Asgaros Forum

April 09, 2024

Asgaros Forum Plugin

Asgaros Forum is the best forum-plugin for WordPress! It comes with dozens of features in a beautiful design and stays simple and fast.

Asgaros Forum is the perfect WordPress plugin if you want to extend your website with a lightweight and feature-rich discussion board. It is easy to set up, super fast and perfectly integrated into WordPress.

Support, Demo & Documentation


  • Simple Content Management
  • Profiles & Members List
  • Notifications & Feeds
  • Powerful Editor
  • SEO-friendly
  • Reactions
  • Uploads
  • Search
  • Polls
  • Widgets
  • Statistics
  • Guest Postings
  • Approval, Banning & Reporting
  • Moderators, Permissions & Usergroups
  • Customizable Responsive Theme
  • Multilingualism
  • Multiple Instances
  • Multisite Compatibility
  • myCRED Integration


  • A new forum-page is automatically created during the installation
  • Add this page to your menu so your users can access your forum
  • Thats all!


  • Download Asgaros Forum
  • Activate the plugin via the Plugins screen in WordPress
  • A new forum-page is automatically created during the installation
  • You can also add a forum to a page manually by adding the [forum] shortcode to it
  • Add this page to your menu so your users can access your forum
  • On the left side of the administration area you will find a new menu called Forum where you can change the settings and create new categories & forums
  • Thats all!


  1. The forum overview

    The forum overview

  2. The topic overview

    The topic overview

  3. The topic view

    The topic view

  4. Creating a new topic

    Creating a new topic

  5. Manage forums in the administration area

    Manage forums in the administration area

  6. Manage general options

    Manage general options


I cant see content or modifications I made to the forum

If you are using some third-party plugin for caching (WP Super Cache for example) and disable caching for the forum-page, everything should work fine again.

I cant upload my files

By default only files of the following filetype can be uploaded: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, pdf. You can modify the allowed filetypes inside the forum administration.

Where can I add moderators or ban users?

You can ban users or ad moderators via the user edit screen in the WordPress administration interface.

How can I show a specific post/topic/forum/category on a page?

You can extend the shortcodes with different parameters to show specific content only. For example: [forum post="POSTID"], [forum topic="TOPICID"], [forum forum="FORUMID"], [forum category="CATEGORYID"] or [forum category="CATEGORYID1,CATEGORYID2"].

How can I add a captcha to the editor for guests?

To extend your forum with a captcha you have to use one of the available third-party captcha-plugins for WordPress and extend your themes functions.php file with the checking-logic via the available hooks and filters by your own. For example you can use the plugin Really Simple CAPTCHA and extend your themes functions.php file with this code:

I want help to translate Asgaros Forum

You can help to translate Asgaros Forum on this site:
Please only use this site and dont send me your own .po/.mo files because it is hard to maintain if I get multiple translation-files for a language.

Please approve my translations

You can approve translations by yourself if you are a Project Translation Editor (PTE). Please contact me in the forums if you are a native speaker and want to become a PTE.

Which hooks and filters are available?

You can find a list of available hooks and filters on this site:



  • Fixed: Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability when marking topics as read
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.5


  • Fixed: PHP Object Injection
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.4


  • Fixed: PHP warning and database error in statistics


  • Fixed: PHP parse error in forum-compatibility.php
  • Fixed: Prevent forum administrators from allowing dangerous file extensions for uploads
  • Fixed: Improved file size error handling during file uploads
  • Fixed: Ensure that asgarosforum_filter_profile_link filtering is always performed


  • Added: Option which allows users to only delete own topics without replies
  • Added: Support for forum name in title of notifications
  • Fixed: Malformed meta descriptions when using some special characters
  • Fixed: Deprecated error message in statistics
  • Improved compatibility with WP-Sweep
  • Removed: Themes functionality
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • The required minimum PHP version is now 5.3


  • Fixed: Minor display issues
  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.3


  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
  • Fixed: Display issues on mobile navigation
  • Fixed: Potential error in title generation


  • Revised topic view
  • Fixed: Wrong HTML output in forum navigation
  • Added: Option to define minimum time between new posts
  • Changed: Time limit for editing/deleting topics/posts from minutes to seconds
  • Minor design changes
  • Improved mobile design
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.2


  • Fixed: Multiple warnings in widgets
  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors


  • Fixed: It was not possible to unsubscribe from topics/forums in the subscriptions area
  • Fixed: Don’t remove href-attribute if links are allowed in signatures
  • Fixed: Remove slashes from some outputs
  • Fixed: Show groups in mobile view
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Only show moderators, administrators and topic participants in suggestions for mentioning-functionality
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Updated: Font Awesome to version 6.3.0


