Author Recent Posts

December 10, 2020

Author Recent Posts Plugin

Author Recent Posts shows recent posts by an author on the posts written by the author as a responsive widget. This plugin is useful for multi-author …

Author Recent Posts plugin displays more posts by an author on a post written by him. This plugin contains a responsive widget to show recent posts by an author on all the single posts which are created by that author.

You can show the widget on single posts (not pages) in the sidebar. Additionally, use the shortcode to display the widget within the post content. This plugin is useful when you have multiple authors on your WordPress blog and you wish to display recent posts by the particular author of the post a visitor is currently viewing.

With this plugin, you can choose the number of posts to display, show or hide the featured image, alternate image URL, dimensions of the featured image, display the post date or not. You can also show the author name in the title using ‘[author]’ shortcode (without quotes) in widget options.

For more detail visit the official page at our website. You can reach to GitHub repo as well for contribution and feature requests.

To show this widget inside the content of any single post page, copy and paste the shortcode generated by the widget to that post or use WordPress do_shortcode() function in your theme’s single post page template.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Install Author Recent Post plugin either via the plugin directory or by uploading the author_recent_posts folder to /wp-content/plugins/ directory at your server
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Drag Author Recent Posts widget from the list of your Available Widget to the sidebar where you want to place the widget
  4. You can change the setting as per your requirement or can opt default settings and you’re ready


  1. Widget options

    Widget options

  2. Viewing the widget with thumbnail

    Viewing the widget with thumbnail

  3. Viewing the widget without thumbnail

    Viewing the widget without thumbnail

  4. Specify '[author]' shortcode in widget options

    Specify '[author]' shortcode in widget options

  5. Viewing author name in the widget

    Viewing author name in the widget


How to use it?

Enable the plugin and place the widget in the sidebar wherever you want

Where does this widget appear?

This widget appears only to single posts on your WordPress blog

How can I show author name in the widget

Specify ‘[author]’ shortcode (without quote) in the title to display author name in Widget. Check the screenshot for the same

How can I show this widget inside the content of my single post page?

Use shortcode generated by the widget to display into your single post

Is this responsive?

Yes, widget created by Author Recent Posts plugin is responsive

Does this plugin has its own CSS rule for link and text colours?

No, this plugin doesn’t have any CSS rule for link and text colours. It just inherits those from your theme’s styles



  • Code optimization
  • Direct file access protected
  • WordPress version 5.6 tested


  • Plugin updated to use shortcode


  • Plugin updated to show post date in the format as set in WordPress setting


  • Bugfix: Posts in the sidebar and current post were displaying same publish date. Issue fixed


  • Added option to specify alternate image URL to show an alternate image if featured image is not specified in the post


  • Let you specify a title with or without author name, set number of posts, enable/disable featured image and it’s size, display or not post date


  • Version: 1.5
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 5.6.14


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