Embed Cal.com booking calendar in WordPress.
Cal.com is the open source Calendly alternative that lets you easily book appointments and schedule meetings, without the email tennis.
[cal url=/username/meetingid]
[cal url=/username/meetingid type=2 text="Schedule a call with me"]
url: URL of the booking calendar
type: Add inline or popup embed. Inline embed: 1, Popup embed: 2
text: For popup embed, customize the text/button that triggers the popup.
To customize the popup text/button, style the #calcom-embed-link element with CSS.
#calcom-embed-link { background-color: #222222; padding: 15px; color: #fff; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; }
This plugin relies on Cal.com embed. See their Privacy Policy and Terms of use.