  • Fixed: Broken automatic embedding


  • Fixed: Embedding shortcodes broken under certain conditions
  • Fixed: Rare rendering issues for widgets
  • Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
  • Fixed: Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability when moving topics
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data


  • Fixed: Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.1


  • Added: Functionality to delete forum posts and topics when deleting users
  • Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_is_feed_enabled filter
  • Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.0


  • Revised pagination
  • Added: Option to hide names of online users in statistics
  • Added: Option to define units for maximum file-size of uploads
  • Added: Forum name to notifications
  • Added: asgarosforum_render_custom_forum_element action
  • Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_forum_status filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_post_counter_cache filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_topic_counter_cache filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_lastpost_forum_cache filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_get_topics_query filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_get_sticky_topics_query filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_render_custom_forum_element_decision filter
  • Fixed: SQL injection vulnerability in the reaction-functionality
  • Fixed: Usergroup icons could not get saved correctly
  • Fixed: Send notifications to forum-subscribers when there is a new blog-post-topic
  • Fixed: Send notification to siteowner when there is a new unapproved blog-post-topic
  • Fixed: HTML from message-templates got removed after saving them
  • Changed: Move settings related to statistics to its own section
  • Changed: Improve instructions in notifications-template
  • Changed: Improved multiple strings for better clarifications
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.15.4
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1


  • Fixed: Broken links when URLs contain special characters
  • Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data


  • Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data


  • Fixed: Add missing sanitizing for input data
  • Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
  • Fixed: Warnings related to the currently implemented security-improvements
  • Fixed: Forum-icons could not get saved correctly
  • Fixed: Correctly save allowed html-tags for signatures in forum-settings
  • Removed: Advertising functionality
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Add missing sanitizing for input data
  • Fixed: Broken output due to wrong escape-functions


  • Fixed: Display and calculation-issues related to time and timezones
  • Fixed: Ensure safe local redirects within the forum
  • Fixed: Add missing sanitizing for input data
  • Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
  • Changed: Added some clarifying comments for translators
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: SQL injection vulnerability in the approval-functionality
  • Fixed: Prevent cross-site request forgery when creating, editing or deleting posts and topics
  • Fixed: Add missing sanitizing for input data
  • Fixed: Use sanitizing instead of escaping functions for input data
  • Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data


  • Fixed: Escape forum-name properly in backend


  • Fixed: Multiple Unauthenticated SQL Injection vulnerabilities in the subscription-logic


  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_before_post_submit filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_before_edit_post_submit filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_before_topic_submit filter
  • Fixed: Warning in permalink-logic when a deleted post contains the forum-shortcode
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Improved compatibility with Sassy Social Share
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.8


  • Added: Option to limit the number of awarded points for likes in MyCred integration
  • Added: title-attribute to spoiler-shortcode
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_username filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_error filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_forum_status_options filter
  • Fixed: Hide empty paragraphs for topics created via WordPress posts
  • Fixed: pre and code-tags were breaking the layout
  • Fixed: Answer-options in polls were ordered randomly on some server-configurations
  • Fixed: Added missing translation strings
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.15.3
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.7


  • Added: Option to show usernames in reactions
  • Added: Option to hide site-admins in memberslist
  • Added: Option to change format for activity-timestamps
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_profile_row filter
  • Fixed: Make it possible to delete empty topics
  • Fixed: Errors when a topic is empty due to problems during post-creation
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Moved post-counter and report-button to the top
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_show_header filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_upload_folder filter
  • Fixed: Show bulk-actions for user-roles/groups to administrators only
  • Fixed: Added missing context for some translation strings
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Improved compatibility with All In One SEO Pack
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.6


  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_meta_post_type filter
  • Fixed: Broken TinyMCE-editor in the administration-area
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: PHP warning during initialization of REST-routes


  • Added: Option to hide “last seen” status from profiles and the members list
  • Added: Links to login/register notification
  • Added: asgarosforum_signature filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_header_menu filter
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Fixed: Minor display issues
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.14.0
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.5


  • Added: Option to change title-separator
  • Added: CSS view-class to body-classes
  • Added: asgarosforum_title_separator filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_profile_header_image filter
  • Fixed: Do not execute a search-query when no categories are accessible
  • Fixed: Minor display issues
  • Changed: Misleading strings
  • Improved compatibility with All In One SEO Pack
  • Improved compatibility with Rank Math SEO
  • Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO


