Automatic NBSP

April 11, 2019

Automatic NBSP Plugin

Automatically adds a non-breaking space (&nbsp) in the content.

Support typographic rules in Polish and Czech
Moves conjunctions, prepositions, etc. to the new line. ( sierotki )

Support punctuation marks in French
Adds a non-breaking space   before punctuation marks as !?;%«»

How it works?
The plugin automatically adds HTML entity   ( non-breaking space ) after selected words or phrases. E.g. ‘Mr. Someone’ should be ‘Mr. Someone’. Works with:

  • posts
  • titles
  • pages
  • custom post types
  • comments
  • widgets
  • custom contents

You can create your own list of words/phrases or import our proposals.

Custom contents
You can use the function <?php auto_nbsp($content, $echo); ?> to add &nbsp; to the custom content. Use this in your code.
1. Param $content – (string) (required) Free text
2. Param $echo – (bool) (optional) true (echo), false (return), Default: true

Other features:
* Advanced Custom Fields compatibility

If you have any ideas for how Automatic NBSP could be improved, you write to us.


  1. Install the plugin from within the Dashboard or upload the directory automatic-nbsp and all its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings -> Automatic NBSP and set your preferences.
  4. Enjoy automatically added non-breaking spaces


1.5.4, April 11, 2019

  • CHANGE: Nothing changed. Only version.

1.5.3, November 25, 2016

  • FIX: special case for a mark « (by francois.massart)

1.5.2, April 24, 2016

  • FIX: Escaping another special characters from phrases

1.5.1, January 28, 2016

  • ADD Integration with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
  • DEL Problematic feature (keep numbers together).


  • ADD Keep numbers together as option
  • FIX Bug with words ending with a dot .


  • FIX Bug with disappearing titles.


  • ADD New function auto_nbsp($content, $echo) allows to add nbsp to the custom content. Use this in your code.
  • ADD &nbsp; before punctuation marks as !?;%«»


  • Title is now supported.
  • Excerpt is now supported.
  • Comment text is now supported.
  • Widget text is now supported.
  • Phrases is now allowed.
  • Add case sensitive for words or phrases.
  • Add list of conjunctions and other phrases for the Polish and English language.
  • Fix mechanism for adding a &nbsp entitie.
  • Polish translation


  • Fix bug compatibility wordpress 3.6.


  • First version.


  • Version: 1.5.4
  • Active installations: 3,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 5.1.19


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