A plugin that enables for column based shortcodes.
A small but simple plugin that enables shortcode support to create columns directly in your posts/pages.
This plugin enables you to divide content in the TinyMCE editor into columns that are either one half, one third, two third, three fourth, one fourth, one fifth, two fifth, three fifth, four fifth, one sixth or five sixth wide.
It’s quite simple;
This plugin enables you to use short codes right in the TinyMCE editor when writing a post and/or page.
For example: If you’d like to divide your content into two columns you would type:
[one_half] This is the left column [/one_half] [one_half_last] This is the right collumn [/one_half_last]
Remember to “close” your short code, just as you would with HTML. Also; did you see the ‘_last’ add there? That’s REALLY important as it will remove the margin on the right side. If you forget it, your columns won’t work.
How about another example?
[two_third] This area is two thirds wide [/two_third] [one_third_last] This is some more content [/one_third_last]
You can combine the available sizes any how you’d like, just as long as the math adds up.
All width is percentage based, so you should be safe!
tag that TinyMCE sometimes adds.