  • Fixed: Fatal error when multibyte-extension is not installed


  • Added: Show number of forum-posts for every user in administration area
  • Fixed: Prevent banned users from reacting to posts
  • Fixed: Allow line-breaks in biographical info of profile
  • Fixed: SQL syntax error when opening a non-existent topic
  • Fixed: Rare string-cutting issues
  • Fixed: Misleading strings
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Fixed: Display issues on mobile devices
  • Improved compatibility with Rank Math SEO
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.4


  • Added: Option to hide newest member
  • Added: Option to let users open their own topics
  • Added: Option to let users close their own topics
  • Fixed: Only show meta-box for creating topics when user can publish a page/post
  • Fixed: Errors in Google Search Console for breadcrumbs
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.11.2
  • Minor design changes
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.3


  • Added: Widget option to filter output by forums
  • Added: Meta box to create topics for WordPress pages and posts
  • Changed: asgarosforum_widget_recent_posts_custom_content is now a filter
  • Changed: asgarosforum_widget_recent_topics_custom_content is now a filter
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.10.2
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: myCRED Integration
  • Added: Reputation system based on amount of posts
  • Added: Option to change login URL
  • Added: Option to change register URL
  • Added: asgarosforum_profile_row action
  • Added: asgarosforum_after_add_reaction action
  • Added: asgarosforum_after_remove_reaction action
  • Added: asgarosforum_after_update_reaction action
  • Fixed: Missing users in suggestions if their display name contains special characters
  • Fixed: Missing users in suggestions if their display name is not equal to their unique name
  • Fixed: Prevent that users react to their own posts
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.10.1
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Compatibility issues with certain editor plugins
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Combined approval and closed options into a forum status option
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.10.0
  • Improved compatibility with Enlighter
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to define general forum description
  • Fixed: Dont cut meta-tag description in the middle of a word
  • Fixed: Compatibility issues with certain editor plugins
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Problems when saving ads
  • Fixed: Fatal PHP error when processing mentionings
  • Changed: Default editor-buttons
  • Removed: Option for minimalistic editor


  • Added: Options to hide certain filters from memberslist
  • Added: Code editor for custom-css and ad-code
  • Added: Time to elements in unread-view
  • Fixed: Display issues with Font Awesome icons
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • The required minimum WordPress version is now 4.9


  • Fixed: Fatal PHP error in memberslist


  • Added: Suggestions for mentioning-functionality
  • Added: Show uploaded files in notification-mails
  • Added: Option to define if poll-results are visible without vote
  • Added: asgarosforum_enqueue_css_js action
  • Fixed: PHP warnings during mentioning-processing when HTML 5 tags are used in posts
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Fixed: Correctly embed iframe-media
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.9.0
  • Minor design changes
  • Extensive performance improvements in memberslist and online-logic
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to define number of activities per page
  • Added: asgarosforum_reactions filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_execution_check action
  • Fixed: JavaScript ReferenceError when leaving a page which does not contain an instance of the TinyMCE editor
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Use AJAX for reactions to prevent reload of page
  • Improved compatibility with Toolset
  • Improved compatibility with Permalink Manager
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to let users delete their own topics
  • Added: Option to set time limitation for deleting topics
  • Added: Option to let users delete their own posts
  • Added: Option to set time limitation for deleting posts
  • Added: Option to disable post editing
  • Added: Option to change location of subforums
  • Added: Warning when an user leaves a page with unsaved changes in the editor
  • Fixed: Division by zero warning when viewing the results of a poll without votes
  • Fixed: Added missing translation strings
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Select ad randomly if multiple ads are defined for a specific location
  • Changed: Restructuring of settings
  • Updated: Font Awesome version 5.8.2
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Search-engines could not index the forum if profiles were not accessible for guests


  • Added: Option to change the indicator color for read and unread items
  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors


  • Added: Options to change URL-slugs for views
  • Added: Option to set icon for usergroup
  • Added: Generate Open Graph image-tag for topics
  • Added: asgarosforum_seo_trailing_slash filter
  • Fixed: Search-engines cannot longer index profiles if they are not accessible for guests
  • Fixed: Display issues with Font Awesome icons
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to define who can use signatures
  • Fixed: Properly escape content of posts
  • Fixed: Strip slashes inside of polls
  • Fixed: Escape HTML inside of polls
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.2


  • Added: Caption titles to topic-icons
  • Fixed: Display issues with Font Awesome icons
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes


