bbPress New Topic Notifications

September 28, 2012

bbPress New Topic Notifications Plugin

Send notification emails to specific users when a new bbPress topic is posted.

This plugin is for bbPress 2.x

Many people who run forums would like to know when a new topic (thread) has been posted but do not have the time to constantly check their forum for activity. This solves that!

This plugin will send an e-mail notification to specific addresses when a new topic has been posted. The users who receive notification along with a simple e-mail template is configured in the bbPress settings.

See the author website.


  1. Place bbpress-topic-notifications folder in your plugins directory.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Visit Settings > Forums, the notifications settings are towards the bottom.


  1. This is the awesomeness you have for options.

    This is the awesomeness you have for options.


Why are there no questions here?

Patience grasshopper. They will come.



  • Occassionally the shortcodes would put html and encoded characters in the email notifications. This should be fixed!


  • Intial release. Let’s do this. Props to johnjamesjacoby for the help.


  • Version: 1.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.2


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