Bulk Edit and Create User Profiles – WP Sheet Editor

March 27, 2024

Bulk Edit and Create User Profiles – WP Sheet Editor Plugin

Modern Bulk Editor for Users and Profiles, create and edit hundreds of users in a spreadsheet inside wp-admin. Quick edits.

Edit User Profiles Quickly. You can view all fields at once, edit, and create new users in bulk.

Use Cases

  • WooCommerce stores : you can view all your customers in a single page
  • BuddyPress : View all profile fields in the spreadsheet
  • You want to Create a lot of Users Quickly
  • You want to Edit User Profiles Quickly
  • You have a website with a lot of Users
  • You need to Update User Profiles in Bulk

Free Features

  • View all your users in a table

  • Edit users quickly in a table similar to a spreadsheet

  • Sort the users list by name, email, and any profile field

  • You can edit all CORE fields in the user profiles:
    Email, Username, Password, Role, First name, Last name, description, nicename, website, display name, nickname, rich editing, comment shortcuts, admin color scheme, show admin bar on frontend , language.

Limitations in the free version:

  • You can only edit users with “subscriber” role.
  • You can not edit custom fields
  • You can not edit WooCommerce Billing and Shipping fields
  • You can not edit the BuddyPress custom fields

Premium features

Buy premium plugin
Money back guarantee. We´ll give you a refund if the plugin doesn´t work.

  • Bulk Edit BuddyPress Profiles: The spreadsheet shows all custom fields automatically, view and edit all field types.

  • WooCommerce Stores: View all customers in a Table or Spreadsheet

  • WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Profiles

  • WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Shipping Information

  • WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Billing Information

  • WooCommerce Stores: Advanced search for customers.
    Find customers by address, city, state, billing info, shipping info, phone, etc.

  • Advanced search for Users. Find Users by Email, Role, Sign up date, Custom Fields.
    Use multiple search criterias and advanced operators during the search.

  • Edit Users with ANY role.

  • Edit Administrators, Editors, Authors

  • Edit Custom Fields. Add new fields to the bulk editor

  • Edit fields in user profiles added by other plugins

  • Edit YOAST SEO fields for authors

  • Update hundreds of users at once

  • And more.

Buy premium plugin
Money back guarantee. We´ll give you a refund if the plugin doesn´t work.

Spanish / Español

Este plugin te permite editar perfiles de usuarios usando una hoja de cálculo dentro de WP admin.
Tú puedes ver todos los usuarios con rol “suscriptor” en la hoja de cálculo y rápidamente editar los campos de WordPress.

La versión gratuita te permite:
– Ver usuarios con rol “suscriptor” en la hoja de cálculo
– Crear y editar usuarios
– Puedes buscar usuarios por email y rol
– Puedes copiar información de un usuario a otro
– Puedes editar estos campos: Email, Nombre de usuario, Contraseña, Rol, Primer nombre, Apellido, Descripción, sitio web, esquema de colores, idioma

La versión de pago te permite:
– Editar todos los roles de usuarios: Edita administradores, administradores de tienda, editores, clientes, miembros de foros
– Exportar e importar perfiles de usuarios para editar en excel o Google Sheets
– Editar todos los campos, el editor mostrará todos los campos del perfil de usuario, incluyendo información de envío, información de pago de clientes de WooCommerce, etc.
– Hacer búsquedas avanzadas por cualquier combinación de campos (ej. buscar por dirección, teléfono, usuarios inactivos, etc.)
– Editar miles de usuarios a la vez en un segundo (ej. eliminar cientos de usuarios inactivos, reemplazar textos, establecer direcciones, copiar direcciones y teléfonos, etc.)

Descarga versión de pago
Garantía de devolución de dinero si no te funciona el plugin.


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type WP Sheet Editor and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our plugin you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves downloading our plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


  1. bulk editor

    bulk editor


What user roles can I edit?

The free version lets you edit subscribers only.

The premium version lets you edit all user roles, including administrators, editors, authors, shop managers, customers, etc.

Buy premium plugin

What user information can I edit?

The free version lets you edit these fields:
Email, Username, Password, Role, First name, Last name, description, nicename, website, display name, nickname, rich editing, comment shortcuts, admin color scheme, show admin bar on frontend , language.

The premium version lets you edit all fields, including custom fields. You can create new columns for editing new fields.

Buy premium plugin

Can I use this plugin on cheap / shared servers?

Yes. You can set up the number of posts to save per batch and the waiting between batches. Tweaking those settings you can make it work with any server.


V 1.5.35 – 2024-03-28

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.13

V 1.5.34 – 2024-03-28

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.12

V 1.5.33 – 2024-03-27

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.11

V 1.5.32 – 2024-03-22

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.10

V 1.5.31 – 2024-01-26

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.9

V 1.5.30 – 2023-12-13

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.8

V 1.5.29 – 2023-11-02

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.7

V 1.5.28 – 2023-09-13

  • CHANGE – USERS – Add more columns
  • CHANGE – USERS – Add compatibility with WC HPOS

V 1.5.27 – 2023-07-23

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.5

V 1.5.26 – 2023-07-13

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.4

V 1.5.25 – 2023-07-06

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.3

V 1.5.24 – 2023-04-13

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.2

V 1.5.23 – 2023-02-03

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.1

V 1.5.22 – 2022-12-15

  • Updated to CORE v2.25.0

V 1.5.21 – 2022-11-11

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.21

V 1.5.20 – 2022-09-29

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.20

V 1.5.19 – 2022-08-19

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.19

V 1.5.18 – 2022-07-31

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.18

V 1.5.17 – 2022-06-23

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.17

V 1.5.16 – 2022-05-25

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.16

V 1.5.15 – 2022-04-19

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.15

V 1.5.14 – 2022-04-06

  • FIX – USERS – Sanitize login values when saving to prevent Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks

