Automatic Responsive Tables

August 06, 2019

Automatic Responsive Tables Plugin

Leave your tables as they are. Add this plugin, and they're all responsive.

This plugin automatically makes all the tables on your site responsive.

Live Example:


  • exclude option
  • applies to dynamically loaded tables now


  • Fixed bug with links in the table
  • Fixed bug for tables with no table headers
  • Specify only certain tables you’d like this plugin to affect.
  • Specify the breakpoint for responsiveness
  • Optional styling
  • Compatible across all major browsers
  • Backend style editor w/ preview panel
  • Supports IE5+ !!!


Installation & Activation

  1. Download plugin
  2. Unzip plugin on computer
  3. Add unzipped folder to /wp-content/plugins/


  1. Go to your admin area and select Plugins -> Add new from the menu
  2. Search for “Automatic Responsive Tables”
  3. Click install

  4. Activate the plugin in the ‘Plugins’ menu in the admin area

  5. Go to Tools -> ‘LinkedIn Company Updates’ to configure

** Using the Plugin **

  1. Check ‘Activate for all Tables’ or enter in the classes & IDs you’d like it to affect
  2. Add the breakpoint
  3. Check off whether or not you’ll use the style editor
  4. Use the style editor if necessary
  5. Save


  1. Screenshot of the admin area for the plugin

    Screenshot of the admin area for the plugin


Version 1.3 – 8/2/19

  • marked jquery as dependency
  • added listener to apply responsive table transformation to dynamically added content
  • added check to notify user if plugin does not have the needed permissions
  • fixed / tweaked style tool

Version 1.2 – 3/19/16

  • Fixed bug with links in the table
  • Fixed bugs for tables with no table headers

Version 1.1 – 1/23/16

  • Feedback grabber bug fix

Version 1.0 – 1/15/16

  • Added backend style editor
  • Added text context for international use
  • Added compatibility for ie5 & up
  • Restructured the execution


  • Version: 1.3
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.5
  • Tested up to: 5.2.21


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