Audio Editor & Recorder
Roland Beaussant By Roland Beaussant

December 04, 2023

Audio Editor & Recorder Plugin

Record, upload and edit audios from your wordpress website or blog. Use mp3 media files in your contents. The perfect companion for podcast plugins.

  • Record or Upload audios, podcasts, voice, music, sounds, etc.

  • Edit your audios: Copy, Cut, Paste, Crop, delete

  • Add more audio pieces

  • Save / download as mp3 file on your computer

  • Save as WordPress audio post

  • Use in your WordPress Media Library

  • Insert audios in your contents

  • Find your own private audio list with the [audio-my-list] shortcode and /my-audios/ page

  • Display all published audios with the [audio-editor-list] shortcode.

  • Allow your users to use the editor from the frontend with the [audio-editor] shortcode.

  • Decide if you let logged-out users post audios with the parameter logged-in-only=”false”

  • Customize the editor style with the shortcodes parameters (i.e.: [audio-editor color=”#000″] to change the icons color).

  • Use the shortcode parameter [audio-editor mini=”true”] to activate the compact mini recorder.

  • Discover all the customization parameters to hide buttons, change button text, publish or review before publish.

Click on this link to test the quick frontend demo of our simple MP3 audio editor & recorder

Audio Editor Pro includes:

  • Saving more than one minute audio in your website or your PC.

More info on our website
Please don’t hesitate to leave us suggestions for future release.


From your WordPress dashboard

  • Visit Plugins > Add New

  • Search for “Audio Editor & Recorder”

  • Install and activate Audio Editor & Recorder from your Plugins page

  • Update your permalinks to make sure the audio posts are working.

  • Click on the new menu items “Audios” and create your first audio!

  • Click on “Audio Editor Settings” to have more instructions


  1. <p>Backend audio editor inside the admin</p>

    Backend audio editor inside the admin

  2. <p>Audios in the media library</p>

    Audios in the media library

  3. <p>Add audios into Wordpress Editor using the Audio Block</p>

    Add audios into Wordpress Editor using the Audio Block

  4. <p>Add audios in other editors like Divi visual builder here</p>

    Add audios in other editors like Divi visual builder here

  5. <p>Frontend audio editor in the Twenty twenty WP theme</p>

    Frontend audio editor in the Twenty twenty WP theme

  6. <p>Frontend mini audio recorder / uploader</p>

    Frontend mini audio recorder / uploader

  7. <p>Frontend even more mini audio recorder using the remove-buttons shortcode attribute</p>

    Frontend even more mini audio recorder using the remove-buttons shortcode attribute

  8. <p>Frontend My audios list page or using the [audio-my-list] shortcode</p>

    Frontend My audios list page or using the [audio-my-list] shortcode

  9. <p>Audio single page</p>

    Audio single page

  10. <p>Settings and instructions page</p>

    Settings and instructions page

  11. <p>Audio posts admin list</p>

    Audio posts admin list


Can I edit existing audios?

Yes you can but we have still an issue with volume getting lower at saving so you might encounter volume differences. It is better to record and edit in the same session before saving or avoid too much editings and savings for now.

Can I edit multiple tracks?

Not for now.


  • Frontend Editor: [audio-editor] (Editor page is automatically created or insert it anywhere you want)

  • Customize your editor with the parameters:

mini: transform the editor in a mini recorder for simple usage ([audio-editor mini=true])

remove-buttons: remove buttons you don’t need with by adding the buttons classes: record, file-upload, playbtn, re-select, zoom-in, zoom-out, copy, cut, paste, crop, delete, download, reload
(e.i.: [audio-editor remove-buttons=”download,crop”])
color: Change icons colors (e.i.: color=”red”)

button-text: Change the Send for review / Publish button (e.i.: button-text=”Send file”)

logged-in-only: set to false to allow logged out visitors to send audio (page is reloaded to the editor page after submit)

review: set to false if you want audio to be published without review

For example, the default parameters are [audio-editor mini=”false” color=”#505050″ remove-buttons=”” button-mini=”Send for review” logged-in-only=”true” review=”true”]

An example for a Mini recorder with only play, reload and send button with red icons: [audio-editor mini=true remove-buttons=”download,crop,cut,file-upload” button-text=”SEND” color=”red”]

  • Frontend audios private author list: [audio-my-list] (My audios page is automatically created)

  • Frontend audios public list: [audio-editor-list] (Insert anywhere you want)


= 2.1.1

Tested on WordPress 6.4.1

= 2.1.0

  • New website to replace https//
  • License system removed from settings for validating premium version.

= 2.0.0

  • Complete restyling

  • Shortcode attributes added for customizing the frontend

= 1.0.1

  • Audio graphic pointer selection corrected

  • 1 minute free version limit corrected

= 1.0.0

Working version after security corrections


  • Version: 2.1.1
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 5.8
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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