  • Fixed: Load Font Awesome v4 compatibility library to fix display-issues with icons


  • Fixed: Database error when creating table for poll-answers


  • Added: Poll functionality
  • Added: Font Awesome icons
  • Added: Option to change URL mode (slug, ID) for SEO-friendly URLs
  • Added: Option to disable spoiler-functionality
  • Added: asgarosforum_after_topic_approve hook
  • Fixed: Dont send notifications to users who got mentioned inside of quotes
  • Fixed: Broken layout with certain links
  • Fixed: Wrong avatar-size in certain configurations
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Improved compatibility with Rank Math SEO
  • Minor design changes
  • Updated design for the administration area
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to disable avatars
  • Added: Show received likes in profiles
  • Added: Functionality to reassign forum posts when deleting users
  • Design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Names of administrators/moderators not highlighted when using custom link-colors


  • Added: Global stickies
  • Added: Option to disable automatic embedding of content in posts
  • Added: Option to show excerpt in recent topics/posts widget
  • Added: asgarosforum_widget_excerpt_length filter
  • Fixed: In some cases usergroup could not get removed from user using bulk-actions
  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Moderators have access to reports
  • Changed: Report management has been moved to the frontend
  • Changed: Dont show HTML tags in report preview
  • Changed: Show enabled register-link even when user registration is temporarily disabled
  • Improved RTL support
  • Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.1


  • Added: Approval functionality for topics
  • Added: Spoiler functionality
  • Added: Option to define days of activity to show
  • Added: Option to define receivers of administrative notifications
  • Fixed: Display issues in the administration-area of Asgaros Forum when notices of WordPress or other plugins are shown
  • Fixed: Broken forum if settings could not get loaded from database
  • Fixed: Height of editor to small in certain configurations
  • Fixed: It is not longer possible to quote posts from other topics
  • Fixed: It is not longer possible to quote posts from inaccessible topics
  • Fixed: It is not longer possible for guests to post when topics are inaccessible for guests
  • Fixed: Search-engines cannot longer index inaccessible areas
  • Fixed: Dont leak content via meta-tags in inaccessible areas
  • Fixed: Performance issues in forums which consist of many topics
  • Fixed: PHP-error in notifications-processing when a receiver-mail does not belong to a WordPress-user
  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Show all editor-buttons when the minimalistic editor is not used
  • Changed: Dont notify users about a new post or topic when they already receive a mail because they got mentioned
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • The required minimum WordPress version is now 4.8


  • Fixed: Ad code containing JavaScript could not be edited
  • Fixed: Allow activity-feed when using shortcode-parameters for categories
  • Fixed: Only show accessible topics in unread-view
  • Fixed: Only show accessible topics in unread-view when using shortcode-parameters
  • Fixed: Only show accessible topics in post-history when using shortcode-parameters
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Ads Management
  • Added: Option to add custom css
  • Added: Option to hide posts from logged-out users
  • Added: Mark all read-button to unread-view
  • Added: Show location of unread topics
  • Added: asgarosforum_content_top hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_content_header hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_after_category hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_after_forum hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_after_topic hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_after_post hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_content_bottom hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_add_admin_submenu_page hook
  • Fixed: Rare javascript-errors with some themes
  • Removed: asgarosforum_after_first_post hook
  • Minor design changes
  • Minor design changes in the administration area
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Possible infinite-loop during database-updates
  • Fixed: Prevent creation of indexes if they already exist
  • Fixed: Possible PHP-errors in overview when there are empty forums/subforums


  • Added: Option for recent-posts-widget to group posts by topic
  • Added: asgarosforum_user_replacements filter
  • Fixed: Delayed database-updates after plugin-update
  • Fixed: Performance issues in forums which consist of many topics
  • Fixed: Rare PHP-error in unread-logic
  • Fixed: It was not possible to use HTML-attributes in mail-templates
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Wrong avatar-sizes with certain themes and plugins


