Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce

May 08, 2024

Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce Plugin

Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce plugin allows you to create, delete and edit order statuses to better control the flow of your orders.

Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce plugin allows you to create, delete and edit order statuses to better control the flow of your orders.

What is a Custom Order Statuses for WooCommerce?

Not all order pipelines are created equal. Customer Order Status Manager for WooCommerce allows you to create, delete and edit order statuses to better control the flow of your orders.

Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce Features:

  • Create unlimited order statuses
  • Customize the status label.
  • Customize the status icon or text color.
  • Create default statuses for payment methods.
  • Enable email notifications for customers or administrators.
  • Adds a status column to the order list page.
  • Set order status for Default and Third-party Payment methods.

How to create Custom Order Status?

After activating the plugin, follow these steps to create new Custom Order Status:

  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Order Status menu
  • Now click “Add New” button and add order title name
  • Enter a slug (Must need to be unique )
  • Press “Publish” button
  • All Set!

How to activate the Email template for the created Custom Order Status?

  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Email Tab
  • Select the Email Template name of your Custom Order Status
  • Click on the “Enable/Disable” checkbox
  • Hit the “Save Changes” button and you are done!

We decided to make the plugin entirely free to support the community and store owners by including all of the features that most pro versions have, including notifications.

See what a few WooCommerce store owners are saying about Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce:

“Such a great simple but powerful plugin to extend WC functionality”.
– mdf092

“Really useful tool, good support, very pleased with it.”.
– jwfrag

“ Custom Order Status Manager works flawlessly for me and is compatible with all my other plugins. Highly recommended.”.
– ozviewer

If you have any issues, please let us know and give us a chance to resolve and fix them.Visit Documentation | Plugin Support


Additional Variation Images for WooCommerce
Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce
Pre-Orders for WooCommerce PRO
Deposits for WooCommerce PRO


Order Delivery Date Time & Pickup for WooCommerce During the checkout process, customers can effortlessly choose a delivery date and time for their orders.
Pre-Orders for WooCommerce
Show Stock for WooCommerce
Order Status Control for WooCommerce
Disable Email Notifications for WooCommerce


Changelog – Date 24 Dec 23

  • Fixed: Fatal error on new order admin page
  • Fixed: php 8.2 deprecated errors – Date 23 Dec 23

  • Fixed: The admin notice cannot be closed for some sites due to a third-party plugin conflict.

1.1.3 – Date 6 Nov 23

Fixed: revert to the previous version code for admin email issue [1.1.2]

1.1.2 – Date 5 Nov 23

  • Fixed: New Order admin email notification not working for custom order status

1.1.1 – Date 24 Oct 23

  • Fixed: Automatically change order status in some cases
  • Fixed: Prevent Font Awesome CSS loading for all pages except “My Account”
  • Fixed: When performing bulk actions, email notifications are not sent.
  • Tweak: Revert back the complete action button for the custom order status column
  • Support for WooCommerce 8.2.x

1.1 – Date 8 Aug 23

  • Fixed: Dokan icons Not showing on the orders page in vendor dashboard
  • Fixed: Product stock levels are not changing for custom order status
  • Tweak: If the custom status paid option is enabled, display payment details in the order metadata.

  • Support for WooCommerce 7.9

1.0 – Date 9 May 23

  • Fixed: Email template file for specific status not working (child theme)
  • Tweak: Code refactor
  • Support for WooCommerce 7.6

0.12 – Date 21 Feb 23

  • Added: Order editable option for custom order status
  • Added: Display CPT metadata in the order status column
  • Added: COT/HPOS compatibility
  • Tweak: Update email template hook
  • Support for WooCommerce 7.4

0.11 – Date 11 Jan 23

  • Fix email recipients
  • Fix: Changed plugin load for more compatibility with method payment plugins
  • Added support to override default email template
  • Added option to grant access to downloadable products
  • Update: Option to use icon only on action buttons and show status name
  • Update: codestar Framework
  • Experimental: WPML compatibility
  • Support for WooCommerce 7.x

0.10 – Date 12 Sep 22

  • Update: Add option for change background color of custom status
  • Update: Multiple recipients option for email when custom order status changes
  • Update: Change order status from preorder
  • Fix: “Additional content” is not showing on the email
  • Support for WooCommerce 6.8

0.9 – Date 12 Aug 22

  • Update: Add “Order status settings” link into plugin meta
  • Fix: WooCommerce inactive notice showing for multisite enable dashboard
  • Fix: stripe payment gateway is not showing on the plugin option page
  • Support for WooCommerce 6.8

0.8 – Date 26 Jul 22

  • Bug fix

0.7 – Date 14 Jun 22

  • Bug fix
  • Support for WooCommerce 6.7

0.6 – Date 22 Jun 22

  • Bug fix
  • thrid party stripe plugin not showing on the checkout page
  • Support for WooCommerce 6.6.1

0.5 – Date 10 Jun 22

  • Bug fix
  • Support for WooCommerce 6.5.1
  • Support for WordPress 6.x

0.4 – Date 11 Mar 22

  • Update: Update plugin structure for payment gatways conflicts

0.3 – Date 11 Mar 22

  • Fix: Fatal error

0.2 – Released on 18 Feb 22

  • Fix: order not showing if status slug have capital letter


  • first release – 17 Feb 22


  • Version:
  • Active installations: 10,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.2.0


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