V 1.5.13 – 2022-03-02

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.13

V 1.5.12 – 2022-01-26

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.12

V 1.5.11 – 2021-12-08

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.11

V 1.5.10 – 2021-10-20

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.10

V 1.5.9 – 2021-09-10

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.9

V 1.5.8 – 2021-08-18

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.8

V 1.5.7 – 2021-07-14

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.7

V 1.5.6 – 2021-06-19

  • CHANGE – USERS – Improve the buddypress integration

V 1.5.5 – 2021-06-03

  • CHANGE – USERS – Improve the search form

V 1.5.4 – 2021-05-19

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.4

V 1.5.3 – 2021-04-21

  • FIX – USERS – Small bug fixes

V 1.5.2 – 2021-03-12

  • CHANGE – USERS – Improve customer search

V 1.5.1 – 2021-02-24

  • Updated to CORE v2.24.1

V 1.5.0 – 2021-02-10

  • NEW – USERS – More WC integrations
  • CHANGE – USERS – Improve support for wc memberships

V 1.4.1 – 2020-12-19

  • Updated to CORE v2.23.0

V 1.4.0 – 2020-11-21

  • NEW – USERS – Compatibility for EDD
  • NEW – USERS – Add options to filter rows globally
  • CHANGE – USERS – Add warnings to the import screen

V 1.3.7 – 2020-10-22

  • Updated to CORE v2.21.3

V 1.3.6 – 2020-10-11

  • Updated to CORE v2.21.2

V 1.3.5 – 2020-10-07

  • Updated to CORE v2.21.1

V 1.3.4 – 2020-10-07

  • CHANGE – USERS – Improve the handling of WC customers

V 1.3.3 – 2020-09-08

  • CHANGE – USERS – Improve the removal of customers

V 1.3.2 – 2020-07-22

  • CHANGE – USERS – Allow to hide some columns
  • CHANGE – USERS – Add more options to the import process
  • FIX – USERS – It sends the emails to the wrong address

V 1.3.1 – 2020-06-26

  • CHANGE – USERS – Add more columns

V 1.3.0 – 2020-05-20

  • NEW – USERS – Integrate with WC Memberships

V 1.2.0 – 2020-04-20

  • NEW – USERS – Allow to troubleshoot WC customer lookup issues
  • CHANGE – USERS – Add support for WooCommerce 4.0
  • CHANGE – USERS – Improve the search

V 1.1.25 – 2020-03-17

  • Updated to CORE v2.18.1

V 1.1.24 – 2020-03-16

  • CHANGE – USERS – Capitalize the “Edit Users” option in the wp-admin menu dropdown
  • CHANGE – USERS – The role column should be type select
  • FIX – USERS – Fatal error when saving a taxonomy column

V 1.1.23 – 2020-02-19

  • CHANGE – USERS – Exclude private fields of ninjaforms: wpw0_nf_form_preview_tmp-1560123582_actions=tmp-3=settings=submitter_email
  • CHANGE – USERS – Exclude private fields of learndash: _sfwd-course_progress_45=topics=74=203
  • CHANGE – USERS – FREE – Add message above indicating the limitations similar to the wc products sheet
  • CHANGE – USERS – Allow to unlock the “registration date” column to edit

V 1.1.22 – 2020-01-13

  • Updated to CORE v2.16.0

V 1.1.21 – 2019-11-24

  • Updated to CORE v2.15.4

V 1.1.20 – 2019-11-18

  • Updated to CORE v2.15.3
  • CHANGE – USERS – Make the search by keyword search on the user_login, display name, and nice name
  • FIX – USERS – Remove internal fields from learndash that should never be edited

V – 2019-10-18

  • Updated to CORE v2.15.2

V 1.1.17 – 2019-10-01

  • Updated to CORE v2.15.0

—— V 1.1.16 – 2019-09-06 ——
Updated to CORE v2.14.0

—— V 1.1.15 – 2019-08-11 ——
Updated to CORE v2.13.1

—— V 1.1.14 – 2019-08-08 ——
FIX – USERS – BULK EDIT – the status dropdown doesn’t have the right values
Updated to CORE v2.13.0

—— V 1.1.13 – 2019-07-02 ——
Updated to CORE v2.12.0

—— V 1.1.12 – 2019-05-27 ——
NEW – USERS – Added quick access buttons above the users lists
CHANGE – USERS – If the user is not allowed to create users, don’t show the option in the toolbar
CHANGE – USERS – If the user is not allowed to upgrade user roles, make the roles column readonly
FIX – USERS – IMPORT – Allow to identify existing users by id, email, or username only
FIX – USERS – Private wpse columns aren’t being excluded
FIX – USERS – The status column was blacklisted by mistake
Updated to CORE v2.11.2

—— V 1.1.11 – 2019-04-23 ——
Updated to CORE v2.11.1
FIX – USERS – Advanced filters > exclude keywords – it wasn’t returning the right results

—— V 1.1.10 – 2019-04-17 ——
Updated to CORE v2.11.0
CHANGE – USERS – Removed the columns with prefixes bookmark_id and bpbm-last-seen-thread-
CHANGE – USERS – exclude columns with key prefix meta-box-order_
FIX – USERS – The sheet rows were empty when a post types sheet was active
FIX – USERS – The “Show admin bar on frontend” cell appears checked regardless of the value

See full changelog.


  • Version: 1.5.35
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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