
January 18, 2018

autometa Plugin

It reproduces metadata information and it generates taxonomy clouds and comment and search forms to publications simply via shortcodes.

autometa is a complete plugin that uses the following shortcodes:

  • [titul] = to reproduce the publication title;
  • [titulink] = to reproduce the publication link;
  • [autua] = to reproduce the author name;
  • [autualink] = to reproduce the author link;
  • [autuaguest] = to reproduce the guest link;
  • [dated] = to reproduce the publication date;
  • [urlug] = to reproduce the URL slug;
  • [urlink] = to reproduce the URL permalink;
  • [urlinked] = to reproduce the URL link;
  • [thumb] = to reproduce the featured image;
  • [sumus] = to reproduce the publication excerpt;
  • [cats] = to reproduce post categories;
  • [tags] = to reproduce post tags;
  • [catag] = to generate a post taxonomies cloud;
  • [pfcats] = to reproduce portfolio categories;
  • [pfatts] = to reproduce portfolio attributes;
  • [folio] = to generate a portfolio taxonomies cloud;
  • [woocats] = to reproduce product categories;
  • [wootags] = to reproduce product tags;
  • [woodo] = to generate a product taxonomies cloud;
  • [tagcloud] = to generate a full mixed taxonomies cloud;
  • [cloud] = to generate a mixed taxonomies cloud;
  • [ments] = to reproduce all comments;
  • [recents] = to reproduce recents comments;
  • [forma] = to generate a comment form;
  • [loupe] = to generate a search form;
  • [nowon] = to generate the current time;
  • [nowadays] = to generate the current date.

autometa is a shortcode pack composed by standalone components: TITUL, AUTUA, DATED, URLUG, THUMB, SUMUS, CATAG, FOLIO, WOODO, MENTS, FORMA, NOWON.


  1. Install it from Dashboard/Plugins/Add Plugins or download it to your plugin folder;
  2. Activate it from Dashboard/Plugins/Installed Plugins;
  3. Write the following shortcodes in text fields: [titul], [titulink], [autua], [autualink], [autuaguest], [dated], [urlug], [urlink], [urlinked], [thumb], [sumus], [cats], [tags], [catag], [pfcats], [pfatts], [folio], [woocats], [wootags], [woodo], [tagcloud], [cloud], [ments], [recents], [forma], [loupe], [nowon], [nowadays].


Installation Instructions

  1. Install it from Dashboard/Plugins/Add Plugins or download it to your plugin folder;
  2. Activate it from Dashboard/Plugins/Installed Plugins;
  3. Write the following shortcodes in text fields: [titul], [titulink], [autua], [autualink], [autuaguest], [dated], [urlug], [urlink], [urlinked], [thumb], [sumus], [cats], [tags], [catag], [pfcats], [pfatts], [folio], [woocats], [wootags], [woodo], [tagcloud], [cloud], [ments], [recents], [forma], [loupe], [nowon], [nowadays].

Plugin Features

autometa reproduces metadata information automatically via shorcodes and it was developed to improve the automation of

How To

Just write one or more of the following shortcodes inside a text field and between brackets as usual: [titul] and/or [titulink] and/or [autua] and/or [autualink] and/or [autuaguest] and/or [dated] and/or [urlug] and/or [urlink] and/or [urlinked] and/or [thumb] and/or [sumus] and/or [cats] and/or [tags] and/or [catag] and/or [pfcats] and/or [pfatts] and/or [folio] and/or [woocats] and/or [wootags] and/or [woodo] and/or [tagcloud] and/or [cloud] and/or [ments] and/or [recents] and/or [forma] and/or [loupe] and/or [nowon] and/or [nowadays].

CSS Style Selectors

  • #titul = [titul] ID;
  • #titulink = [titulink] ID;
  • #autua = [autua] ID;
  • #autualink = [autualink] ID;
  • #autuaguest = [autuahuest] ID;
  • #dated = [dated] ID;
  • #urlug = [urlug] ID;
  • #urlink = [urlink] ID;
  • #urlinked = [urlinked] ID;
  • #thumb = [thumb] ID;
  • #sumus = [sumus] ID;
  • #cats = [cats] ID;
  • #tags = [tags] ID;
  • #catag = [catag] ID;
  • #pfcats = [pfcats] ID;
  • #pfatts = [pfatts] ID;
  • #folio = [folio] ID;
  • #woocats = [woocats] ID;
  • #wootags = [wootags] ID;
  • #woodo = [woodo] ID;
  • #tagcloud = [tagcloud] ID;
  • #cloud = [cloud] ID;
  • #ments = [ments] ID;
  • #recents = [recents] ID;
  • #forma = [forma] ID;
  • #loupe = [loupe] ID;
  • #nowon = [nowon] ID;
  • #nowadays = [nowadays] ID;
  • .autometa = autometa class.

PHP Functions Reference


  • Version: 2.2
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 4.4.0
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26


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