B2i Investor Tools

May 05, 2024

B2i Investor Tools Plugin

Automated Investor Relations Website Tools: SEC Filings, Press Releases, Stock Detail and Charts, Email Updates, Financials, Dividends.


A Comprehensive Investor Relations Website Solution – Allowing simplified implementation with ShortCodes. Website Content Automatically Updated, Customizable Content Layouts, HTTPS Secure, Responsive / Mobile-Friendly, Lighting Fast Load-times, and World Class Customer and Technical Support Team. Our team has over 2 decades of experience offering digital investor relations services including: corporate and investor website design – hosting – management, investor presentations, annual reports, ESG reports, webcasts – conference calls – virtual shareholder meetings, press release distribution through wire services, SEC filings edgarization (self service and full service), digital stock exposure campaigns (Pay Per Click) and much more.

Getting started

To begin using our Investor tools plugin, enter the following credentials on the Settings/B2i Options page after you install and activate our plugin:

Business ID: 2626
API Key: Sf6Ic9Gy8
Ticker: OCC
Post key: this is a private key to allow automated posting into WordPress. We walk you through this and conduct a test post to verify connectivity.

In ShortCodes that require a stock symbol/ticker, use: OCC – The symbol is used in the stock detail, charts, historical stock data and financial/fundamentals ShortCodes

Contact us to get your account set up today. Easily switch to your company’s data by changeing out the credentials.

Next, visit the Settings/B2i options area to see available ShortCodes and ShortCode parameters for customization.

For examples and ShortCode usage, please see our Live View site

LiveView site
Live View

Older demo site transitioning from that does include more information
Live View

SAAS Pricing

While this plugin is free, the datafeeds are based on our software-as-a-service which is licensed software for a fee.
Pricing is very straight-forward, with scalable, customizable solutions.
For this reason, we welcome the opportunity to your discuss your specific needs during a discovery process to make sure all of your material disclosure and digital IR needs are met.

Client and Partner Feedback

“This has allowed us to offer publicly traded companies a complete website solution.”
– Website Design Firm

“Your service is so responsive, we feel as though we are your only client.”
– Investor Relations Firm

“We knew a tool like this had to be available. Thank you for offering such an easy to use plugin.”
– NASDAQ Listed Company

“This is exactly what we’ve been looking for! A plugin to keep our data updated without losing control of our investor webpages.”
– NYSE Listed Company

“It’s about time someone brought a tool to market that keeps equity data updated on my website without charging a small fortune.”
– Microcap Company

B2i (Business to Investor) Technologies, Inc. has been providing Investor Relations products and services since 2000 including these same plugins that have now been made available through WordPress. Our product offering has continuously grown to meet industry demand with valued input from our clients. Our business philosophy is centered on providing excellent personalized customer service while offering cost effective products and services. We challenge you to find a more customizable, better priced offering with our world-class, dedicated customer and technical support.

B2i White Glove Service is ready to support you and perform website edits and send email notifications for content that is not automated. B2i has been managing corporate websites for over 22 years leveraging our proprietary infrastructure to manage content efficiently, allowing your team to focus on other key business tasks.

Other Services

Other services include: Press Releases submission / Conference Calls / Webcasts / Whistleblower Hotline and Web Solution / AccessiBe for ADA and WCAG Compliance. Contact Us for more details.

More Information

More information about each plugin and our Live View demonstration site: Live View


  1. After receiving your credentials from our team, Install b2i Investor Tools automatically or by uploading the entire ‘/b2i’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the ‘b2i Investor Tools’ plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings / b2i options to enter your credentials received.
  4. Begin crafting your IR Site with the available shortcodes.


  1. Install and Activate the plugin. Then go to Settings / B2i Options and enter your credentials and click the Save button.

    Install and Activate the plugin. Then go to Settings / B2i Options and enter your credentials and click the Save button.

  2. While on the Settings / B2i Options page, Scroll down and expand one of the modules and copy the ShortCode

    While on the Settings / B2i Options page, Scroll down and expand one of the modules and copy the ShortCode

  3. Paste the ShortCode onto one of your WordPress pages and Update the page to Save.

    Paste the ShortCode onto one of your WordPress pages and Update the page to Save.

  4. View your page.

    View your page.


Plugin support

B2i offers email and phone support with direct access to developers. We encourage feedback and release new features based on user input and requests.

How does the plugin work – Tech Talk

All of our plugins integrate seamlessly into your website, allowing your CSS to control the look of the data. We AJAX all the data into the page to be part of your website, not an iframe, not a link carrying vistors away from your site and not a different domain that is out of your control. Press releases have an additional option to be posted into your website as a WordPress blog post to leverage your themes customized display. Latest press and calendar modules have ability t ouse server side loading for even better SEO.

