plugin

Adds repeatable groups of fields to Contact Form 7.

This plugin adds repeatable groups of fields to Contact Form 7.

NOTE: Tested with Contact Form 7 5.7.7.


Form tab

Wrap the desired fields with [field_group your_group_id_here][/field_group]. The shortcode accepts additional parameters, in WP shortcode format and in CF7 fields parameters format as well.


[field_group emails id="emails-groups" tabindex:1] <label>Your Email (required)[email* your-email]</label> [radio your-radio use_label_element default:1 "radio 1" "radio 2" "radio 3"] [select* your-menu include_blank "option1" "option 2"] [checkbox* your-checkbox "check 1" "check 2"] [/field_group] 

Mail tab

In the mail settings, wrap the fields with your group id. You can use the [group_index] tag to print the group index and an additional __<NUMBER> to print a field at a specific index.


The second email entered by the user was: [your-email__2] These were the groups: [emails] GROUP #[group_index] Checkbox: [your-checkbox] E-mail: [your-email] Radio: [your-radio] Select: [your-menu] [/emails] 

Check out the Wiki


You can contribute with code, issues and ideas at the GitHub repository.

If you like the plugin, a review is appreciated 🙂


I have a problem with the plugin. Where can I get help?

If you have identified a bug or would like to suggest an enhancement, please refer to our GitHub repo. I do not provide support here at forums.

My question is not listed here. Can I search somewhere else?

Yes! Give a look at the Frequently Asked Questions section of our wiki.


2.0.1 – 2023-09-11


  • End-to-end tests foundation.


  • Removed unnecessary files from final package.


  • Required checkbox not showing validation messages.

2.0.0 – 2023-07-23

Note that this version changes minimum required versions of:

This release marks the (slow) resumption of this plugin development. If you want to know more about it check out this blog post. If you find this plugin useful, consider leaving it a review.


  • Support to wp-env.
  • group_id as a parameter to all filters.
  • Very basic unit testing.


  • Linting tools and script build process.
  • Docs were migrated to GitHub wiki.


  • Validation problem with Contact Form 5.7+. Props @sfdeveloper.

1.1.3 – 2019-12-11

  • Update WP Tested up to field
  • Apply WP Coding Standards
  • Fix a small sanitization problem

1.1.2 – 2019-10-10

  • Fix Exclusive Checkboxes

1.1.1 – 2019-09-04

  • Add compatibility to formatted dates ([_format_{field name} "{date format}"])
  • DEV: Copy data and events while cloning a new group (JS)
  • DEV: Pass $new_group as an extra param for the wpcf7-field-groups/added event.
  • DEV: Apply some WPCS rules and add a CF7_REPEATABLE_FIELDS_VERSION const (may affect JS cache)

1.1 – 2018-06-14

  • Replace groups in mail 2 field

1.0.2 – 2018/03/29

  • Fix repeated tags in mail body

1.0.1 – 2018/03/20

  • Fix the wpcf7_field_group_remove_button_atts filter name. Props to @asilvestre87

1.0.0 – 2018/03/19

  • Initial release


  • Version: 2.0.1
  • Active installations: 7,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5
  • PHP Version: 7.2


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