BP Search Block

August 29, 2023

BP Search Block Plugin

The BP Search Block is a BuddyPress Block to search for activities, members, groups, sites or posts from any post, page or widget of your community si …

Use the block inserter of your Block Editor to add the BP Search Block form inside you post, page or widgets area to help your visitors or members find the activities, the members, the groups, the posts (or the blogs on WordPress multisite) they are looking for.

Join our community

If you’re interested in contributing to BuddyPress, we’d love to have you. Head over to the BuddyPress Documentation site to find out how you can pitch in.

Growing the BuddyPress community means better software for everyone!



  • WordPress 5.8.
  • BuddyPress 11.0.0

Automatic installation

Using the automatic installation let WordPress handles everything itself. To do an automatic install of “BP Search Block”, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu. Click on the Add New link, then, activate the “BuddyPress Add-ons” tab to quickly find the “BP Search Block” plugin’s card.

Once you’ve found the BP Search card, you can view details about the latest release, such as community reviews, ratings, and description. Install the BP Search Block by simply pressing “Install Now”.


  1. <strong>Inserting the BP Search form into the Block Editor</strong>

    Inserting the BP Search form into the Block Editor

  2. <strong>Editing the BP Search form</strong>

    Editing the BP Search form

  3. <strong>Display of the BP Search form</strong>

    Display of the BP Search form


Where can I get support?

Our community provides free support at https://buddypress.org/support/.

Where can I report a bug?

Report bugs or suggest ideas at https://github.com/buddypress/bp-blocks/issues, participate to this block or other BuddyPress Blocks development at https://github.com/buddypress/bp-blocks/pulls.

Who builds the BP Search Block?

The BP Search Block is a BuddyPress add-on and is free software, built by an international community of volunteers. Some contributors to BuddyPress are employed by companies that use BuddyPress, while others are consultants who offer BuddyPress-related services for hire. No one is paid by the BuddyPress project for his or her contributions.

If you would like to provide monetary support to the BP Search Block or BuddyPress, please consider a donation to the WordPress Foundation, or ask your favorite contributor how they prefer to have their efforts rewarded.



  • Requires BuddyPress 11.0.0.
  • Makes sure the Blogs search is only available on Multisite configs.


Initial version of the Search Block.


  • Version: 1.1.0
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.8
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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