WordPress multi-site installations

Yes! our plugin works with WordPress multi-site installations

Modules Available

  • SEC filings
    Automated – Realtime – Multi-format – XBRL files & Viewer – Email Alerts

  • Stock Quote / Historical Chart / Historical Data
    Automated – Email Alerts – 15 Minute Delayed

  • Financials / Fundamentals
    Automated – Extracted From SEC Filings as Reported – Cash Flow, Balance Sheet, Income Statment

  • Press Releases
    Automated – Realtime – Multi-format – WordPress post – RSS Feed and Email Alerts

  • Email Alerts
    Opt-in Sign-up Form, Corporate Branded Emails, Automated Email List Manager, Dashboard Reporting, Contact Export, Receive Sign-up Notifications, A-B Test, and channel sign-up tagging

  • OTC Disclosures
    Automated with Email Alerts

  • Documents Lists
    Presentations, Annual and Quarterly Reports, Charters, Governance Documents & More

  • Event Calendar
    Automated Reminder Emails

  • Customizable Banner Messages
    Completely Custom Code blocks with scheduled display / expiration – great for adding earnings call information to your home page or investor landing page for easy access

  • Directors / Management

  • Committee Composition

  • Analysts

  • Shareholder material request system

  • Dividends
    Automated – Declared Date, Ex Date, Payment Date, Amount, Total for Year, Frequency, Change

  • Quarterly Earnings – Multi Section Downloads
    Versatile Usage – documents and links list with scheduled display / expiration, section expansion, custom code ability and much more

  • Contact Us
    Contact Form and Powerful Webform Handlers with auto-reply, email notify, follow-up reminders, CRM integration and More


  • Automated and Realtime Regulatory Disclosure
    Save time and money with our website automation tools. Remove the frustration and concern for website regulatory disclosure

  • Seamless Integration & Website Continuity
    Incorporate your investor relations data within your corporate website using our shortcodes, your IR data becomes part of your website. No iframes, no sub-domains and only one site to maintain. Keep control of your webpages and user experience.

  • Website Compliance
    Compliance for SEC, NYSE, NASDAQ, ADA, GDPR, CASL

  • Keep Contacts Informed Automatically
    Realtime email notifications – Consistent communication is the foundation for Investor Relelations Excellence

  • Automated Press Release posting into WordPress blog
    Automatically kept up-to-date. Leverage your press releases as onsite SEO.

  • White Glove Content Management Service
    Extremely responsive service! We take pride in helping you when you need support.

* Update CMB2 vendor package – an external component to manage the admin forms and DB interaction for settings
* Small code update to adhere to the latest php version (8.3.3).
* Fix post when no date present
* List sort for Email alerts and request info modules
* BizID and Api manual entry for each module for integrating data from multiple accounts into one
* Minor fixes for php version 8.2.0 in stock historical module
* Director module now transforming to a generic member module with Groups for unlimited groups of people
* Fix for Get method to RSS feed
* Fix for php version 8.2.0 – check if request items are initialized – isset()
* Update documenttation

  • New “class” parameter for each module to allow adding custom class names to each module’s container DIV
  • remove limitation for posting blog items with a duplicate title – number appended to slug
  • link to JS resources within Chart module instead of usign enqueue
  • fix CSS URL for chart module
  • fix for Press Releases 2 module for passing Group

  • New Press GET / RSS option for automatically populating press releases into WordPress blog from the B2i RSS feed – beta (working – verifing viable option without posting)
  • Press release tags as WordPress Categories – Add tagging from WireServices as WordPess Categories
  • Press release tags as Email opt-in list – Example: Earnings, Calendar Event, etc…
  • Better logging for troubleshooting auto publishing press releases in WordPress
  • Investment Calculator shortcode start – account must license before operational
  • Move supporting script for charts to shortcode area
  • New charts basic implementation for High Charts and AmCharts 5 – not a licensed product yet – early alpha

  • fix for default class names on container divs
  • fix for missing comma in intraday chart


  • Allow default Press Library so no Group is needed but can be set to use other groups as needed
  • New Version 2 of Press Release, Press Viewer and Calendar Viewer Module
  • Email – Control showing company and name fields display
  • Default classes added to all modules
  • Document List – Set custom class(es) on container
  • Document List – Sort documents by date asc and desc along with title by default.
  • Stock chart settings – margins, candlestick & OHLC option with custom color, and price values on right or left
  • Many new layouts for Mgmt, Directors, Committees
  • SEC option to use fonticons – more versions of icons are already in our font icon library and will be made available with this option next
  • Update: stop loading chart scripts unless the chart shortcode is present