  • Added: New view to show unread topics
  • Added: Filter users in memberslist by their role/usergroup
  • Added: Mail-templates for notifications
  • Added: Show groups of user inside the memberslist
  • Added: Bulk-actions to assign roles
  • Added: Filter users in backend by their role
  • Added: Option to change link-color
  • Added: Option to change light text-color
  • Added: Option to change second background-color
  • Added: asgarosforum_prepare hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_usergroup_{ID}_add_user hooks
  • Added: asgarosforum_usergroup_{ID}_remove_user hooks
  • Added: asgarosforum_breadcrumbs_{current_view} hooks
  • Fixed: Only show accessible posts inside post-histories to the current user
  • Fixed: Broken forum-role selector in backend-profile
  • Fixed: Broken banning-functionality in frontend when using plain URL-structure
  • Fixed: Various problems which prevents the application of custom appearance-modifications
  • Fixed: Hidden filters for usergroups in backend user-overview when there were many usergroups
  • Fixed: A couple of display issues
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Dont group posts in “Recent Forum Posts”-widget by topic
  • Changed: Show IDs of usergroups in the backend
  • Changed: Usergroup-tags now link to memberslist showing all users of that group
  • Changed: Show username of notification-receiver in mail
  • Minor design changes
  • Minor design changes in the administration area
  • Improved application of custom appearance-settings
  • Improved mobile design
  • Improve first-time installation-process
  • Screen-reader accessibility improvements
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.0


  • Added: Forum administrator role
  • Added: Show forum role in backend user overview
  • Added: Moderators can now ban users
  • Added: Its now possible to ban users from their profile
  • Fixed: Rare PHP-error in rewrite-logic when post-object is not set
  • Fixed: Performance issues in forums which consist of many topics
  • Fixed: Broken links in posts pointing to other forum topics
  • Fixed: Wrong default values for dates in database
  • Changed: Users can no longer be moderators and banned at the same time
  • Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: RSS feeds for topics and forums
  • Added: Option to change main forum title
  • Added: Unread indicator to activity feed
  • Added: Show location of search results
  • Added: asgarosforum_wp_head hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_bottom_navigation hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_editor_buttons filter
  • Fixed: Broken cookies when using SEO-friendly URLs
  • Fixed: Render allowed HTML-tags in signatures inside the profile
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to disable counting of topic views
  • Added: Option to allow HTML tags in signatures
  • Added: Option to define allowed HTML tags for signatures
  • Fixed: Use correct background color in profile when using a custom background color
  • Changed: Remove HTML tags from signatures completely when HTML tags are not allowed


  • Added: asgarosforum_custom_profile_menu hook
  • Fixed: Broken post history view when SEO-friendly URLs are disabled


  • Added: Post history of users
  • Added: Option to change accent color
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Changed: Mobile theme improvements
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Users cannot post in closed topics anymore
  • Fixed: Users cannot create topics in closed forums anymore
  • Changed: Show registration date in last seen-status when user was not online yet


  • Fixed: Broken seo-friendly URLs in combination with certain server protocol configurations


  • Fixed: Broken usernames when URL contains certain special characters
  • Fixed: Broken profile URLs when usernames are numeric
  • Fixed: Broken URLs when using certain custom permalink structures
  • Fixed: Dont show last seen-status in profiles/memberslist when who is online-functionality is disabled
  • Changed: Allow HTML in forum descriptions
  • Added: asgarosforum_widget_recent_posts_custom_content hook
  • Added: asgarosforum_widget_recent_topics_custom_content hook


  • Added: SEO-friendly URLs
  • Added: User option to disable mentioning notifications
  • Added: Option to add new users to specific usergroups automatically
  • Added: Show last post info on small screens
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Fixed: Display issues on small screens
  • Changed: Group activity by time
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Changed: Minor design changes in the administration area
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Activity feed functionality
  • Added: Option to hide specific usergroups from public
  • Added: Option to set time limitation for editing posts
  • Added: Show visible usergroups of user in posts
  • Changed: Always use defined usergroup color when output an usergroup
  • Changed: Improved descriptions in subscriptions overview
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Improved compatibility with Autoptimize


  • Fixed: Serious performance issues in the notifications logic
  • Fixed: Broken subscriptions functionality for administrators in categories which are accessible for moderators only
  • Fixed: Broken subscription checkbox in editor
  • Removed: asgarosforum_filter_subscribers_query_new_post filter
  • Removed: asgarosforum_filter_subscribers_query_new_topic filter
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Changed: Mobile theme improvements
  • Changed: Dont show subscription checkbox in editor when user is subscribed to all topics
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to subscribe to all topics and posts
  • Added: Possibility to unsubscribe from subscriptions inside the subscription overview
  • Added: Option to hide category name in breadcrumbs
  • Changed: Moved user subscription settings to the subscription overview
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Changed: Mobile theme improvements
  • Changed: Moved mobile css rules into style.css file
  • Fixed: Display issues on small screens
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Time when an user was last seen to profiles and members list
  • Added: Name of the person who mentioned an user to notification mail
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_notify_mentioned_user_message filter
  • Fixed: Display issues in the administration area on small screens
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes


