Contact Form 7 Spam Killer

September 27, 2023

Contact Form 7 Spam Killer Plugin

"Contact Form 7 Spam Killer" is a advance spam blocker that will help to prevent unwanted spam for your Contact Form 7 plugin.

“Contact Form 7 Spam Killer” is a advance spam blocker that will help to prevent unwanted spam for your Contact Form 7 plugin.

Form Spam Killer – A permanent solution to stop spam emails from your wordpress website

“Contact Form 7 Spam Killer” plugin gives double layer security to your contact form 7. This plugin is very effective to stop machine and human spam for Contact Form 7 plugin. This plugin helps you to prevent unwanted spam from all forms of the website that has been created by Contact Form 7 plugin. As Form 7 is most popular contact form plugin and many users faced the spam issue with this form so we have created this plugin to give a permanent solution from spam emails issue.

Plugin tested with latest version 5.8 of Form 7

Do You Have Any Query? Submit here


  • Math Captcha
  • Hidden Captcha (Honeypot)


In most cases you can install plugin by single click from WordPress admin dashboard.

However, if you install this manually, follow these steps:

  1. Upload the entire cf7-advance-security folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


  1. <p>screenshot-1.png</p>


  2. <p>screenshot-2.png</p>


  3. <p>screenshot-3.png</p>



How I can Enable/configure the plugin settings?

Go to “Contact/Advacne Security” and configure the plugin settings

How I can add captcha in contact form 7?

You can add captcha by [cf7ascaptcha] shortcode


= 1.2=
* Tested with latest wordpress version 5.7.1
* Move the settings menu under Contact
* Tested with Contact Form 7 Version 5.4

= 1.1=
* Tested with latest wordpress version 5.4.2
* Tested with Contact Form 7 Version 5.1.9


  • First stable release


  • Version: 1.6
  • Active installations: 4,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.6
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5


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