  • More modules extended to use Custom layouts – calendar, calendar viewer, analysts, committees, director viewer, management viewer
  • Event Viewer Used in conjuction with Events/Calendar module.
  • Events View link to target page where Viewer module installed
  • Press Releases – view in WordPress blog The best SEO option with formatting controllable within WordPress.
  • SEC list – multi-lingual options for language to display text items. Additional languages must be initialized.
  • Accordion Page Content – multi-instance enabled
  • Email Terms of service – Terms of service check box agreement.
  • Email Terms of service label – Terms of service text label.
  • Email Terms of service control – Terms of service checkbox controls when the Subscribe button shows.
  • Business users can receive email when contacts signup for email alerts
  • Custom naming for Management and Director div
  • Custom SEC Filings Links – Add links to any filing
  • Custom Domain for SEC Filings links – controlled in B2i Portal & DNS
  • Social Share tools on Press Release – open in Floating window style – controlled in B2i Portal


  • Update to posting Press into blog – preserve style and link tags – controlled by setting in B2i portal
  • Update to blog posting to offer “Call home” option for validating Item Key
  • Begin processing Press releases categories
  • Integrate NewsFile Corp Wire service
  • Investor Tagging – Email opt-in module can be placed in multiple locations and use tag for source
  • Email List Group Filters for having alternate groups of lists.


  • Chart Settings – Grid Alpha, Grid Color
  • Debugging messages for blog posting
  • Gap in version between JS API Plugin & WP Plugin – Sync versioning

  • Update vendor dependency for CMB2
  • Update instructions
  • Fix default name of Financials div

  • Update readme file


  • Financial Statements – Extracted from SEC Filings – multiple layout options
  • Chart settings added: Chart Background Alpha, Chart Border Color, Chart Border Alpha, Chart Multiple Instances on page
  • Press releases List layouts 5, 6, 7 available – examples o=”5″
  • Press releases List now database driven templates for unlimited layouts
  • Documents Lists – Year filter
  • Documents Lists now database driven templates for unlimited layouts
  • Management & Directors now database driven templates for unlimited layouts
  • SEC Show filing Type groups on list display
  • Multi-section display – Layout 2 added


  • CSS override for several modules
  • Symbol display separate setting for Chart to override symbol label on background
  • Email Subscribe & Unsubscribe Custom Endpoints
  • Email Notifications setting to have all list checked / hidden
  • Email Optin Verify Email and Custom Endpoint
  • SEC Filings Date formats
  • Calendar Date formats
  • Calendar Date Locations
  • Quarterly Filings aka Multi-Section Downloads aka Page Code module – new layout


  • Multi-instance on page – Press Release / Libraries
  • Add options for setting custom icons for SEC Filings
  • Stock Quote Detail parameters added
    • Date formats
    • Set custom arrows url to image or charater
    • Set custom thousands and decimal separator
    • Override exchange
  • Stock Historical parameters added
    • Date formats
    • Set custom thousands and decimal separator
  • Stock Chart parameters added
    • Set custom thousands and decimal separator
  • Press Release Viewer database template driven – easily add custom layouts
  • Bug Fix on Press Viewer module


  • Press Release viewer – displays latest item, can work with the Press Release module
  • Many Stock Chart settings added
  • Show Header for document lists
  • More date formats added for document lists


  • SEC Viewer: include logo and change icons with CSS
  • Press Release: new window to view items with custom urls, domain and template
  • SEC Filings: Date format 2
  • Chart: More label size and color controls through parameters
  • Custom Domain usage for Press Release Emails – allows you to use a custom domain/sub domain
  • Management and Director module CSS control and customization


  • Committee Composition custom icon available
  • Committee Composition option to link to director profile when used on same page
  • SEC Single Filing View – Layout 4 & 5


  • Press Releases Date parameter to control location
  • Bug fix for Press Releases RSS


  • Updated CSS for chart period selector
  • Updated display items for Directors and Management
  • Ability to Show RSS feed on Press Releases module
  • Press Release output 3 and 4
  • Press Release Date Format 5 and 6
  • Press Release Custom CSS in B2i Portal
  • SEC Filings Custom CSS in B2i Portal
  • SEC Filings more Filings types added to filter – Registration Statements, Special Disclosures
  • SEC Filings Text header
  • OTC Disclosures now offered


  • maintenance Release – Remove unused variables


  • SEC Single Filing View – Layout 3 – lo=”3″
  • Ability to control Left Margin on Stock Chart
  • SEC instruction updated to use form types filters


  • Tested fully compatible with WordPress 5.2.3
  • Section 16 update – Link on Filer to view all filings by filer
  • Dividends ShortCode added for Automated dividends
  • Corporate Profile ShortCode added


