Cat Generator Avatars

December 25, 2019

Cat Generator Avatars Plugin

This plugin integrates the Cat Generator Avatars avatar into WordPress, BuddyPress and Ultimate Member.

This plugin integrates the Cat Generator and Bird Generator avatar into WordPress.

If you like this plugin, please donate to the artist David Revoy via the donation link.


To contribute to this plugin, please see its GitHub repository.

If you have a feature request, or if you have developed the feature already, please feel free to use the Issues and/or Pull Requests section.

Of course, you can also provide me with translations if you would like to use the plugin in another not yet included language.


David Revoy provides the fantastic arts and base code.

Thorsten Frommen provides the beautiful and clean wordpress plugin structure.

Abner Chou does the rest of the work.

Jonathan Moore added integrations for BuddyPress and Ultimate Member and performance fixes.


This plugin requires PHP 5.4.

  1. Upload the cat-generator-avatars folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your web server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Select Cat Avatars (Generated) as default avatar setting on the Discussion Settings page in your WordPress backend.


  1. <strong>Default Avatar setting</strong> - Here you can select <em>Cat Avatars (Generated)</em> as default avatar setting.

    Default Avatar setting - Here you can select Cat Avatars (Generated) as default avatar setting.

  2. <strong>Preview</strong> - Enjoy the cute cat in your discussion. <a href="">Live Demo</a>

    Preview - Enjoy the cute cat in your discussion. Live Demo



  • Fix issue that resize image causes blurry.


  • Added mixed mode.


  • Added bird avatar.
  • Transparent background.
  • Cleaned up code base.
  • Tested on the latest WordPress.


  • Added support for resizing images to the requested size rather than returning 256×256 image and resizing via html/css.


  • Added support for Ultimate Member, a popular membership and profiles plugin with 50,000 installs.


  • Fixed slow avatar generation.


  • Initial support for BuddyPress.


  • Initial release.


  • Version: 2.1.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 2.9.0
  • Tested up to: 5.3.18


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