Automatic Translate Addon For TranslatePress

July 22, 2024

Automatic Translate Addon For TranslatePress Plugin

TranslatePress addon for automatically translate a website page content using machine translation tools without any auto translator API key.

Automatic Machine Translator Add-on For TranslatePress

Install this plugin along with TranslatePress plugin and make your life easier.

  • Free version supports Yandex translate widget.
  • Pro version πŸ’Ž supports Google translate widget along with Yandex and provides unlimited translations without any API key.

Are you spending a lot of time and money on website translation tasks?
This addon saves your time and money, Automatic Translate Addon For TranslatePress helps you to translate entire page content with one click. You don’t need to translate page content manually one by one.

πŸ€– No Translate API Required! + Unlimited Translations!

  • Yes, it’s true, there is no requirement to use any translate API key to use this addon for automatic translations, just install it and translate unlimited characters with one click.
  • Free version of this addon supports Yandex Page Translate Widget. By using this translate widget you can translate any page content with one click.
  • We also provide pro version πŸ’Ž that supports Google Page Translate Widget. You can also use it for unlimited translations without any API key.

⚑ Automatic Translate Addon For TranslatePress Features

  • One-click translate any page content. It will only translate plain text strings means if a string will contain HTML or a special character then it will be skipped from automatic translations.
  • You can automatically translate unlimited characters free of cost without any API key. You just need to install this addon and click on the translate button to translate any page content.
  • After auto translations, you can also manually edit any machine translated string using TranslatePress.

β€œIf you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. Stop wasting time, complete work smartly & quickly!”

Check out our advanced Automatic Translate Addon for Loco Translate

The Automatic Translate Addon for Loco Translate is an essential tool for website owners and developers who want to quickly and efficiently translate WordPress plugins and themes. By integrating with the popular Loco Translate plugin, this addon leverages advanced machine translation services to automate the translation of PO files, significantly reducing the time and effort required.

Key Features:

  • Automatic Translations: Utilizes machine translation to translate WordPress plugin and theme strings automatically.
  • No API Key Required for Free Version: Allows unlimited character translations using the Yandex Page Translate Widget without needing a paid API key.
  • Premium Version Enhancements: Provides additional translation options with Google Translate Widget, DeepL Doc Translator, ChatGPT, and Gemini, all without requiring a paid API key.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Features a one-click translation button within the Loco Translate editor, making translations quick and easy.
  • Unlimited Translations: Both free and premium versions support unlimited character translations, with premium users accessing more advanced and accurate translation tools.

Check It Now

❗ Important Notice: This addon only provides settings to use third party auto-translation widgets and services(Yandex.), it does not provide any translation service. So we don’t guarantee 100% correctness, please check all translated text carefully before making it live on your production site. If any auto-translate provider stops providing an auto-translation widget or service in the future, in that case, the plugin will not support that translation provider.

✍ Special THANKS!

Special thanks to famous TranslatePress – Translate Multilingual sites plugin author cozmoslabs,Razvan Mocanu for creating an awesome plugin for translations and also thanks to Yandex for providing a translate widget for websites.

All automatic translations will machine translations, powered by third-party auto-translate providers(Yandex), so we don’t guarantee 100% correctness, please check all translated text carefully before making it live on your production site.

🌴 Important Links & Information


  1. Install Translate Press Addon from the repository or by uploading plugin-zip unzipped folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory. You must also install TranslatePress – Translate Multilingual sites free plugin if you want to use this addon.

  2. Activate the plugin through Plugins >> Installed Plugin menu in WordPress

  3. Now You can translate any page content with a single click.

  4. If you want to use Google Translate Widget for automatic translation then you need to purchase premium plugin.


  1. Preview



How it works❔

This plugin works as an addon for TranslatePress – Translate Multilingual sites official plugin. First, you need to install and activate the free version of “TranslatePress – Translate Multilingual sites” then install this addon and use one-click machine translations (supported by Yandex Translate Widget).

Are you using any language translation API❔

No, there is no requirement of any translate API key to use this plugin free or pro version. It uses free page translate widgets and services for unlimited automatic translations.

Free plugin users can use Yandex Translate Widget but if you are using a premium plugin then you can also use Google Translate Widget.

Is there any translation limit❔

There is no limit. Yes, you can translate unlimited characters without any API key.

This addon only provides an interface to use third-party translation widgets and services, it does not provide any translation service. Any auto-translate provider can stop providing free translation widget or service anytime in the future, in that case, the plugin will not support that auto-translate provider.

How does this plugin work?

This plugin works as an addon for TranslatePress – Translate Multilingual sites official plugin. First, you need to install and activate the free version of “TranslatePress – Translate Multilingual sites” then install this addon and use one-click machine translations (supported by Yandex Translate Widget).

Are you using any language translation API?

No, there is no requirement of any translate API key to use this plugin free or pro version. It uses free page translate widgets and services for unlimited automatic translations.

Free plugin users can use Yandex Translate Widget but if you are using a premium plugin then you can also use Google Translate Widget.

What languages can I translate to?

The languages available depend on the translation widget you use. Yandex Translate supports a wide range of languages.

Can I edit the automatically translated text?

Yes, even though the plugin translates with one click, you can still manually edit the translated text using TranslatePress.

Is the translation guaranteed to be accurate?

No, the plugin uses machine translation, which can be inaccurate. It’s important to review all translated content before publishing it.

Do I need to install TranslatePress first?

Yes, you need to install and activate the free version of “TranslatePress – Translate Multilingual sites” before using this addon.

How do I install the plugin?

You can install the plugin directly from the WordPress plugin repository or by uploading the plugin files.

What are the benefits of the pro version?

The pro version offers additional features like using Google Translate widget for automatic translation.


Version 1.1.1 || 22/July/2024

 Tested Upto: WordPress version 6.6. Tested Upto: TranslatePress version 2.8.1. 

Version 1.1.0 || 15/Jan/2024

 Improved:-Overall code improvement. Fixed:-Minor textual changes. 

Version 1.0.3 || 29/May/2023

 Fixed:-Wrong spells. 

Version 1.0.2 || 29/May/2023

 Added:- Preloader. Fixed:-Wrong folder name issue. 

Version 1.0.1 || 15/May/2023

 Tweaks:-Minor textual changes 

Version 1.0 || 03/Mar/2022

 Added:- New Admin Menu Improvements:- Improved code Fixed:- Minor issue 

Version 0.6 || 17/Apr/2021

 Fixed:Yandex Translator not working issue 

Version 0.5 || 15/Mar/2021

 Tweak: Updated Wrong Review Link Tweak: Tested Upto 5.7 

Version 0.4 || 03/Feb/2021

 Integrated: Add filter for data group 

Version 0.3 || 29/Jan/2021

 Fixed: Wrong Page language Bug 

Version 0.2 || 28/Jan/2021

 Fixed: Wrong html rendring bug Integrated:- Feedback Form Improvements:- Minor Code improved 

Version 0.1 || 21/JAN/2021

 New: Initial plugin release. 


  • Version: 1.1.1
  • Active installations: 7,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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