  • Tested fully compatible with WordPress 5.2.2
  • Tested fully compatible with Multi-site enabled WordPress installations
  • Update posting Press Releases to multiple tags


  • Option for Press releases to open as PDF when clicking on headline list
  • Option for Press releases to use an HTML template. Template will need to be loaded into the B2i portal.
  • Option for Multi-Section to have top section already open
  • Option for Multi-Section to control section count returned
  • Option for Multi-Section to disable header Divs
  • Updates to Chart for better visual display
  • Option for Document list data sort by Date or Title
  • Year filter for Press Releases and Libraries


  • Allow Calendar to use custom images for Date and Time icons
  • Update posting Press Releases to multiple categories
  • Allow Press Releases posting to use current time for WP install


  • Tested fully compatible with WordPress 5.0.1
  • New link option for Press Releases to integrate on app page, using custom domain and short urls
  • Configurable Post IP list for future updates to posting service
  • New option for controlling Press Release links – open in new window instead of just new tab
  • New option for controlling Press Release links – open in custom domain with custom URL and template
  • Updates to make APIkey included for all shortcodes
  • ClassNames added in Chart to reference Date and Selector buttons


  • New options for controlling SEC text links and icons links
  • Version 2.0 of Investor Request Information
  • Version 2.0 of Investor Profile
  • Management and Directors – stay open – no collapse option


  • New option for Stock Detail Quote plugin: c for custom. You can create your own layout and CSS and store in the B2i CMS. The plugin will use this for the display. More data point available (EPS, PeRatio, PbRatio and Dividend items)
  • Add parameter for document list to turn off CSS
  • Version 2.0 of Email Alert sign-up
  • Version 2.0 of Contact Us


  • New option for Press release story to open in / consume the list div and write a “Back” link
  • New shortcode for year over year, quarter over quarter results with downloads and links for items like 10-Q, earnings release, webcast link, transcript, slide presentation and can include much more including delay and expiration dates and times for each item or section. VERY powerful tool and display!
  • Example links posted on shortcode page


  • New Stock Detail Quote format: options are now 1-7
  • New options for controlling chart: scroll bar, period selector, cursor, and volume chart.
  • New shortcode for analyst
  • New shortcode for custom code includes timed display and expiration


  • Add ability for unique names for sec based on t parameter.
  • Add ability for SEC custom sdiv name to override the default div name.
  • Add ability for Stock custom sdiv name to override the default div name.


  • More examples
  • Post IPs updated
  • update documentation and formatting


  • Add New option for Press Releases to display a summary of the body
    • parameter su=”400″ where 400 is number of characters of the press release body to show
  • New format style for Stock Quote f=”6″


  • Add Date format parameter for Press Release plugin: df=”1″ Currently accepts 1,2,3
    df=”1″ May 3, 2018
    df=”2″ 05/03/2018
    df=”3″ 03/05/2018
    df=”4″ 03 May 2018


  • Fix for chart custom period selected on mobile devices


  • added parameter for calendar to control year as parameter
  • added mode m=”0″ for calendar to return all events (past and future)


  • added parameter for chart to control colors with parameters
    c – HTML color for line and fill: default 666666 (no # needed)
    cc – HTML color for chart cursor: default ff0000 (no # needed)
    lc – HTML color for top label color: default 666666 (no # needed)
    lc2 – HTML color for other label color: default 666666 (no # needed)


  • made https default on all plugins
  • added parameter for chart to make default display period: p=”” – acceptable values: 10d, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y, max


  • Press Releases Update: Restrict headline character count displayed.
  • Email Alert Update: Multi-lingual handling.
  • Plugin Update: versioning on JavaScript reference to prevent cache when updating plugin.


  • Feature Update: B2i now automatically posts press releases into your WordPress post system. This allows you to leverage themes that format your post and use other plugins that work with your WordPress post.


  • Chart updates, Press release expand funtionality


  • Add historical quote search


  • New Stock plugin with multiple format display options
  • Event Calendar update to retrieve Past events


  • Quarterly Financials: Cash Flow, Income Statement, Balance Sheet


  • Event Calendar


  • Parameters for Document lists


  • Added Event Calendar


  • Fix for Detailed Quote parameters being passed with default values


  • Added Directors Committee composition chart


  • Added custom control over SEC div to load data in


  • Added paging feature for Documents list/Showcase


  • Added search feature for Press releases and drop down/select option for tags


  • Added ability for Press releases to use a link instead of floating div


  • Added Interactive Chart and shortcode


  • updated readme file for clarity on setup process
  • Added new parameters for controlling https for all plugins, parameters for controlling content height / width.


  • Initial public release


  • Version:
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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