  • Added: Mentioning functionality
  • Added: Functionality to move forums
  • Fixed: Reactions not saved correctly in some cases
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Improved mobile navigation
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Parse error when using some older versions of PHP


  • Added: The search functionality now also checks topic titles
  • Added: Include currently active guests in the statistics-area
  • Fixed: Broken usernames in reports when users dont exist
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Removed: Read more-button from editor
  • Changed: New profile design
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Reaction functionality
  • Added: Reporting functionality
  • Added: Search Widget
  • Added: Option to limit file uploads to moderators
  • Added: Option to change font
  • Added: Option to change font size
  • Added: Edit profile-link to profile
  • Added: Possibility to toggle truncated quotes with a click
  • Added: asgarosforum_prepare_{current_view} hooks
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_get_sticky_topics_order filter
  • Fixed: Mark all read not working when using category-parameters in shortcode
  • Fixed: Visited topics not marked as read in certain cases
  • Fixed: Wrong author names for automatically created topics of scheduled blog posts
  • Fixed: Wrong titles when using certain SEO plugins
  • Fixed: Broken search when using certain special characters
  • Fixed: Some strings could not get translated
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Apply additional validation rules before saving options
  • Changed: All theme and color options are now available in the appearance area
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to change the border color
  • Added: Option to hide members list for guests
  • Added: Option to define number of members per page in members list
  • Added: Show user role in members list
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_widget_avatar_size filter
  • Fixed: Parse error when using some older versions of PHP
  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
  • Fixed: Display issues on mobile devices
  • Changed: Design changes for the administration area
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Members list
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_members_link filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_automatic_topic_title filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_automatic_topic_content filter
  • Fixed: Only create automatic topics for new blog posts instead for all post types
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Fixed: Do additional error checks during database upgrade to prevent some errors during an update


  • Added: Categories for usergroups
  • Fixed: Administrators didnt get notifications in some cases when using usergroups
  • Fixed: Hide topics and forums from subscription list when a user has no access to it
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Show number of users for each usergroup in the user overview
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to automatically create topics for new blog posts
  • Fixed: Broken subscriptions/profile-view when using shortcode with category-parameter
  • Changed: Truncate long quotes
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Changed: Renamed asgarosforum_after_add_thread_submit hook into asgarosforum_after_add_topic_submit
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Pagination in topic-overview
  • Added: Category name to breadcrumbs
  • Added: Usergroups to profile
  • Added: Biographical info to profile
  • Added: Signature to profile
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_forum_menu filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_topic_menu filter
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_post_menu filter
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.9
  • Added link to the official support forum to the administration area


  • Added: Options to hide login/logout/register buttons
  • Added: asgarosforum_custom_header_menu hook
  • Fixed: Broken search when using plain permalink structure
  • Fixed: Styling issues with highlighted usernames
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Prevent indexing of the following views: addtopic, movetopic, addpost, editpost, search
  • Changed: Show page number in meta title
  • Changed: Minor design changes


  • Fixed: Broken guest-posting functionality


  • Added: Profile functionality
  • Fixed: Subscriptions view not working with certain shortcode parameters
  • Fixed: Rare PHP-notices
  • Changed: Login/Logout/Register links are now accessible everywhere
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to hide author posts counter
  • Fixed: Prevent cross-site request forgery in settings


  • Fixed: Prevent non-admin users from modifying settings
  • Fixed: PHP errors when updating user profile
  • Changed: Enqueue stylesheets
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Subscription overview
  • Fixed: Strip slashes when showing the description inside of a forum
  • Changed: Highlight quotes in the editor
  • Changed: Minor design changes


  • Fixed: Broken structure administration
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to show description in forum
  • Added: asgarosforum_filter_avatar_size filter
  • Fixed: Dont show last posts/topics in widgets when user cant access any categories
  • Fixed: Limit maximum characters in a couple of input fields
  • Fixed: Display issues in administration with small screen resolutions
  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
  • Changed: Minor design changes
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Register links to some error messages
  • Fixed: Huge performance drops when the forum has a lot of posts/topics
  • Fixed: Broken editor with some editor-configurations
  • Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
  • Fixed: Display issues with some themes
  • Changed: Increased page-navigation size on mobile devices
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to change icon of forums
  • Fixed: Missing data when using shortcode parameter for specific post
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations


  • Added: Option to set notification sender name
  • Added: Option to set notification sender mail


  • Version: 2.9.0
  • Active installations: 10,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.3


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