Update the WordPress Login Screen to use a hi-res, full screen, resizing background image. Now completely responsive.
Features of the Branded Login Screen plugin:
To upgrade from a previous version of this plugin, please uninstall any existing version of the ‘Branded Login Screen’ plugin and follow the installation instructions below.
See “Installing Plugins” article on the WordPress Codex.
Find all this information and more at the “Branded Login Screen How To“.
A) Go to the Plugins page in the Admin section of the site.
Locate the ‘Branded Login Screen’ plugin entry and select ‘Edit’. This will take you to the ‘Edit Plugins’ screen with the ‘branded-login-screen.php’ loaded and ready to edit.
Scroll down and look for the following line:
48 define( 'BLS_LOCATION', 0 );
On unedited versions of the plugin it is line 48.
Change the value to coordinate with your desired location for the login form.
Click on the ‘Update File’ button below the edit textbox.
Check the wp-login page to make sure changes have taken affect.
A) Go to the Plugins page in the Admin section of the site.
Locate the ‘Branded Login Screen’ plugin entry and select ‘Edit’. This will take you to the ‘Edit Plugins’ screen with the ‘branded-login-screen.php’ loaded and ready to edit.
Scroll down and look for the following lines:
53 define( 'BLS_HDR_LOGO', 'header.png' ); 54 define( 'BLS_RHDR_LOGO', 'header-sm.png' );
On unedited versions of the plugin it is lines 53 & 54.
These 2 settings are the full-sized header logo image (BLS_HDR_LOGO) and the responsive header logo image (BLS_RHDR_LOGO).
The full-sized header is 340px X 87px (w x h). Your image doesn’t have to be that wide but if it is taller the bottom will be cropped.
The responsive header is the same height but is only 260px wide. Again if it is taller or wider it will be cropped.
It is best to make 2 images, one for each mode although if properly laid out, 1 image could work for both states. If you decide to use one image, you will have to make 2 copies and place in the appropriate folders.
The full-sized header logo image should be placed in the following folder:
The responsive header logo image should be placed in the following folder:
If the image names are not the default names ( header.png & header-sm.png ), you will need to edit lines 53 & 54 mentioned above with the appropriate names.
Click on the ‘Update File’ button below the edit textbox.
Check the wp-login page to make sure changes have taken affect.
A) Go to the Plugins page in the Admin section of the site.
Locate the ‘Branded Login Screen’ plugin entry and select ‘Edit’. This will take you to the ‘Edit Plugins’ screen with the ‘branded-login-screen.php’ loaded and ready to edit.
Scroll down and look for the following lines:
50 define( 'BLS_FULL_SCREEN', true ); 51 52 define( 'BLS_BG_IMG', 'default-img.jpg' );
If you are using a full-screen background image simply upload the new image to the plugins ‘/assets/i/background_image’ folder. If the image has a different name than on line 52 (default-img.jpg), edit line 52 to match the image name you uploaded.
If you are using a repeatable image for the background, on line 50 change true to false (no quotes). This will of course require the new image to be uploaded to the ‘/assets/i/background_image’ folder and an edit of line 52 if the image name is not the same as the image name on that line.
Click on the ‘Update File’ button below the edit textbox.
Check the wp-login page to make sure changes have taken affect.