bbPress New Topics

August 18, 2015

bbPress New Topics Plugin

Displays a "new" label on topics that are unread or have unread replies for all keymasters and moderators.

A ‘New’ label will be prepended to the title of every unread topic and topic that contains unread replies. This makes it a whole lot easier for all keymasters and moderators to identify what’s been happening since last time they check in.


  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Upload the bbpress-new-topics folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


  1. All new topics and topics with unread replies have the 'New' label prepended before the title.

    All new topics and topics with unread replies have the 'New' label prepended before the title.


  1. Can I style new topics differently?

All new topics have the class ‘new-topic’. You can use that CSS selector to style the topic however you like.


2015-08-18 v1.0.1

  • Small update to code
  • Added participants to user array
  • Added new tag to before forum title
  • Fixed issue with removing new tag from read topics
  • Updated version and stable tag

2014-02-18 v1.0.0

Initial Public Release


  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.5
  • Tested up to: 4.3.34


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