BlankPress WordPress Cleaner

December 20, 2014

BlankPress WordPress Cleaner Plugin

Allows user to clean up the WordPress mess. Better performance, Faster page load, Better security and Better WP experience.

This plugin allows users to selectively clean up the WordPress header, removes unwanted dashboard widgets and tweaks annoying WordPress features.


  1. Head Cleanup

    • removes the Generator/WordPress Version number
    • removes link to Really Simple Discovery service endpoint
    • removes link to Windows Live Writer manifest file
    • removes displaying links to the extra feeds such as category feeds
    • removes displaying links to the general feeds: Post and Comment Feed
    • removes adjacent posts links : Index link, Next link, Start link
    • removes WordPress cannonical link
    • removes WordPress Shortlink
  2. Dashboard widgets Cleanup

    • removes help tab on dashboard screen or all whole screen
    • removes WordPress Welcome Panel
    • removes update submenu under ‘Dashboard’ menu
    • removes wordpress update nag
    • removes update browser nag
    • removes wordpress dashboard widgets At a Glance/Quick Draft/WordPress News/Activity
  3. Misc Cleanup

    • removes versions from css and js source link
    • removes javascripts and styles from header & moves to footer
    • removes default styles set by WordPress recent comments widget
    • removes width and height dynamic attributes to thumbnails/post images
    • removes WordPress generated category and tag atributes for W3C validation
    • removes admin bar from the frontend
    • removes and/or changes WordPress login error message
    • removes WordPress login shake effect


  • Page load speed increases drastically.
  • Better site performance.
  • Google will love your site. Also users will love your site.
  • Better security : stay safe, sleep well!

Recommended Plugins

The following are recommended by the author:

  • Page Specific Menu Items – Allows you to selectively hide the menu items. One menu different menu items on different page(posts).

  • BlankPress Theme Framework – Simple yet flexible HTML5 blank WordPress theme framework based on underscores. Use this as a base theme for your WP projects.


via WordPress

  1. Go to the menu ‘Plugins’ -> ‘Install’ and search for ‘BlankPress WordPress Cleaner’
  2. Click ‘install’

Manual Installation

  1. Unzip the zip file and upload to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
  3. Configure plugin from ‘Settings > BPWP Cleaner’


How to make this plugin work?

  • Activate the plugin and
  • select what you want to clean from ‘Settings > BPWP Cleaner’


1.0 (2014-5-12)

  • Initial Release


  • Version: 1.1
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 3.5
  • Tested up to: 4.1.41


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