Tiktok Feed – TikTok feed plugin for WP

July 25, 2024

Tiktok Feed – TikTok feed plugin for WP Plugin

Embed Tiktok feed in your website

B Tiktok Feed Plugin is a block plugin by which you can embed your Tiktok feed on your websites.
We have developed it in such a way that any user can give any desired look and feel on the widget. There are many options available by which you can turn your website visitors to Tiktok followers.


Quick start tutorial


  • Authorization, remove Authorization and clear Cache
  • TikTok profile and feeds show
  • Just TikTok feeds show
  • Show/Hide TikTok profile option
  • Show/Hide profile image option
  • Show/Hide profile name option
  • Show/Hide profile share button option
  • Show/Hide profile info count option
  • Show/Hide profile biography option
  • Profile alignment, color, background color and padding option
  • Profile share button padding, color and hover color option
  • Video layout column option
  • Video layout column gap option
  • Video layout row gap option
  • Video popup
  • Video popup slide and thumbnail
  • Video TikTok load more button color and hover color
  • Load more button default 9 video show

Pro Features

  • Show/Hide videos/content option
  • Videos/Feed per page option
  • Show/Hide video overlay like, share, and view count option
  • Video overlay icon color set option
  • Load more button text change option
  • Cache time set option for profile and video
  • Profile layout select option
  • Profile name color and typography option
  • Share button change button text and typography option
  • Info count and text color option
  • ShortCode
  • Feed per page can be set according to the device
  • Lightbox show/video option
  • View on TikTok button show/hide option
  • Modal content show/hide option
  • Layout select an option
  • Three types of layout: Default, Slider, Masonry
  • You can set the feed image ratio to one of the five types: Landscape, Horizontal, Square, Vertical, and Portrait
  • Gallery background color set
  • Overlay color set
  • Content icon size set
  • Button typography, colors, padding set option
  • Pattern set option
  • Masonry Layout videos Info show/hide option added

How to use

  • Go to the Plugins from WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Search for “B TikTok Feed”
  • Click “Install”
  • Activate the b-TikTok-Feed Plugin.

  • For installation help click on Installation Tab


⭐ Check out the Parent Plugin of this plugin-

🔥 b Blocks – Best gutenberg blocks collections for WordPress.

⭐ Check out our other WordPress Plugins-

🔥 Html5 Audio Player – Best audio player plugin for WordPress.

🔥 Html5 Video Player – Best video player plugin for WordPress.

🔥 PDF Poster – A fully-featured PDF Viewer Plugin for WordPress.

🔥 StreamCast – A fully-featured Radio Player Plugin for WordPress.

🔥 3D Viewer – Display interactive 3D models on the webs.


From Gutenberg Editor:

  1. Go to the WordPress Block/Gutenberg Editor
  2. Search For B-TikTok-Feed Block
  3. Click on the B-TikTok-Feed Block to add the block

Download & Upload:

  1. Download the B-TikTok-Feed plugin (.zip file)
  2. In your admin area, go to the Plugins menu and click on Add New
  3. Click on Upload Plugin and choose the B-TikTok-Feed.zip file and click on Install Now
  4. Activate the plugin and Enjoy!


  1. Download and upload the B-TikTok-Feed Block plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress


  1. Setting-1


  2. Setting-2


  3. Profile masonry

    Profile masonry

  4. Default profile slider horizontal

    Default profile slider horizontal

  5. Default profile slider landscape

    Default profile slider landscape

  6. Default Profile Slider Square

    Default Profile Slider Square

  7. Default profile Slider Vertical

    Default profile Slider Vertical

  8. Horizontal profile default center

    Horizontal profile default center

  9. Landscape profile default center

    Landscape profile default center

  10. Portrait profile default center

    Portrait profile default center

  11. Profile default center

    Profile default center

  12. Vertical profile default center

    Vertical profile default center


Is Block Directory free?

Yes, Block Directory is a free Gutenberg block plugin.

Does it work with any WordPress theme?

Yes, it will work with any standard WordPress theme.

Can I change block settings?

Yes, you can change block settings from the Gutenberg block editor’s right sidebar.

How many times can I reuse a block?

You can use unlimited times as you want.

Where can I get support?

You can post your questions on the support forum here


1.0.14- 11 June, 24

  • Support all domain names before “wp-admin”

1.0.13- 25 March, 24

  • Added option to show/hide video info in Masonry layout videos

1.0.12- 7 march,24

  • Tiktok API Problem solved

1.0.11- 5 Feb,24

  • TikTok API version update

1.0.10- 9 Nov,23

  • WordPress version update

1.0.9 – 18 sept 2023

  • This plugin is in conflict with another plugin; we are currently working on fixing it


  • Some issues have been resolved


  • View on TikTok button show/hide option
  • Modal content show/hide option
  • Layout select an option
  • Three types of layout: Default, Slider, Masonry
  • You can set the feed image ratio to one of the five types: Landscape, Horizontal, Square, Vertical, an
  • Gallery background color set
  • Overlay color set
  • Content icon size set
  • Button typography, colors, padding set option
  • Pattern set option


  • Title and Description responsive device added


  • Feeds are set according to the device option add


  • ShortCode option add


  • Share button and load more button color option update


  • Implement licenses System


  • TikTok feed videos and profile Cache time set option
  • Video per page option problem fix
  • All color option reset problem fix


  • Initial Release


  • Version: 1.0.14
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.8
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.1


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